Dylan Page

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Everything posted by Dylan Page

  1. @Leo Gura So when you say God’s is maximizing love, what do you mean? If God is not bound by time, then no action or effort can be made, because those things fundamentally depend on time.
  2. @zeroISinfinity To be devils advocate, there are a lot of unsightly things as well.
  3. @cetus56 My thoughts exactly. So when Leo says the goal is to maximize love, what does he mean? Is there really a goal? Or is the goal already achieved?
  4. I have been working at something for 3 months for 10+ hours a day and have had progress that most people could achieve in 1 month will less time invested. I can not describe the level of disappointment I feel in myself. I don’t want to give up but I cannot tolerate this level of incompetency. It’s the most frustrating thing I have ever had to endure and I don’t know what to do. I want something to the core of my bones and yet I can’t have it even though it can be easily achieved by others with effort. Does anyone have advice for someone like me?
  5. @fortifyacacia3 It depends on what you mean by authentic desire. Yes, I want the thing I’m going after. Do I enjoy the process? When I’m succeeding, yes. Otherwise, its very, very unpleasant. The time I spend doesn’t matter, I will do all that is necessary, even if it means sacrificing sleep, or getting 15 hours. How does one ever pursue anything without first liking the idea btw?
  6. Talk about fear of death
  7. This might be considered “semantics” but I think it’s important. Cancer is love because it’s primary caused by ourselves. The food we eat, etc. What about the 5 year old who gets cancer and dies for no reason and has a totally healthy lifestyle and whose parents take preventative measures? Like, dying for literally no reason at all. (NEVERMIND JUST WATCHED THE LAST HALF OF LEOS VIDEO)
  8. I want to become a pro league of legends player and I keep hearing people talking about this “Flow state”, a state of concentration where the ego falls away and each decision you make flows into the next like water, where time ceases to be relevant and people associate spiritual-ness to it. Have you ever heard of this?
  9. @mmKay I’m in NA so I can’t And the only reason I want to become a pro is because I absolutely hated going to college. It was just like high school again, everyone running around pretending like what they are learning is practical or important when 95% of it is forgotten or useless. I didn’t want to be anything in particular academically speaking so I said fuck it and chose pro player. You are right that the game will die and I am at the mercy of Riot. I do think that once you get good at one game, it doesn’t matter if the skills transfer, what’s important to me is that I will then understand the process of getting good at something in a competitive environment (whether that be just spamming games, watching vods/streams, or whatever else.) And as for changing game state? Look at Doublelift/Bjerg/Faker and many more. The game isn’t even recognizable next to S2 yet they are still here. It isn’t a perfect game or company but I certainly think it’s worth a shot. I guess I’m not particularly passionate about the game but it seems relatively low risk to try and become good at it (just put in a shitload of time and practice a lot), and it beats going to school. If I just fuckin fail and get perma hardstuck, I’ll just go back to college, I’m only 19 after all.
  10. @Leo Gura What do you think about inanimate objects “following” the “laws” of physics? Is a meteor flying through empty space doing it out of love? What if someone dies by freak accident? Like they trip or whatever, is there love in that too?
  11. I just watched Leo’s recent blog video, but I didn’t understand why God wants to share the love. If you are already infinite and all knowing, why not just bathe in love for the rest of eternity?
  12. @Shiva That answers literally nothing I CAN jump off a bridge, will I?
  13. Definitely open to it @Leo Gura I just see so many things that look like unjustified assumptions and all I’m trying to do is understand why you make them, and if they are even assumptions at all. Trying LSD in like 2 days so that should be pretty interesting.
  14. @Leo Gura Is it reasonable to assume that god would want to share? And I thought we are all part of god (and the totality of god at the same time somehow). Isn’t in that case, god inescapably selfish? He is just sharing with himself. And you said what’s the point of being an all powerful god if you can’t share? I don’t know, does there have to be a point? Did god get to choose what he is? And what would I do if I were god? I don’t know. Apparently I already am. If I had no needs, desires, infinite power and an eternity of time, I don’t know if I would do anything. Why use the power? If there are no desires or needs, the power is meaningless. I could create limited fractions of myself in order to give myself desires, but why would I do that? I’m made of love right? What’s the point of creating this hyper complicated reality only to give myself desires, which much of the time, aren’t fulfilled? I could go on and on and on with these questions, but something isn’t clicking with me here.
  15. @SoonHei Sorry but that answer doesn’t really make much sense, I would recommend watching Leo’s video first and then you might get a perspective on what I’m asking
  16. @Synchronicity That doesn’t answer the question, there needs to be some reason a subject desires something. Saying “idk just cuz lol xd” isn’t a serious answer
  17. So, Leo has mentioned many times that we should work towards the betterment of others because fundamentally they are actually us (amongst many more reasons). Given this, there seems to be a huge problem that comes up. Say we want to improve the lives of others, one way of doing this would be (and this is specific because it needs to be) to eradicate all parasitic creatures that harm humans. By eradicating something that we would assume can feel, and assuming that the parasite is actually me, am I not in a situation where I’m benefiting and hurting myself at the same time? If so, what should I do?
  18. Simple question. Why does it exist. Don't say that suffering and non-suffering are a duality, that is just handwaving. IF GOD IS ALL LOVING, SUFFERING SHOULD NOT EXIST, EVEN IF ITS AN ILLUSION, CONSTRUCT, OR DUALITY.
  19. Hey guys. I went to college for the first semester and dropped out after. I thought it was stupid as shit. Slow teaching, pointless homework, information that can be either entirely found on the internet or is completely useless, etc. I really don’t want to go because of how soul draining it is to put up with all of the BS but I’m really concerned about money. Starting a business is hard, especially coming up with a viable idea. Getting a job is out of the question for me long term. Fuck working 9-5 for something I don’t care about. What should I do? A) Suck it up and go back, B) Start a business, C) Try to climb the corporate ladder (and probably get fucked promotion wise cuz no degree)
  20. God can think? You are speaking of god as if god has a body or is a person. @Conrad
  21. Right but cells (as far as we know aren’t alive) They are just a process, or a pattern. Life without consciousness. From our point of view, it just seems like we are the same way, but happen to have consciousness. Cells don’t experience joy either @Truth Addict
  22. @Shiva why do we live in a reality in which suffering is necessary for survival. Given that reality is infinitely loving.