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Posts posted by aurum

  1. 1 hour ago, Nexeternity said:

    My "results" went down as far as attracting girls I interacted with but the authenticity skyrocketed which I feel made me the most attractive to the right girls

    This is a big shift. Guy always want to knock the authenticity thing, pointing out these cases where it would be more effective to put on a front.

    Well no shit.

    But how's your LONG TERM results doing?

    Long term, being authentic is going to get you the girls that you'll really connect with. And if you don't click sexually, you can just be friends.

    It's still the winning play by a long shot.

    I'm SHOCKED sometimes how compatible my girlfriend and I are. But really it's not surprising, considering I met so many women who I was NOT compatible with.

  2. Self-development is a journey. Some of the content Leo is putting out  right now is very advanced and might not be right for you right now. I won't say it definitely isn't, but just consider it.

    If I was in high school, I would do normal things like try and have a social life. Those are nice things to have.

    I'd also say it's never too early to start mediating. Maybe try that and see how you like it.

  3. Detachment means you don't rely on it for your happiness. You're acting out of INSPIRATION instead NEEDINESS.

    Imagine you were going to sing a song you love with someone you know.

    And then as you started singing, this person looks at you and says "wait a minute! Don't you realize we could be singing FASTER? After all, we're singing with the intention of reaching the end of the song. Therefore, I conclude that the best way to sing must be to go as fast as possible. And I will NOT BE SATISFIED in till we reach the end of the song."

    You would think this person insane. After all, the purpose of singing a song is not to get to the end of the song. You sing because in each moment, you just enjoy it. When it's over, maybe you'd do it again.

    That's how I think of life. People act as if the goal of life is to "get somewhere" or to reach the end. But here's a new flash: the end result of life is death.

    If you're just running through life as if it's a mission to get from one goal to the next, you're missing the point.

    Of course this doesn't mean don't do ANYTHING. Notice even in the above song, you're still singing. But you're acting now because you're INSPIRED to do so, not out of fear and misery.


  4. It all depends on your goals. Are you trying to transition into being a financially independent entrepreneur? You'd better be hustling way more than 6-8 hours a day. Why worry about productivity when you're throwing huge chucks of your day away?

    But if you're not looking to do something  that extreme, then I'd say just work smarter. I've never worried about productivity, only how can I play a better chess game.


  5. Quick heads up, you may be heading in the near future for a spiritual experience. No guarantees though.

    Anyway, let me crack this question of "being cool".

    "Cool" does not exist.

    I can remember being so frustrated growing up because I couldn't figure out what was cool.

    Was it cool to be musician? Was it cool to be a jock? What about money or looks? Loud and outgoing? Quiet and competent?

    What the hell WAS it?

    Eventually though, I started to realize it was ALL a sham. Nothing these people had or did made them cool.

    What was cool was that THEY thought it was cool. And they were so sure of it that it sucked you in.

    This is a total paradox and mindfuck when you really start to see this.

    Cool isn't bestowed upon you. You bestow it upon yourself.

    Paradoxically, not needing people to think you were cool was what MAKES you cool.

    I've never had so many people like me and respect me in till I smashed the mold and decided to set the standard. But that takes balls, and if you really do it you'll be scared as hell.

    But that's why people will respect you.

    They understand on some level that you're not held down by FEAR like them.

    Of course, some people will not at all think you're cool. In fact, you'll also never have so many people dislike you as before.

    But so what? This unnecessary "giving a fuck" is what turns you into some bland, carbon copy like everyone else. And it's no way to live your life.

    In fact, I'd argue this is maybe one of the most important problems someone needs to tackle in personal development.





  6. 2 hours ago, Dodoster said:

    Refreshing to hear. But most women i would bet, are not like you.. Are they? My ex seemed to be, but i never felt she had sparkles for me. She never listen to me and always speaks. But she didnt look at other guys, i dont even know why. I even told her, idk why you with me, i wouldnt even date me, im so ugly :D.

    She is very much like other women. And much like a girl "knows" when she is head over heels for a guy, as a guy you'll know when she really wants you because it's usually very obvious.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Frogfucius said:

    I don't care about these girls, I care about my selfish desires.

