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Everything posted by Raptorsin7

  1. I looked up dance retreats in Europe and this community was hosting one. It's been a great experience, I feel as though I've learned a lot from speaking with people here and I've managed to push my comfort zone and do things, like going naked in a sauna, that I would have been very anxious to do before coming. I want to visit more communities and experience more of these green places, but I'm not sure when I'll be back to visit this community. I have a desire to give back and contribute to this place, but I also don't want to make commitments because I'm not sure where I'll end up going after leaving
  2. It's just a distorted perception. You don't actually know what would happen if you joined a cult or this place became cult like. When you find a way to process the fear make sure to make a tldr
  3. If you join a community and there's love and connection you may find yourself in a suicide cult. ?
  4. When I think of a cult I think of oshos community. From the outside it was labeled a cult, but on the inside I bet a lot of people had an amazing time
  5. The reason people get drawn to cults is because of the loving energy and genuine connection. If this place became more loving and open it would appear more cult like. ?
  6. If this place became more cult like it would be a step up on quality and intelligence
  7. If you could hear the other person's voice it would dramatically enhance how well people treat other. The anonymous nature of just words and profiles brings out a worse side of people.
  8. Yeah I think it would lead to higher quality discussions and less conflict
  9. When I listen to Napoleonic history I feel a rush of glorious energy. He is a borderline mystic, the reason he rose so high is because of his connection to the higher power
  10. Discord server where people can speak in real time
  11. Yeah it would. I like this place, I will likely travel more through Europe, but I will likely come back often so there will be opportunities. I've made some great friends here so I hope to remain in touch for a long time.
  12. Okay I'll check it out. So what is the solution? To enter into a relationship with anyone over no one and let that experience grow me?
  13. Yeah I'm conscious of that. I'm not sure where I'm going next, but I have another week here and then I'm serving at a 10 day vipassana course, so I'm hoping to get some inspiration on where to travel next
  14. I am a loner type, and no I don't personally watch Leo so I don't reccomend his videos. Although I do mention i post on a spiritual forum Yeah I cam see how I am in that trap. And yes there are some women here who catch my eye, but it seems like I would just be forcing myself into a relationship not because I really feel drawn to someone here but because I'm needy and ill take what I can get. I'm also hesitant about jumping into a relationship unless there's a stromg attraction because there may be someone for me on the othetside of patience. I will likely be travelling more after my 2 week volunteer commitment so it's possible I will meet more people as i travel
  15. I think this forum has many people who have not integrated the values of hippies but because they have a lot of knowledge they think they are somehow beyond that stage of development. I think part of it is due to being anonymous on the internet. But there's so much autism and emotional retardation in how people relate to each other here. I think the biggest blindspot would be that many people would consider the average awareness of this community to be higher than that of a typical stage green eco community, when I think it's the opposite.
  16. I think it limits your growth, especially if you've never fully integrated living with other people in a happy and healthy way. I am/was a lone wolf and I can see it's a largely a defense mechanism to avoid dealing with the uncomfortable reality of dealing intimately with people. I think the path of myself as a lone wolf will be to visit communities and grow and then slowly find a place to integrate into long term so I can heal and thrive with other people
  17. Yeah, I'm much more open minded towards progressive values and politics, but I still have a sense the entire political system is broken and a shift to community living is where the solution is, not in large scale leftist governments. Here I've dropped any sense of judgment towards gays, trans people etc, I see that everyone is just doing their best and I am no position to understand or dictate how other people ought to live. The men here seem to be much more intune with their femininity, so that's something I'm hoping will rub off on me so I can become a more integrated person
  18. I'm planning to visit more communities while I'm travelling through Europe for the next few months so I'll have more perspective. One thing I'm longing for is a deep relationship with a women, but I haven't met anyone here that I'm strongly attracted too and click with. But that may be also due to me not being on the right place to be available for a relationship
  19. Very chill, non judgmental, open, warm, some people struggling so you can sense its not all sunshine and rainbows. I'd say it's a very cool place to visit and experience, but I have a longing to visit other communities and see what's out there. A big lesson here is that I'm motivated to explore other communities and learn from the diverse experiences of the people who live there
  20. Just did my first naked sauna. It was on my mind since I first got here, and I'm happy I pushed myself to do it. I feel insecure because flaccid my penis is smaller than average, but erect I'm not insecure about it, but this is a great lesson in self acceptance and accepting that I am not perfect
  21. I've learned a lot, but here are the main takeaways. I've learned how trust reality and to stop feeling the need to control my path. I continuously accept and surrender to what's happening and the steps on the path are unfolding spontaneously now. I've become more tolerant of things/people I used to judge. Single mothers, trans people, gay people, hippy etc. I don't judge them and I feel great humility in not needing to be the morality police. I am expanding my comfort zone and I'm pressing up against deep fears, like being naked around many people and living in a tiny room with 3 other people. I feel it's easy to spend hours meditating while living here. Today I spent a good 3-4 hours meditating and I'm growing the confidence to meditate in public spaces. I had a women interrupt me to talk, and we had a great convo and I didn't need to do anything I've learned from the lives of other people. I'm interacting with such interesting and diverse people. Everyday I connect with new people and have conversations that blow my mind
  22. @thisintegrated It's been an incredible growing experience for me, I have nothing but good things to say about my experience so far. I met a guy here who got a cancer diagnosis and completely accepted his death and he said it was like a burden got lifted off his shoulders and he completely changed his life. Unassuming people here have incredible depth.
  23. Wow I am loving this hippy community. It's pretty amazing how much my life has shifted since I left my basement to travel. I am meeting some incredible people in this community. I believe I will spend some significant time here, it feels like my destiny is to be here and to evolve, and also to evolve the community.
  24. Me living in a stage green community is like my Vietnam lol. I have 3 roomates in a tiny room, this will grow me ?? I'm really diving in for growth. I'm excited to see this through. Travelling has been an amazing decision