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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Karmadhi I agree, and similar energy from @Heaven and @Nivsch. It's like talking to holocaust deniers that give back weak arguments and are in deep denial of what Israel has did and what IDF are doing today, slowly taking lands from Palestine.
  2. @Leo Gura I agree, but it's also a bit challenging for that guy. It's like talking to holocaust deniers but these are denying what's happening and had happened to Palestinians for the past 80 years.
  3. A good coverage on Adin's behavior: Counter intuitively this is actually what you do to your enemies and people you don't like in a social context, you delay your acknowledgement of that person in your list of people to greet or say bye to, and what Adin ultimately did what antagonized him non-verbally, his body language miscommunicated his intent here. Adin thought he was being sincere when in fact he's unintentionally antagonized Joe here. I intuitively speculate here but either Adin's not that socially intelligent, or he miscommunicated his intentions here.
  4. @Twentyfirst I'm just laughing because of your exchanges with @Vrubel and @Nivsch.
  5. @Vrubel Palestinians living in spacious houses? Does that include open rooftops? So because Palestinians lived like medieval times that justifies the land grabs Israel does since 1948? The indigenous Palestinians living like savage medieval people means the Zionists can take land from them? If Israel/Israelis rank as some of the world's happiest people, and you are an Israeli, when you say 'What brainless shit' is that indicative of your and your people's happiness?
  6. @Twentyfirst Unless you are extremely powerful, got connections and lots of money, then you can try to address Israel, UK, USA, and Germany in one go. I'm not excusing them, I'm arguing that it's more realistic to address each one 1 by 1, starting with Israel and getting that ceasefire down first. The others can wait unless you got lots of power and money. You got power and money? No? Then tackle Israel first before the other countries.
  7. @Twentyfirst While it's important to get the bigger picture here, in reality baby steps first is probably the best course of action, starting with focusing on Israel first causing this issue to begin with. Guilt tripping the Germans, USA or UK is a distraction when we should be focusing on Israel's immoral actions first. If we sort out Israel first, the Netanyahu cabinet and the right wing Zionists, and focus more on the issue they're causing, that focus can auto correct Israel's wrong doings and they may have a chance to actually get a ceasefire and work with the Palestinians for once.
  8. @Shodburrito Of course there's grounds for concern! Based on many developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development(Don Beck), cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development(Jane Loevinger), Architypes(Carl Jung), Integral Theory's other lines of development(Ken Wilbur), ideological dogma indoctrinated by family upbringing and culture, meta programming, metanarrative, information ecology controlled by big tech companies to manufacture consent, self biases and worldview, you are utterly wrong and DELUDED! You think simplistically more technological development leads to some Utopia, you are no different than Communists who chase some fantasy that led to millions of lives getting killed and millions of lives suffering from that cost of the vision! Social media has already contributed to brain rot in children's brains, and hyper addictive patterns engineered into their young minds. A.I disruption is a real threat that should be taken seriously. You get to say all that because A.I hasn't taken your job yet, and nobody else has stolen your job from you! https://www.actualized.org/insights/is-ai-theft
  9. @Razard86 GENIUS POST! Never thought about that, so I'll buy you out of your rent and house property too, don't complain to me Mr. Genius. Take some history lessons here: All fun and games with spiritual terms until some group steals your home you and your family and your ancestors belong to.
  10. For example, look at 55:00. That moment of laughing, if we change the context and it's them laughing at some indigenous folk cooking some animal and plants with their bare hands, that's easily racist and bigotry, but because they're laughing at a fictional depiction, and they themselves play a fictional character it's OK. See how devilry is sneaky like this? Also another good example: Just because you hide behind some created identity does not = absolute free speech and absolute stupidity, defamation and slander like this. Watch out! A whole lot of people are like this when they suddenly feel super safe to say bigoted and racist takes like this with little impunity.
  11. @Leo Gura Well, technically the rationalist independent news article did cover you a long time ago, and several othe YouTube Channels did cover you a bit besides the views and clicks.
  12. @Heaven Oh, so Israel gets a free pass to bomb an embassy on Iran's soil, and you have the gale to demand Iran stay silent without protest? Get real dude, I hope you keep that same energy when your neighbor destroys your property in your soil and you do nothing back, because apparently fighting back and showing capability is cowardly.
