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Everything posted by GreenWoods

  1. You put your focus on the 3rd eye and keep it there ALL the time. When inhaling, mentally chant om 6 times into the 3rd eye and while exhaling 6 times too. If you can, do khechari mudra, otherwise baby khechari. Aim for one-pointedness.
  2. Do you use your fingers? Try to twist your tongue with your fingers and then get it into the hollow space. just do this for some days (several times daily) and you should have it.
  3. @Justincredible76 completely surrender yourself to the task and you don't need discipline for it If you want to meditate for 2 hours but feel a lot of resistance because your lower self wants to do sth else, then surrender your lower self and your will, surrender the resistance and surrender completely to the meditation. No matter how demanding the meditation turns, it is no problem, because you have given yourself up, now it happens by itself and you don't need discipline. Because discipline is only needed if you do sth that goes against what you desire/will. Eliminating desire/will through surrender, you eliminate the need for discipline. The only problem is whether one can surrender that much...
  4. @Nivsch Try the Wim Hof method right after getting up (breathing exercise and cold shower (but not the breathing exercise while showering)). That's the breathing exercise: Read the second and third top comments (thoses which Wim Hof gave a like) I suppose you already watched Leo's letting go video?
  5. So you have like 2 breaths a minute. perhaps that's not enough. Was it still comfortable or did you have to fight the urge to breathe? If you want to avoid passing out then just deacrese your inhalation and exhalation time
  6. Exactly, and we have to decide: So we have the choice whether we eat our neighbours or plants (or animals which are somewehre in the middle of the spectrum).
  7. "Everything is a game" also justifies slaughtering your neighbour, yet most enlightened people don't do it, but some do eat meat. So how do they discriminate? They are aware of Oneness and feel massive love towards Creation. They embody this Love when dealing with people but not with animals. Why? If you want ro call one way a low conscious stage I would bet it's not being vegan. Eating meat seems more like denial and refusal of conscious frontation and cherry picking when and how to apply wisdom like " everything is a game".
  8. But this can just as well be used to justify killing and eating your neighbour. Where is the difference between your neighbour and a cow? It's only a difference in degree and not in kind (right?). Animals are less conscious, so perhaps one might say that perhaps 10 cows equal 1 human? I don't judge them but I am really curious why some enlightened people eat meat. An argument I often hear is that it's the cycle of life (spider eats fly) and is a natural part of being human. But meat is no longer necessary for human survival. One would put one's desire for a better taste above the lives of animals, I fail to see how this is possible if one is conscious of Oneness. But if even Ramana ate meat, then I'm probably overlooking something?
  9. That practise is claimed to bring occult powers: Internet website:
  10. How long did you hold your breath at bindu? And how long was your inhalation? Would you consider that positive or negative ? @TrynaBeTurquoise I have trouble feeling the cold sensation. I try to imagine/visualize/feel it. I don't think the cold sensation is already there. I believe it is linked to the breath (inhale). I try to reach and feel/activate it
  11. I don't think there is a big difference , it just depends on how you define the terms. I understand self inquiry as: and the Parvastha as surrendering to, being (in) the awarenes, nothingness void, the Self, or as you/Gamana described: And I think self inquiry is more about actively wondering/ looking what you are while parvastha is about (passively) surrendering to what you are One might say self-inquiry is a more masculine and parvastha a more feminine approach I think Gamana says that you can stay in your one-pointed concentration spot after the practise if you are intuitively drawn to it. Otherwise recommends to just surrender
  12. What do you mean by energized? Yoga definitely energizes pranically but that probably doesn't necessarily mean that you also get energized physically. When I do yoga, I get very energized pranically but my physical energy is usually not affected. Don't worry about it. Do you have a straight spine without leaning against sth? Being more conscious during yoga might help too. Generally, to boost physical energy: lighter food, cold showers, semen preservation, sleep schedule,...
  13. Factors that determine your energy: - Soul aspect: Enlightenment. Moving from devil to God-like. How: Meditation, Kriya yoga, self-inquiry, psychedelics, transmissions Life Purpose / Vision - Body aspect: Physical body. How to: sleep hacks, diet/nutrition , working out, cold showers, wim hof breathing, hatha yoga energetic body. How to: Kriya yoga, Qi gong, tai chi, whole-body orgasms, not ejaculating too often (semen preservation) If those don't help then get checked by a doctor
  14. @jake473 Follow that advice. Your life purpose with a strong and inspiring vision will motivate and energize you. Also look at that thread:
