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Everything posted by aurum

  1. @GrowingUp However you want you've realized the freedom you've always had.
  2. Could be time to find a new job. If that was truly your only motivation, the spiritual path is going to kill that part of your life. It's inauthentic. And nothing inauthentic survives this process. You'll be happier in the end for it. But this is partially why the spiritual path can seem so chaotic. Old pieces of your life constantly being ripped away as you evolve. Is there something else you would, ideally, like to be doing for work?
  3. @F A B My only concern is that for some guys it might be a slippery slope from "I'm jacking off to practice" to "I'm jacking off to avoid socializing". You'd have to make your own judgment call if you're in that category.
  4. @Octafish If you don't have clear goals, the problem isn't that relationships are a distraction. It's that you have no life. Everything is a distraction when you have no idea where you're going. So if you have no goals, make finding out what your goals are your goal. Take the life purpose course. Read books. Travel. Experiment. Whatever you feel you have to do to feel like you've started to find something worthwhile to achieve. Maybe that means you take time off from relationships. Or maybe it doesn't. But it's certainly not a requirement.
  5. @Charlotte Fully support his work and he seems like a cool dude. But as a teacher, we don't really resonate. He's a bit too new age / hipster for me.
  6. @Jedd Really depends on your level of commitment and what you need the site to be able to do. You could hire a dev company for 5-10k, depending on what functionality you need. Or you could start free with something like Wix or Wordpress. Or you could go somewhere in the middle with something like SquareSpace or Shopify.
  7. What's funny is that ego is actually what stops many people from living this kind of lifestyle. Either they're following their conditioning that says monogamy = the only answer, or their self-worth is tied up in their partners validation. Then they shame others who don't feel that way because it highlights their own fears.
  8. @Santiago You don't want to be jealous. Jealousy is only likely to make her want to see that guy more. But you do have to have personal boundaries, whatever that means for you. And if she crosses them, she's done. Break it off.
  9. Facts. It's also practical af if you ever envision yourself having threesomes+ with your future girl. You can pick up some great perspectives from those books.
  10. Growing up I ate the standard american diet. But I've found that the more I've awakened, the more I've just gravitated towards a raw, vegan diet. Why? I just can't seem to help it. It's what I crave. For instance, I used to love eggs. They were great for getting protein into my diet while hitting the gym. Then one day out of nowhere, I started throwing up every time I ate eggs. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Eventually I cut out all meat just because I hated how it felt every time I ate it. And I used to eat meat everyday.
  11. Then he still was deeply unconscious and had a lot of inner work to still do. Seeing through the illusion doesn't solve all these problems automatically.
  12. @captainamerica I've experienced this as well. It feels like energy to me, so my interpretation is that it must mean the third eye chakra is open and flowing energy.
  13. @UpperClassWhiteBoy Lay down in the middle of a busy street. You might get stepped on though, damn iPhones.
  14. @Shin @John Iverson Don't sleep on The Book of Pook. I made a video about it on my channel. It's like 10/10 and almost no one has heard of it. I also just finished reading Sex At Dawn and The Ethical Slut. Amazing books that challenge mainstream definitions of what love and sex should look like.
  15. You've got to be more honest with yourself about what you want. It's clear you want a guy who makes you feel passion and excitement. That's why you hung out with the "other guy" even though you knew it would probably hurt the relationship. If you don't own that sexual desire, it's going to keep playing out in damaging ways like you just described. You can't hide what's inside What if instead you said "I want a man who makes me feel passion, excitement AND love and supported"? Might be tough to find that guy, but at least you're being honest about what you want and now you know what to look for. Oh, and you deserve it.
  16. @kieranperez That's a handful. Let's see if we can shift some of these right now: That's like saying "I want to be full, but I'm not motivated to eat food". How can you get one without the other? You SHOULD want to be a people pleaser. The problem with people pleasing isn't that you're providing value to people. It's that you usually get so caught up in trying to appease others that you either: 1) Burn out 2) Become so afraid of how you're being judged by others that you do nothing 3) You tone down what you really want just to avoid conflict None of these things have to do with adding value. Adding value is one of the smartest things you can do in life because you GET what you GIVE. It also shows social intelligence and that you actually give a fuck about the person you're interacting with. No one calls Leo a people pleaser because he pumps out massive amounts of free content. Some marketing can come off that way. But who says you have to market the way other people market? The best marketing is genuine and connects with the customer at a deep level. Either way, notice that it's your judgment that says marketing "should" look at certain way. Maybe reality doesn't care how you think it should work and it would be much smarter to just go with the flow. Study marketing. Gain appreciation for it. If you weren't connected with your life purpose, of course you wouldn't be motivated to start a business. A business only makes sense once you realize it can be a vehicle for something you're attempting to produce into the world. And depending on your life purpose, you don't HAVE to start a business. Some people are artists more than businessmen. Or your life purpose could even be working for someone else. That's your call. That's just a straight up lie. Even Gary Vee who puts in 16 hour days and runs multi-million dollar businesses has time to get to the gym. I guarantee you're wasting massive amounts of time throughout your day. We all do. If this is that important to you, systematically start cutting all that shit out. You've got to make time. If self-actualization is that important, maybe make your business revolve around that like Leo did. Then you'll be paid to do the work that matters to you the most. Get creative.
  17. @ahmet sukru What I've noticed from building my own youtube channel is that you have to get into that flow state where you're not filtering yourself. The key to that is not to try. If I'm not feeling charismatic, I'm not going to force it. I'm just going to accept that's where I'm at. If I do that right, what happens is that after a couple minutes I start getting much more flowy. It's just thought in => thought out, thought in => thought out. So lower the bar of what you expect to be good. Then it will build from there.
  18. For all practical purposes, yes. It's not something to worry about, especially if you're new in game and just trying to learn. I don't get rejected because I'm not walking up to girls and praying that they'll like me. I'm not trying to "change her mind". If anything, I'm just testing to see if we get along and if she fits into my ideal life. That being said, re-approaching was basically all upside. If previously we got along well, she was even more enthusiastic to see me. And if we hadn't gotten along well, it was still better than being a stranger. At least she recognized me.
  19. You got it. We integrate, not disown.
  20. @Hardkill If you run out of women to approach in a major city, that means you will have practiced enough game that you're basically a cold approach god. That's a high quality problem. At the same time, I have had scenarios in Miami where I've approached the same girl multiple times without even realizing it. All the faces blend together at a certain point. You even forget girls you've hooked up with. If you're really concerned about it, move to a tourist city like Vegas or Miami. Always new people coming in and out.
  21. You got half of the equation. Yes, it's all just pretending. Yes, it's all a joke and only for fun. But living a great life means still taking it seriously. Sometimes
  22. @BobbyLowell It's pretty simple. You won't be jealous of people who are likeable if you consider yourself likeable. Because you can't be jealous of something you have. So become likeable.
  23. @Vlad Ropotica It passed like everything else. Overall my life is better than its ever been, I'm so happy. But it did take time to get to this point.
  24. @Vlad Ropotica Yes the suffering. Like a knife in my chest, worse than anything I had ever experienced. I really wondered if I was dying.