    And who told you that is "wrong"?

    I understand what you're saying, and you're on point about a lot of things. But realize the game is played in the field AND out. If you want to get good with girls, like really good, you're going to have to handle these inner issues. Do it in congruence with your spiritual practice.

  8. 5 hours ago, Frogfucius said:

    Good advice. I am where I am at because of all of my so-called failures in my mind. I realize that the more this goes on, the more it’s meant to make me grow. When the time is ready, a good thing will blossom. The time may never be ready, however, so I’ll just have to accept that. I guess acceptance of the now, regardless of the situation, is what I need to focus on. That’s my inner demon.


    @Emerald Wilkins Awesome! That opened my eyes quite a bit. Thanks for sharing your insights. Indeed, I’m not hung up on masculinity and being so-called “alpha” like I used to be. In my mind, I am an “alpha” solely because I’m becoming in-tune with my very nature of being. I don’t need to join in the chase of materialistic goods, pound my ego's chest, tell funny stories and be the life of the scene, or draw attention to myself in order to build up the illusion of dominance and charisma. But as someone who would like a relationship, I notice that that’s something I have to be more like in order to attract a woman for dating long-term (whether it's actually sustainable is another question). Otherwise, I’m seen as a low-energy, uninteresting, unattached person. The man who’s core values are consciousness, nature, and zen isn’t the man who has a plethora of dating options, at least not in my specific case.

    That’s the paradox I’m facing. Why do I want this? To prove to my ego something, when I’m trying to dismantle my ego? Who am I to trust for what's best for me then, my lower self or higher self? Am I just using this spirituality stuff to mask the unfulfilled, selfish asshole inside? Am I fooling myself? So much struggle...

    @Emerald Wilkins gave you some good advice. As a man, your job is to own whatever you are, even if it's some nerd who likes to play World of Warcraft. I'm telling you right now, that guy could be amazing with women. The problem is 1) doesn't think he can and 2) that guy probably never leaves the house to ever meet anybody.

    Don't look at trying to get good with women as being "anti-spiritual". I honestly believe anything can be used for spiritual work, even picking up girls. Sure, maybe you'll eventually realize it was all a bunch of bullshit and not worth your time. But that's the point. You have to get to that place where you can let it go, and you usually only will let it go once you have it.

    Look at how your beliefs are influencing your future RIGHT NOW. You say that "it's not for you" and that action has gotten you no results. Do you think with those beliefs that you're going to get anywhere? No, you're going to exactly where you are, which is exactly what your ego wants. Stay the same. Don't change.

    I call bullshit on guys who want to shit talk pickup because they're "more spiritually evolved". I predict that if we take that same guy, throw him in a nightclub and tell him to approach some girls sober he will either shit his pants or just make excuses about how its "stupid". Because it's scary. It can feel like suicide sometimes because it's such a threat to your ego.

    At the end of the day, authenticity will make you attractive to women. But this is like a deep authenticity that should scare the shit out of you because you don't want to reveal those parts of yourself to other people. That's why no one wants to do it and so few guys are actually good with women. In fact, you may noy even know what it means to be authentic because most people are so covered in layers of ego delusion that they need a cleanse before they can even get close.


  9. It does...and it doesn't.

    Here's a fact for you: if you're having sex with a girl, she probably has talked about your dick with her friends. I know girls who claimed to have cheated because she didn't like something about the size of her man's dick. So let's not ignore this reality.

    But here's the otherside of the argument: women have much deeper needs than simply "penis size". And if you can meet those needs, you can make your size largely irrelevant.

    As a man, your job is just to own whatever you got. It's way more important to her that she sees that you're comfortable.

    You got a small dick? Small dicks are awesome, dicks that are too big hurt. You got a big dick? Big dicks are awesome, girls can't even feel that small shit.

  10. 5 hours ago, fireworld said:

    (A long time ago, i had motivation that was unstoppable, i would work 115 hours a week and when i would go to bed at night i had a journal in case i came up with some idea that would be useful for work the next day, I had what Napoleon Hill calls, a burning desire, but i haven't felt that way in years, that's why i am asking).


