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Everything posted by CultivateLove

  1. @DocWatts Your response clearly shows that you barely understood a word I said. I tried to make it as clear as I can in the moment, but sadly it's fallen on deaf ears. GG
  2. 1. A person can choose not to get the vaccine for a myriad of other reasons other than simplistic stubbornness. But hey, I guess that won't fit into your cartoonish strawman caricature of them. 2. In most cases, if a person doesn't have basic concern for the well being of others, it's because they themselves haven't experienced being cared for by others. How can you expect someone who's received very little care, who's been attacked, shamed, demeaned, hurt etc, by others, to give a flying fuck about "the well being of others" except their close friends / family? Have you considered that maybe you've simply been using the wrong method of getting people to change their mind? From what I've seen on this forum, very few people here are actually capable of talking about these things in a calm, compassionate, rational manner. So how can you expect anything productive to come out of it? This is insanity. Right here, a great example of why you won't be able to change anyone's mind/heart on this issue. They don't agree with you on the vacc? Must be a MAGA cultist who has no concern for the well being of others. HERP DEE DERP. And to think this just came from the guy who JUST talked about basic concern for the well being of others. Maybe next time you should add that only vaccinated people deserve basic care for their well being from others.
  3. People watch 1 YouTube video from some new-age hippie on Gaslighting and then start throwing the word around like they know what it is... Gaslighting is a serious fucking thing, it's basically psychological rape, use it with great caution, otherwise you diminish the weight of the word.
  4. @Tim R Did you read a word I said? I would love to hear what you have to say.
  5. You do realize that that kind of attitude not only has basically a 0% chance to change a persons mind, but is likely to make them stick to their view EVEN STRONGER, right? If you'd wanted people to get vaccinated, you're better of saying nothing than acting the way you are, because then at least you wouldn't make them not take it to just spite those who demeaned them like you just did. Edit: Instead of just saying "we're all in this together", how about acting like it? Unless you think demeaning someone for holding an opinion opposite of yours is acting like we're all in this together...
  6. Shocker, a blend of processed sugar, caffeine and a bunch of artificial chemicals isn't healthy.
  7. Jeez, chill dude, go fondle a stress ball or something
  8. I was hoping for people taking DMT and doing a podcast. My disappointment is immense.
  9. Well then, go focus on something you DO wants, instead of something you don't, and probably would never get even if you did
  10. What a shocker. Rich and powerful people breaking the law for... money and power. Man, I can't wait to see the people exposed actually being held accountable! In other news, journalists all across the world have suddenly started having suicidal thoughts, mostly by 2 gun shots in the back of the head!
  11. At this point I'm starting to question if you're even being serious...
  12. What specifically makes you think I didn't? Cool, you can cling onto that simplistic belief all you want. Just don't expect to be taken seriously by a lot of people when you preach it.
  13. Just be careful not to conflate short term progress with long term viability. If your diet was previously leaning on things like meat and / or processed foods, of course changing to frugivore is going to reap benefits, but that doesn't mean it will be the optimal diet for you for the rest of your life. Also it's not as simple as "humans are frugivores". People have different genetics, gut microbiomes from birth, different environments, different lifestyles etc etc, the idea of there being some one size fits all diet is honestly just silly, I'd stick to just trying to figure out what works for you and sharing it, without making massive claims about how all humans on the planet should be eating.
  14. Sadghuru has great, joyful energy, he's inspirational to millions of people, he's doing great work with healing nature, in general, he's a fantastic man. But sometimes he says some outright stupid shit. I think he's just got too much on his plate to think through all the things he says or believes, which gets blurry sometimes, because he is quite the storyteller. Edit: However I do think your 30's (not just 33) can be a truly magical and transformational period of your life, it's a period where you've gathered quite a bit of experience, while still having the gift of youth.
  15. How can you not expect being viewed as having a victim mentality when you make a thread "We are all victims"? This is basically the 20'th century version of someone going "The Bible Says" while not even being literate (Or in your case, not being able to think like a decent scientist, while speaking like you're an ambassador of Science or something) Just sounds like victim mentality in denial to me, bro.
  16. Speak for yourself bro Don't project your victim mentality onto all of humanity Edit: Or do, it's your choice, and yours alone, and if you choose to think of yourself and all of humanity as victims, go ahead! If you want to shoulder off all personal responsibility, you can, it just won't end well for you. Don't you see the freedom?
  17. Can you blame us? Your wisdom is just so brilliant that we cancerous, fake snakes just can't help but to be attracted! Every word you write is dripping with golden wisdom! GIVE ME YOUR WISDOM!
  18. Easy! Step 1. Make 1 million Step 2. Repeat 1000 times Seriously though, what's so special about reaching a billion? I don't think you comprehend how much money that is. If you wouldn't feel happy with just half a million, then your problem is in your head, not a lack of money.
  19. Wait, by what standards is cereal considered healthy breakfast? Maybe healthy compared to the average American breakfast but still, labeling cereal "healthy", especially for breakfast, is just absurd.
  20. Professional vaginal weightlifter Everything else is just icing on the cake
  21. I knew I recognized that name from somewhere Here's an inside look at his retreat - Keep in mind, that the retreat costs over 2000$ to attend, and it doesn't seem high-conscious at all to me, rather I just see a deep materialist in a new-age disguise to get dummies who can't distinguish between a chicken and a man in a chicken costume to hand over large sums of cash. And I really don't get how anybody can look at that "smile" and not wonder if he's got a taste for human flesh or not.
  22. I'm on the side of even if some types of crystals may have some beneficial effects for some people that is not placebo / looking pretty, most of it is just either salesmanship, self-deception and/or placebo. I bet a good chunk of the people who sell crystals are laughing their assess off internally as they are spinning some bullshit to gullible hippies who believe every word of it