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About vander87

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  1. @cetus56 Hi there! Haha... although I didn't experienced the 4th state of consciousness, I did sleep very very well!! It's a start I meditated the past three nights 30-45min before I went to bed on the selfless self, the first two nights went easy. But yesterday I was very restless, I actually didn't feel like meditating and all day my thoughts were spinning like crazy. But I did meditate (around 02.00h), because I could not sleep... haha. The meditation was different from the other two, it felt like I was floating on a ocean going up and down with the waves. I enjoyed that. And afterwards I slept for 7 whole hours! So, meditation works. No 4th state (yet).
  2. Thank you for your reply. Do you have any information about where I can read more about this? I'm going to try this before the next new moon (9 days ;)), and I'll share my experiences. @Salvijus What do you mean by 'inner engineering'? What kind of practice do you do? If you have more information, I would love to read more about it. It's really affecting me in a negative way (most of the new moon/full moon nights I don't sleep at all or only 2 hours), very restless meditation the days after, tiredness, less productivity and more negative thoughts. Not that I'm depressed or anything, still quite happy and fulfilled, but it would be great if I could get some direction in how I can handle it better.
  3. This time... I had to be more specific. With 'we're all imagining this', I skipped to fast to this 'reality'. I think, for the discussion about morality and sexuality, we should talk about the world how we experience it now. Not from the point of view that everything is an illusion. Next to that, I don't see all the videos and views of Leo are absolute truth. From other sources, there are similarities (like in the vedas or other spiritual texts, spiritual enlightened people, trip-reports, etc), and it could be true, but I don't think I can ever be sure. Using psychedelics with DMT-like-effects, it is still a representation of a dream. And although I have never used it, I have dreamed a lot (also lucid when I was a few years younger, I'm trying to get there again) and I have experienced lots of real vivid dreams where everything was possible and felt real. I even died a couple of times in my dreams, which was quite a revelation that I should not worry all to much about it. The fact that I can experience dreams as real as in real life, gives me a certain scepticism towards the things that are stated as 'facts' with the reason 'because I have experienced it with a trip'. But, I've never used DMT, so I don't say I know the truth or whatever. The point you make about you should practice (I understand the way you describe practice is about looking inwards, not actual practical actions towards others, correct me if I'm wrong) and look inside to find answers -> I agree with you to a certain point. Yes you should practice (meditation on consciousness about feeling/experiences when there are no thoughts, vipasana, using psychedelics, etc) but someone who always practices (next to being trapped in their own delusions) also has no output. And then I see output as in sharing love, helping other people and try to help the human kind in general to a 'next-level-society' -> with more love towards each other, to earth and more consciousness (this is not absolute, it's more to give a direction of what can be done for a 'better' society). With 'the best morality' I did not mean 'everyone should adopt my moral believes about sexuality'. Everyone has their own preferences, and as @Surfingthewave described, it should be more about 'authentic sexuality'. But before anyone knows about their 'authentic sexuality', shouldn't people be more consciousness about sexuality in general? And sexuality as survival strategies (on different levels), what the options are, what feels best for each individual and how to communicate about their preferences?
  4. So, I've noticed I can't sleep at nights when there is a new moon or full moon. It's something I discovered a year ago. And I didn't believe the moon had any agency at first (pharmacist with scientific background, editor for independed journal about rational pharmacotherapy, no big pharma). But then, I tracked my sleep for a few months and didn't follow the moon cycle (which I normally do for practicing ashtanga yoga). Of course, sometimes I would hear about it because there was a super moon or red moon or special thing, but that happened only 3 times. All the other nights I slept less than 4 hours (normally 6-8h), it was new moon or full moon. I can say with some certainty, new moon and full moon have an impact on my sleep. Does anybody know how this is possible? Other than gravity, because I know the moon is responsible for the tides, so it has to do something with water, but maybe someone has looked in to this a bit more. Is there any writings in the veda's or somewhere, where there is a bit more elaborate explanation? Next to that, is there anything I can do about it? Or is it a sign for an energy that is unbalanced? My dosha is vata, maybe those are more susceptible? Thank you in advance, I'm just wondering of someone knows anything about this
  5. Thank you for sharing your views. I think it's good to be as specific as possible. Because I've noticed this forum can easily be used as a ego-confirmation-thing or whatever. Quick responses, quick going like: but we're all god, we're all imagining this. Done. I think there is a difference in 'survival' of 'reproduce', the 'survival of the self' and 'the survival of thought' (the one @possibilities described earlier, there is also a form of 'module thinking' in which the strongest thought survives -> turns into a thought you hear, and if it's strong enough, to act). Since I have decided I don't want children (I won't elaborate here, but it is a rational desicion, I have no hormonal-driven wish, and I think life is perfect as it is, and I like to give love to people who already exist) -> it seems like I become conscious of the 'survival to reproduce'-way of survival and I decided not to act upon it. Then, I identified myself with this idea, so the survival thoughts are about this idea -> the 'survival of the self' that this self doesn't want children. My identity is to choose not to have children. Although, I would never blame/judge myself if I changed my mind. I don't think that will happen. But to have sex not to reproduce (not even in the future), as something my ego likes, give the 'I like sex'-ego thoughts to survive. So then I identify myself with this ego-thoughts. As in sexuality -> there first was a part 'Everything has to be right, I have to got this and that feeling, the guy must be this and that before I even can have sex with him' which is clearly a survival-thought. But I skipped that one too, not that I have sex with everyone, but just more about enjoying and let my ego just calm down a bit. For me, this works very good. Since I do the ethical polyamory (More than two, a practical guide to ethical polyamory - Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert) and spiritual relationship (Jan Geurtz - Addicted to Love), I think my identification and survival-thoughts in this regard are not that 'devilry' but Loving in a unconditional way. And now is when it gets interesting. We're all God, and we're all imagining this and each other. I'm not seeing this illusion breaking down any time soon (I believe it too much, not sure if I mind), but is there a possibility we could think about the 'best' version of sexuality in this world? How does morality relate to sexuality in the 'best' version? Why is it important? What do we think is 'best'? Can we learn a survival-thought-mode where the 'best'-version is the default setting?
