Bill W

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Everything posted by Bill W

  1. Nice video. Reminds me of this from one of my best books of all time and I quote directly Help people, show compassion and love. Let it flow because it will be coming back. Don’t be bothered whether or not this will pay off right now. It pays, and it pays tremendously The Buddha Said by OSHO
  2. It gives a sense of perspective that's for sure. I just wish the perspective would stick as it's a wake up call that life can be short and over at any time. I'm not sure thinking of your death and thinking about it often will get us anywhere though. I like the rest of your post.
  3. Because you can't dumb everything down like that. Safety disclaimers like what? So Hicks needs to write "if you are an idiot be careful reading this?" So what do we do with self-help book shops and spiritual book shops then? Have a psychiatrist at the door to screen people before they come in? Also, what about the internet, shall we just turn it off because of poor old braindead Joe or Jane as you put it might get harmed?
  4. Well Hicks and LOA in general is one of many, many, many models you can choose to buy into or not. Why waste time picking a model apart when you can just move on and try something different. If you are really moving towards personal development and improvement you haven't got time to waste dwelling on the negatives of some idea or belief you don't like anyway. LOA doesn't need to recruit people and doesn't care about complaints. LOA sells itself. All complaints can go into the shredder.
  5. Yeh fair play to Leo. He says one month off but when you start talking about needing a proper break one month is usually not sufficient so we could be looking at a few months. What he would say and he is right, use the time to go through some of your key topics again. Pick out some of his stuff that resonates most and watch it again and again. We are all in hunter gatherer mode to a degree and need time to implement ideas and good practice rather than continually collecting and consuming new content. Well I speak for myself here to be honest. You all might be different with this potential trap of just collecting and consuming.
  6. Thanks for this. I think I'll make this the next Neville Goddard book to read. I've only discovered him recently. Over the past month I've read At Your Command and Feeling Is The Secret.
  7. It's on my radar big time. I'm just having to be cautious with books and new material as I'm working on getting out of constant "hunter gatherer" mode and start focusing on actually putting into action what I've learned from other brilliant books and material I've been consuming. I always say "one more book" though I'm in love with Neville Goddard's stuff right now. It feels like LOA combined with the Bible and I'm loving it.
  8. I've actually always found you to be one of the most gentle and warm people on here. You seem honest and humble to me. Two qualities I really admire.
  9. Love this from you above! Also... It's mind over matter. I don't mind and you don't matter! Actually I need to hear this. I mean this thread. I've spent probably 90% of my adult life thinking everything matters and this has fueled my fear. I'm like a child getting scared there is a monster under the bed and I am 44 yrs old now.
  10. @fridjonk ??? In fairness to the OP I should give him some kind of decent response! I think I'm here to work on emotional mastery stuff mostly. And to also get out if my own head. To work towards getting that shift. I've spent over 20 yrs worrying about shit that doesn't matter. I don't want to 70 years old and still saying the same about my fear!
  11. Some of these answers read like we are in a Mad Max or some other kind of apocalyptic future where society has broken down. I mean, the topic of bullying meets with replies about guns and martial arts lol. I know sometimes aggression needs to be met with aggression. But most people who are successful in dealing with bullies I would imagine are very skilled at engaging their brain and mouth at the same time to diffuse the situation and also to assert themselves. The first stage of self defence is usually your mouth, words and posture unless their is literally no time to talk. The ego gets people killed every minute of every day I imagine. Pick your battles. Stand your ground. I read once that skilfully standing up for yourself through calmness and just words is like an emotional kung fu which makes sense to me! Verbally disarm the bully if possible. I'm not saying be overly passive. I had same thing yesterday. A big guy in a group I attend tried to intimidate me. I made sure he knew I was trying to maintain peace and friendliness but that I wasn't going to roll over and be his Neville Chamberlain before the start of world war 2 (appeasement). Bullies are everywhere to a degree. If you come out all guns blazing too quickly it will become a habit and you'll forever be doing it as bullies are not becoming extinct any time soon. Defend yourself yeh, but don't worry too much about justice. Most bullies have already been tried and convicted by themselves. They can't be happy people. Most of them know they are the problem. That's what I believe. We are talking about projection at the end of the day. They are trying to pass on their infection. Pass on their angst. They are spirituality and morally bankrupt.
  12. I am overly enlightened and trying to lower my consciousness back to more manageable levels. So I normally just focus on the threads that Leo has locked to try and reduce my consciousness a bit. To save someone else stealing my thunder, yes I do try and read my own posts back to myself as I find that also helps to lower my levels of consciousness.