  13. @Joel3102 Why are you defending your Wall Street masters? Can't you not see the pyramid schemes they make from ordinary folk?
  14. @Razard86 Christ! The point of prison is rehabilitation?! Yet you then counter claim yourself by saying that punishment over the long term doesn't work, so which is it genius: Prisons are rehabilitating to be in long term, or are prisons detrimental in punishments long term? What works is support systems, training and establishment of trust, yet if you have small groups and increasing numbers of criminality and evil, how would you even begin to establish said trust, training and support systems? How would you handle the tax paying needed? And how would you balance and reconcile with the victims of those atrocities of capital punishment when in some cases some very rich and powerful individuals get a slap on the wrist? No, you tell me how 'rare' the death penalty is, and how affordable wide distribution of 5 Meo DMT is. The onus of burden, proof and argument is on YOU, genius, since YOU'RE making such bold claims to begin with at me and @Leo Gura. I'd research this later, but since you're so pushy with your posting and claims, then you first provide your proof and reasoning first. I'll check later.
  15. @Scholar How is @Leo Gura's flawed when he's just imagining this scenario as a hypothetical to begin with??? What wouldn't be a greater deterrent? The death penalty isn't a greater deterrent than life without/with parole? So apparently the threat of death is lesser in deterrence than the threat of taking away freedoms? Again how is @Leo Gura making the argument of executing ALL EVIL PEOPLE? It's just the top 8-105 of Wall Street scammers that do swindles of up to 100 million dollars and more. In fact the OP is more making the argument, and @Leo Gura is adding his own opinion to it. While there exists various other arguments for why the death penalty is inappropriate in contemporary world, there's also an equal amount for arguments in favor for the death penalty. One scenario, a bit exaggerated, is in cases when the crime is so horrific, and mass scale, a serial killer that killed hundreds and raped hundreds of girls that there's almost a nation wide DEMAND for justice, in the form of a death penalty just because of the horrific nature of mass murdering and mass raping girls in not just one local area but a few others. Would you deny the nation's and population's demand of justice in this level?
  16. @Razard86 That law is too expensive. We'd run out of 5 MeO DMT. What genius would consider that without considering the tradeoffs?
  17. @Leo Gura True, who's going to miss 10% of wall street intentionally criminal and ripping off 80% of the population?
  18. IMO it's a good take here: https://www.actualized.org/insights/fyi-hitler-was-a-conservative Now compare and contrast that to this guy's take, which is deluded with logic and rationale bias: Notice how he cherry picks, weasels and doesn't clearly say what the real issue of that Jordan/Destiny discourse/debate really was suffering from: Ideological denial and distortions, intentional/unconscious deception at work. While it's a good logical take, it's just a logical take from a dogmatic deluded logician. Mostly focusing on the climate change points and doesn't cover him dodging the Nazi point and the vax point. He is intellectually dishonest and cowardly. If you factor in all other developmental factors you'll see why he's deluded even though he's right technically speaking.
  19. @hyruga Yeah, that China guy deserves the win, look at his dead exhausted face...
  20. @Raze It does make sense when in the past Israel did invade Lebanon before, they may does so now or soon.
  21. @Heaven If you factor in the last 100 years: And factor in the Un's and ICP's definition of Genocide: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiBuM20vMSFAxX2WkEAHf5hBNcQFnoECA4QAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.un.org%2Fen%2Fgenocideprevention%2Fdocuments%2FGenocide%20Convention-FactSheet-ENG.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1pbESYFBkzpf2WgpNRMk0M&opi=89978449 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjhrd_EvMSFAxV5WUEAHcWMBiEQFnoECA4QAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fworld%2F2024%2F01%2F11%2Fwhat-is-genocide-definition-courts%2F%23%3A~%3Atext%3DThe%20Genocide%20Convention%20of%201948%2Cits%20living%20conditions%20impossible%2C%20preventing&usg=AOvVaw1Cl0TObZMgjIB7sNYApaua&opi=89978449 plus Israel's actions for this conflict, they are clearly committing Genocide whether you like to admit that or not.
  22. @Princess Arabia Yes, also the city that gave Reggae music!