  6. Thank you for your reply! I'm having the same view and experiences as you describe. Although, it's interesting that you find it not easy to say. Why is that? Not in a judgemental way, just curious <3 I have no problem in sharing my thoughts and views in a conversation. Not on a date, just when you're talking to people and the topic comes up. I wouldn't go on a date if the other person wasn't aware of my views, because the other person might have other expectations and well, you know, they might get hurt. I've also noticed that dating (as in tinder/whatever app/website used) doesn't work for me at all. Mostly, I just have great conversations with people, and sometimes other people get interested and want to go on a date after you explained your views and beliefs. If people don't like it or reject it, it doesn't matter. Different people, different ways of life. There is no way of living life that more or less valuable, value is a thing we (as humans) created.
  7. Hehe... like the subtitle of 'The Game' I was focussing on 'survival' as in reproduce, not about the survival of my thoughts and beliefs, etc. If you approach the topic in this way, the underlying survival-urge lies in the survival of giving love and gain more consiousness of reality.
  8. Reading the posts that came up while I was typing mine. If you're talking about the whole population on earth and the overall/general views. You're right.
  9. This is the worst case scenario I guess?? I mean, there are different views on sex and love and partners nowadays. First, there are women who do not want children. In the Netherlands it is something you can share, and you won't get judged. You might be even thanked for, because of the environment burden taking children has (there are exceptions ofcourse, but still) I think the only struggle is within the woman (as I experienced), because of the question 'why do I don't want to have children? Is there something wrong with me?' because more people have children especially in my age-group now and it's different not to want them. But it's not true that all women want sex to reproduce. Second, polyamory is being more and more accepted. Not polygamy of 'open relationship', but the ethical approach to loving people and have different connections at the same time. It enables people to give love unconditionally and not to expect anything in return. In a polyamoric relationship you communicate honest about your needs, expectations (if you do have them) and feelings as a human being with an ego, but you are never 'owned'. Third, sex or erotic sensations can help to encounter judgements of your ego or as mentioned above, deep rooted problems, like yoga does. It's a different approach in get to know the connection of the thoughts and feelings in your body. This is also an accepted view and there are whole communities dedicated to this in a loving and respectful manner. And sex gives nice sensations in the body. If your not trying to reproduce, it's just a feeling which can be enjoyed.
  10. Haha... OK, I'm not there yet. Working beyond the limits of physicality But, are you afraid of death? I mean, you are going to die and it really doesn't matter how many years you'll be alive. Because the only thing you experience are moments. Past and future is in your head. Just make the most out of the moments you have. And if you see your body as a vehicle and an awesome product of some milion years of evolution you can do anything you want with it, you want to take care of it in order to live these moments with as much love and fun and consiousness. There are always accidents and genes, but it has been shown in research (the Lamcet had a full number covering this topic, I don't have the exact date now), one of the biggest killer is overweight nowadays. It doesn't only shorten life-span, but it also have influence on quality of life. So with good food, exercise and less toxins in your self-actualize plan, you might live a few years longer in great health And with self-actualization comes happiness, but I'm not sure actual happiness leads to longer life. The was a 40-year study (70-year? anyone heard of that?) I remember, where social connections where associated with longer life expectancy. But that comes along with self-actualization I think (or as I experience now :)). Good question
  11. Just on the ashtanga yoga-, hatha yoga- and meditation-track. Which works as a personal teacher as well I guess. But! In the future, maybe near future, I'll start with microdosing LSD. My best friend is quite experienced and has learned a lot from it, and wants to guide As I am very happy at the moment, all the moments actually, and inspiring some people here and there, it might be the perfect moment for some encountering ego-thoughts and insights. I did some mushrooms and truffles, but I was more focussed on fun, instead of consiousness. Never done LSD, but I'm getting ready.
  12. Ah! This was the first 'self-help'-book I've read! After a burnout in 2014, this was the perfect book for me at that time. Most important insights: you're ok right now (not only after you have accomplished this or done that, like getting a degree/earn more money/bought a house or be more fit, etc), playing is very important, being authentic (what it means and how to be authentic, hard lesson there) and that resting is as important as playing What are the most important lessons for the people who read this as well? Have fun!
  13. Hi OBEler & dimitri, Thank you! @OBEler I've missed that one I guess... Haha, I'll get there. It's busy here! The point was that Leo is often asking questions to himself like someone responded to him ('But hé Leo, if that's true.. then why...'). But I feel these questions are sometimes over-sceptical. Maybe I'm wrong, I was just curious how other people see this. And well, 'guru' (gu=darkness, ru=lightness -> leads the student out of the dark and into the light, from ignorance to awakening (ok, not a primairy source, but I trust this guy [Petri Räisänen, Ashtanga yoga]) seems like a big word, but I've learned a lot from the videos from Leo. There is no person in my surroundings that has been like a teacher/mentor to me like him. So, for my self-actualizing awakening (not the consiousness-awakening Leo talks about in his later videos, I'm far from that) I could see Leo as a 'guru'. The books I've read and other videos I've seen (a lot) were in line with what he talked about and it definitely worked for me. Again, thank you for your reply. I'll check the other thread!! Lots of love, Sanne