  13. @DrewNows @pink Hey thanks. Food for thought
  14. Hi All, Been a while since I reached out to ya'll. Rather than write chapter & verse I just wanted to keep the opening post very simple. Is there anyone out there who from an anxiety / fear perspective are doing okay except for when you are at work or getting ready to go to work? I know work is not the real issue. I accept that. It runs deeper than that. I'm riddled with fear when I'm at work. But all fear outside of work is manageable right now. I'm loathe to isolate work as a problem as I believe ultimately fear needs to be treated across the board and isolating individual fears can be problematic as the root cause of the fear would still manifest elsewhere. That's my experience. But right now I feel I am carrying a huge burden. Can anyone relate?
  15. @Leonora Thanks for chipping in with that. I can relate. So tomorrow, I'm going to have to use every last ounce of humility, compassion, and holding my tongue as I can with my boss. He is micro-managing to the extreme right now and staff are dropping like flies. He is like the captain of the Titanic trying to get us somewhere in record time and we run the risk of all drowning because of this. I will try and be as conscious as I can that he is only human and probably is running around with a lot of fear like me. He is deeply flawed just like probably 90% of adults in the world are deeply flawed. Me included. I worry about slipping into what Russell Brand calls "beast mode". I am fortunate to a degree in that I declared my mental health vulnerabilities prior to starting the job. I'm reluctant to play the "I'm not well card", not because I am ashamed, but because, how can I progress my fear if I keep bailing out when the going gets tough? Leo says it's about practice, practice, practice. Mental masturbation and being "all spiritual" when the going is good will only get you so far. Leo's message is the same as the AA message. The current work situation does allow me the opportunity to practice value based behaviour and spiritual principles. It also allows me the opportunity to revert to beast mode and go on the attack. The whole "how dare you, stick your pressure where the sun don't shine" is very tempting. To hit that "drama" button and walk out is tempting. Not to quit. Oh no, I'm not going to just walk away. I have clients to support. It's the clients who are the most vulnerable and they need me. They don't a me who is off sick for a week or two. They need me healthy and motivated. I need to get out of ME, ME, ME and remember what Jesus kept telling everyone. I am here to fulfill The Father's wishes. I am not here acting on my own authority and doing my own thing. I am to be of service. That will help calm me down. God Bless that Son of a Bitch of a boss.
  16. Snap! The difference between me and you is that I've been doing this for many years and you still have a chance to stop the cycle. Well I also have a chance as well. What you describe is what we refer to in AA as "doing a geographical" and I've done loads of those. Basically, it's making an external change in circumstances (for me it is changing jobs, for others it is moving to a different city or country) with the short sighted expectation everything will be different next time and all the problems will be gone. But then, reality intrudes, and you realise your issues are still there.
  17. I'm going to ponder that before I ask you for clarity. Thanks though ?
  18. Kudos for owning up to it instead of purely projecting onto others and staying in denial. Sounds like a spiritual malady to me. Self-will run riot. Higher than required levels of self-entitlement with a corresponding dip in humility. I am not judging you, just trying to pass on my experience and I am very experienced in high levels of self-entitlement and low humility! If any of this resonates with you, including the below clip, then your job is to then try to apply these ideas and principles in your life and ACT, and not mental masturbate on it. Again I speak from experience of mental masturbation to distract from taking action.
  19. I guess there is no one or no source to actually confirm, so we are all left to form the answers via our imagination. Do we get just the one shot at life or existence and that's it? I like to think not.
  20. So we´re all clear that when the physical body dies Awareness implants itself into an We cannot possibly all be clear on this. Many of us will have different beliefs. Sure, all the people with the same belief might be clear on it, but that's it. If you are looking for certainty or some kind of promise with a guarantee, you won't find it here my friend.
  21. I keep meaning to idolize him but never seem to get round to it. It is on my to-do list though.
  22. @Leo Gura @Leo Gura Leo, I know you could well say respond with "watch my video" or "read the Sedona method". Actually, I will watch your video on this, but... one thing I love about the David R Hawkins approach to Letting Go is identifying the pay-offs for the thoughts, attitudes, stances, emotions, behaviours, and letting the pay off's go first, and surrendering these. Do you recall if the Sedona method or even your video on letting go, has such emphasis on identifying the "hidden" or not so hidden pay-off's, as I think this is a crucial element of it all.
  23. @Nahm Thanks Nahm. Yes. Better. Talked it out a bit.