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Everything posted by PenguinPablo

  1. @mr_engineer One thing is for sure... the documentary team cannot be trusted. Still, regardless the clip with Simon and Teal and episode one (the real one Teal just released) still makes both of them seem like assholes. Teal still basically says "I am all knowing because I am God; therefore I don't need outside feedback." -- I understand at the ultimate level this is true but seems like a dysfunctional way to utilize these spiritual truths and bypass your own issues Secondly, it seems like Simon is there with an agenda. The framing of his questions is kinda confrontational as well. To me it seems like he's playing ego games and is trying to bait Teal. It's complicated... I would say. No one is all good or all bad.
  2. To be fair, Leo says and still holds strong attachments to the physical world. i.e. women.
  3. fuckin awesome bro. I'm trying to save a million or two and then do the same as you
  4. I had an enlightenment my first ever meditation session following the breath for 5 minutes
  5. Leo Gura Eckhart Tolle Adyashanti Oliver Wright Michael David Larsen
  6. appreciate it homie I been on that health revamp as of late
  7. Love PT and Steven Wilson
  8. @SgtPepper I think you might enjoy Pink Floyd. I'd give them a go on your next trip.
  9. Lysergic bliss - of montreal
  10. agreed but no one is perfect
  11. @PepperBlossoms I get what you're saying. Why don't you partner up with one of your girlfriends?
  12. Looking for accountability buddies also.
  13. Completely agree. Video courses are insanely over-priced. Books tend to be more thorough as well because consider how much info you can condense into even a 100 page book, versus 5-10 minute video clips that you regularly see in video courses. The problem is video courses are typically associated with higher price tags, whereas books stay in the $5 - $25 range. TLDR; courses are overrated and overpriced. Read more books.
  14. What is your favorite game? Chess What is your favorite co-op game? Don't have any... What is your favorite retro game? Super Mario Bros 1985 What is your favorite online FPS? Black Ops
  15. Bluepill Leo: 'stop saying that stuff. prove it. she's no ordinary girl ' Redpilled Leo: 'I want nothing to do with that vile woman.'
  16. good weed is very underrated. I've had deeper awakenings from weed itself than anything else, including mushrooms, DMT, and close to even with LSD--tbf with LSD I went kinda crazy, it was very schizophrenic in a way, so it was hard to make sense of it. "God is real holy shit" but didn't quite tie everything together nicely, it felt like God's presence was other than mine maybe??? . With marijuana, everything was much more cogent and clear. Obvious..
  17. 1 episode in. As far as evidence is concerned, I think people underestimate the subtle, psychological dynamics. People want overt evidence like bruises from physical violence, DNA samples at the scene and so forth. But strictly through a psychological lens, the scene where the guy asks her if she has anyone she gets feedback from ('someone she respects' is problematic.) She misinterprets that as someone being 'above her'. She then compares herself to the Dalai Lama and the fastest runner in the world. Says she's the most conscious person she's ever known, so why would she need feedback from anyone, is what it boils down to. She says all this is a defensive manner. As if a nerve was struck. 'How dare you question me.' Just watch that part of the documentary, it speaks for itself.
  18. This Is What Happens When You Put DMT in Your Vagina
  19. it increases 'g-factor' yes I mean just imagine that your attention is simultaneously diverted in 100 different directions, getting pulled around... it's a bloody miracle that in a chronic state of flight or flight, we even manage life. that's what life is like when I don't meditate.
  20. how does it feel pass by a nice church and know it was built for you?
  21. @thisintegrated Yes curiosity is an indicator of high IQ, according to psychologists.. Additionally, big 5 personality trait openness (receptivity to new ideas and new experiences) correlates with intelligence.
  22. I kinda feel the same tbh.. Kinda focused on stacking a lot of cash for the next couple years and then focus on friends when I achieve financial freedom. Right now, I'd feel like a fucking loser if I invested any significant portion of my time towards socialization and leisure. Feel kinda behind.