    What affirmations / visualizations are you using? What were you working that you were putting in these kinds of hours? What's the difference between then and now?

  11. 5 hours ago, fireworld said:

    What actually happens to your brain when you start visualizing? Can someone please ellaborate a little bit on this, also please share personal stories if you have had any success or dramatic changes from this process.

    What "actually" happens? Who knows. Some people say it causes your RAS to zero in on the correct solutions to your problems, thus your inner world comes to reflect your outer. Others would say your a divine being capable of creating any reality you choose.

    It doesn't really matter how it truly works. These are all just different models for a certain phenomenon. Pick whatever one you resonate with.

    5 hours ago, fireworld said:

    Motvation - How does motivation actually work

    You basically have two types of motivations: egoic motivations and authentic motivations. You never don't have enough motivation, laziness does not exist. You only can block motivation by being at war with yourself. End the war with conflicting desires and motivation flows freely.


    5 hours ago, fireworld said:

    The Subconscious mind? - The holy grail of all self development work - But how does it work, when i try to research the subconscious mind i do find a lot of interesting things, but i don't find any support for most of the claims that are made, like affirmations, or visualizations, or even the "secret".

    And you're not going to find any. What exactly kind of proof would satisfy you that affirmations work?

  12. 31 minutes ago, Elzhi said:

    1. I haven't bought into anything. You can realize all these things just by questioning the nature of your existence. And like I said, I understood logically what he was talking about at first and left his teachings behind because it sounded so terrifying and continued to instead mindlessly chase vagina. Over time I gradually become more and more disillusioned doing pickup (both disappointed and free of illusion) and the things that I read in Jed's first book began to make sense emotionally. I understood those things through my own experience. Afterwards, I read the next two books which I also understood logically and then now i understand emotionally.

    All good. Let me guess, you were a fan of RSD.


    32 minutes ago, Elzhi said:

    2. Yes I realize that the same person who is saying enlightenment is "bad" would not say the same if he were enlightened because then there would no longer be a context in which to do so. I, MYSELF have decided that it's a fruitless pursuit within the context of the FINITE reality. Remember, I said that I sought out enlightenment for quite some time too, meaning that I didn't just outright listen to Jed and stop seeking because it was scary.

    That's your choice if you wish to do so. My guess though is that's not going to happen.

    39 minutes ago, Elzhi said:

    3. The reason why I say that you have to be psychotic or get struck by lightening (sudden realization through psychedelics or spontaneous triggering) is because its factually true based on logic. Go back and re-read the last few paragraphs of my first post and then all the others

    And did you figure all this out by getting struck by lightening or being psychotic? Or was it a very natural, intelligent process? Do you think you're crazy?

    34 minutes ago, Elzhi said:

    Furthermore, if Jed said Enlightenment was a GOOD deal, then why would I be railing against it now? I'm blindly following Jed like you said, right? Think twice. You're contradicting yourself within the same argument.

    You're railing against it because you're not enlightened. You're actually seeing where this could go, and it's scaring you. That's good. But don't think that means you aren't still accepting things on faith.

    35 minutes ago, Elzhi said:

    3. This conversation is pointless because there is nothing to talk about. This is just entertainment at best.

    Maybe. So then why are you here? You seem awful emotionally invested in something that's entertainment.

    18 minutes ago, Elzhi said:

    The things that I've written are for other people to stop wasting their time and bullshitting themselves. I'm not saying that I'm going to stop. I'm most likely past the point of no return so yes I know what you mean by 'further'. One way or another, it doesn't make any difference. Become, enlightened or don't, it's all the same.

    If it's all the same, why did McKenna write a book? Why teach at all?

  13. 4 minutes ago, Azrael said:

    It was very worth it to start at a lower dose. I would even recommend to start with 10mg and then work yourself up increasing with 5mg. You have to see whether you can stand the experience and you do that with the lower dosages. Also, these lower dosages in themselves were very intense and transformational.

    Got it. Everyone seems to agree that's the way to go. Thanks!