  15. Do you get tired only after yoga or after meditation too?
  16. As far as I know it is because of thoses reasons: -the stomache lock may be uncomfortable / not possible with a full stomache - kriya supreme fire generates heat / energy in the stomach region which might impair the digestion If you don't do those two (or have no problem doing them nevertheless) it should be fine. Then there is: - In case you set free a lot of prana through pranayama,... the energy at the stomache region increases too. I don't know what exact effect that could have. But I guess, at the most, that your digestion will not be perfect. So just try it out and if you feel like it does no harm then keep doing it @JonasVE12 - As I started yoga I also experienced pressure (through energy) in the head. But I could slightly move it. Can you too? i was a bit worried so I decreased the intensity of my practise for a few months. slowly it subsided. and as my system adapted I could increse the intensity again. But I think in most cases I could just have kept going without decreasing the intensity - When you feel it at the top ( crown chakra?) and it is energy then you are increasing the chance that kundalini awakens. I have almost no knowledge on that but I would assume that in 98% cases your kubdalini wouldn't rise before 8 months.(except you have a very long and intense routine and have pre-experience with energy work)
  17. Supreme fire and pranayama - to some extend - adress those too. But maha mudra is more gentle and more smoth. For example, supreme fire probably opens that knot through the sheer force of the induced pressure, heat, ... Btw, I have added maha mudra to my routine again
  18. Pernani experiences that too. perhaps he knows some good advice. Otherwise just do it as long it is comfortable, then do other techniques Have you been focusing on that spot beforehand? I am not sure. Gamanas routine is more potent and might thus pose more risks. Kundalini yoga, sexual kungfu and psychedelics is even more powerful and many people do them still. The youtuber probably considers them very dangerous. Then there is the issue that everyone tells a different pranayama and claims that that's what Lahiri taught. Eg Gamana and Ennio Nimis say that Lahiri taught pranayamas with only chanting in the head while eg. the youtuber and Stevens tell the spinal breathing as the original. If you want to be more safe then do Steven's, if you want to be even more safe then do only mediations, and when you want to be even more safe then do hatha yoga... Edit: The risk what he is talking about is probably an increased chance for a premature kundalini awakening. If you think you could handle it then do Gamans, otherwise Stevens
  19. Currently none. I prefer to do more kriya supreme fires instead. From little research it suggests that the purpose of mahamudra is: - open the knot at muladhara - incite the prana to enter the shushumna at muladhara - stretch the spine, make it easier to feel the shushumna - as grounding (according to Gamana). It should be done when you feel strong side effects from supreme fire - improving the systems capacity (while lowering side effects) - more purposes which I am not aware of All of those things are (to a larger or smaller extend) adressed by supreme fire and pranayama too. Evaluate for yourself how important maha mudra is for you specifically. Gamana suggests (in his kundalini book) sth like doing it and after some years when your body is more prepared replace it by more supreme fire. Per 12 pranayamas I would do no more than one maha mudra (except one is a beginner) I wouldn't do it longer than 15% of your routine time (except your routine is already very potent but you want to lengthen the routine nevertheless, then lengthen it by adding more maha mudras)
  20. There are a lot of possibilities to take psychedelics legally: - Research chemicals which aren't illegal yet (but could be a long-term health risk as they aren't well studied yet) - Visit a country where it's legal (Canada, Mexico,... for 5meo)(Netherlands and other countries for truffels, seeds,...) - Psychedelics retreats: There are many countries where retreats with for example 5meo-dmt, ayahusca, mushrooms is legal or at least a grey area (e.g. Brazil and some european countries) - Being a guinea pig for scientific research - There are A LOT of natural psychedelics (some of which even naturally grow in your country) which aren't illegal in many countries
  21. If I remember right, Gamana recommends exercising, walking in nature, swimming, connecting with animals, doing maha mudra,... . I would add cold showers as very effective
  22. Being in parvastha is a form of meditation. Sometimes I do self-inquiry in the parvastha state as well. And randomly during the day contemplation.
  23. Like this. You have to do the bandhas while holding the breath. Over time you will get used to it. But I am not sure whether it is indeed more effective to do the chin lock while bringing prana above the neck (ajna/crown). In his 3rd book he gives an upgraded version for supreme fire - it's basically the upgraded yoni mudra without the finger plugging (+shambavi mudra) - and there he states that the chin lock should not be applied.
  24. I usually do 3 rounds of the alternating nostril breathing - nadi sodhana or how it's called. Then I continue with maha mudra. I think you can do talabya kriya whenever you have time during the day. and the ujjayi breath as additional preparatory exercise seems redundant to me ( as it's done during the main techniques anyways)