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Everything posted by PenguinPablo

  1. the only way is for them to realize how meaningless and shallow it is. Until then... And it can happen. How many miserable rich people are there. Many. Of course some are highly developed. In which case they are not as selfish as you imagine. But for those that are selfish and miserable, eventually they will realize they won't find the happiness they seek in the accumulation of wealth.
  2. It is definitely worth more rigorous consideration, absolutely. I completely welcome this. Very much needed on this forum Have we totally lost our ability to reason lol You must consider it also from the person that created this' perspective. In this case Leo. From a psychological lens, the I am God framework could be considered the ultimate narcissistic fantasy and a foolproof defense mechanism making you infallible Just some food for thought
  3. people need to become more self-aware / conscious collectively. conscious leadership, conscious people. I think every level exhausts itself... like having too much of something until it makes you nauseous. just needs to happen on a larger scale.
  4. he knows. it's personal preference
  5. Fair warning. Obviously you speak from experience. How did you manage this OR were you even able to?
  6. Bro Vegas doesn't even cost that much $ Rent was $600-700 last time I was there + expenses was about $1000.00 a month riding public transport. Any job will make you that amount no matter how unskilled and useless you believe you are. Lastly, you can work on getting some skills. A couple IT certs should take you a couple months to get. Instant $2000 a month job. Not ideal but it will pay the bills and put you in your desired location. This is just one example. It's more doable than you realize but most people wont follow through because its scary to jump into the deep end.
  7. Yes typically those that FIT IN more are more Asleep -- but see it as normal -- as it it is in fact the norm -- but obviously judge others that are different due to tribal chimp behavior -- not questioning their assumptions, lack of critical thinking about the society they are a part of. whereas obviously, ADHD and autistic people are obviously heavily outcasted for their inability or struggles to be like everyone else -- this cause internal tension -- which naturally the outside world won't fix for you since you're a weirdo, creates a dilemma that can only be solved by looking inward not externally. And hence over time losing attachment to social conventions, the need to fit in, etc... I think with the second group, it kinda reinforces each other. The not fitting in is a consequence of being different but it's also very painful to not be accepted by anybody. So you seek answers in deeper stuff like philosophy, spirituality, and so on... Unless you're very advanced already, karmically or whatever, then in this case maybe probably you just DONT GIVE A SHIT ANYWAY and roll with it and be unaffected. People will probably gravitate towards a person like this because they're not putting on an ACT all the fucking time. Hence, people love weirdos that LOVE and are at PEACE with themselves. but if you cannot accept yourself you are a prime target for the chimp's bullying. maybe you're the chimp attacking yourself in your own head to begin with (self-hate)
  8. I like to do the same but usually only happens with people that are super open minded and pretty smart
  9. ur weird lol
  10. I mean its just the way marketing works... which is pretty evil and predatory. But if youre engaging in it, then obviously you don't know better because well you're too attached to what you're going to get / greed
  11. lol @ filibuster metaphor
  12. But Leo what about the cost of parking
  13. I could also say the opposite: The fact you’re questioning it is enough to suggest it’s important and meaningful to you
  14. that kind of thinking makes you more similar to him than you think. slippery slope fallacy, maybe...
  15. I think it shows that there is hope for him... He's a good guy deep down but too many defense mechanisms and lack of self-awareness.
  16. that's a tough one I realized recently. I reached a point where I realized I was just God imagining everything. Imagining my "personal individuated existence" and everyone and everything else. It was a scary place to be AND made me love the everyone I have even more. Maybe I'm just clinging on for dear life but...
  17. Your best bet is to move to North Carolina
  18. Buddha, Jesus, Zherka, Andrew Tate, Owen Cook Hitler, Einstein
  19. And then I go back to sleep... Hello God ?? Define God realization: God realization is when you literally realize that you are God If you as God did not realize that you were God, that means you literally don't have self-awareness. Therefore, how could you be mature in the first place if you're not even aware of yourself of who you are and self-awareness yourself aware you're lost in a f****** child