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Everything posted by sausagehead

  1. I’ve been dealing with similar symptoms since I started my yoga, mediation, and shamanic breathing exercises. I also have feeling of tightness around my heart and when I really feel into my body, my legs will go totally numb. I’m assuming it’s best to keep doing the practices and really feel into the sensations that come up in order to release energy and/or tension. It seems like the Letting Go technique by David Hawkins is effective for this work but only if you put in a lot of effort, like 4 hours a day over the course of a 2-3 months to get great results. I’ve been doing this for about a month and cleared out a lot of crap but feel like I have a ways to go.
  2. Is life basically just a movie but you're not the actor? Does everyone have 0 control over everything that has happened to them and that will happen? I've suffered a ton in my life and would be relieved to realize that it was all supposed to happen or inevitable. From a certain perspective it seems like I have control over my health and that's why I go to the gym, but from a higher perspective is it true that I'm not actually the one deciding to improve my health therefore I still have no control over anything? Is everything I say, think, and do always inevitable and serving the greater good? Maybe there can't be anyone in control due to the fact that there would be an infinite regress when you break down who or what would be doing anything if that makes any sense.. Also if there's absolutely no self and everything is perfect as they say wouldn't that give you more of a reason to take risks and do the things you fear? Afterall if I'm hesitant to approach an attractive girl and talk to her, I could just remind myself that my approach is actually serving the highest good even if I do get rejected or make an ass of myself. I'm very interested in the implications of no self and the idea/truth that everything is actually perfect at all times because no self implies that there's nothing to regret or worry about in the future and if everything is perfect then all risks you take will be beneficial in some way....
  3. Would you say this drug is the quickest most effective way to clear out energy blocks and suppressed crap in our bodies? I experienced a terrible loss years ago and the grieving created psychosomatic issues that kundalini yoga and shamanic breathing haven’t been able to clear up all the way. I can tell I have a lot of energy to release because I feel energy leave my mouth when I do these techniques. I’ve also plugged 60 mg of 5 meo freebase in the past which released even more energy but I got nowhere near a break through, crazy enough. I’m waiting on my next batch of 5 meo so I can plug 80mg or more because nothing else seems to be effective enough, not to discredit shamanic breathing I’ve been doing it once a day for a few weeks and seen a lot of improvement. This stuff that I’m trying to release screws with my awareness and makes me pretty damn neurotic so I’m praying this is the best approach. I’m not sure if ego death is totally necessary when releasing but I’m sure it helps Quick tip: 5 meo mixed with a drop of white vinegar makes for painless plugging. I’ve also plugged it with just water and it’s pretty irrating but nothing too serious. That being said it’s worth it to spend a couple buck on vinegar, totally painless
  4. David Hawkins says there’s an infinite number of causes for every effect. In your analogy you said if you eat healthy (cause) then you feel good (effect). If you look deeply there are in infinite number of reasons (causes) for that effect. What caused you to feel good? The healthy food you might say, but what caused you to eat healthy food? Maybe you read the book The Ultra Mind Solution. What caused you to read that? Leo’s book list. What caused you to find that? Leo’s YouTube channel. What caused that? Your interest in personal development. Everything was basically caused by the Big Bang or more accurately God because God caused the Big Bang. That’s just the way I see it anyways
  5. How total understanding of reality can be leveraged for overcoming fears, taking risks, finding peace and reducing suffering. One of your most viewed videos is titled “how to care less of what others think” so you could address irrational fears like the fear of judgement and maybe why we should care more about serving other than trying to get their approval or avoid disapproval. I’m assuming there’s a lot more implications that would help us move more into our hearts and out of our heads. To be more broad, you could address how your enlightenment experiences allowed you to find more peace love and happiness and less suffering from things like regret, worry and other negative emotions created from the belief that there is a self
  6. No way lol. I don't know if that would be liberating or depressing, sounds like a weird combination of both.. This must mean that all forms of self consciousness are deluded and therefore causing massive amounts of unhappiness for no reason. People are trying to protect and enhance a self that doesn't even exist through the opinions of others who also don't exist. All the behavior that's dictated on the opinions of others must be bullshit, everything must be bullshit.
  7. I feel like you made an important observation but I get lost in a house of mirrors when I do self inquiry. I guess that's the nature of the ego and why all of this work is so challenging... I'll be more observant of the I and see where that leads...