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Everything posted by whoareyou

  1. You guys are not getting it - I am talking about a very nuanced thing here. No matter how much I try to explain, it's something that you need to be conscious of to understand. You can laugh all you want, and don't have to take my word for it - I just wanted to inform the public here, because a lot of people don't know how to properly use psychedelics. One of the other things that I see here - is too many people are stuck in intellectual understanding and not enough embodiment. Drop the seeking, chasing insights and trying to understand everything intellectually - it is actually counter intuitive. Good luck to all.
  2. 1) This statement is still in duality, between subject and object - "you" and "infinite intelligence". You didn't become a channel for anything - it is all God, which you are. The ego of course tries to take credit - that it became something... 2) This is not usually what is referred to when people use the term "channeling". A person's body being taken over by a spirit for the purpose of communication, mediums, spirit guides, etc - basically another story created by the ego ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guys, My post was not made to discredit "paranormal" as a whole, but to make you more aware of how one's ego hijacks the experiences when you take psychedelics. My assumption was that majority of people here who take psychedelics, take them with the intent to liberate themselves. Please keep this on-topic.
  3. There is an overlap of "direct experience" term here. It's all about how clear your perception is. If you are deluded by the ego, then your perception during the direct experience will be off - you will interpret that you were channeling something and gotten somewhere far - when in fact none of this happened. Creativity is a facet of being(infinite intelligence), it works the same for everyone. How connected you are on a being level determines the creativity "level" if you will.
  4. Yes the person who is tripping on a psychedelic is not actually channeling anything - it is a story that their ego creates during their trip. And yes, their ego is constructing a story, out of divine imagination that a person experiences during the trip. Instead of having a breakthrough awakening experience, the person's ego deludes them with the story by always having a subject-object narrative. When you take psychedelics(those on which your ego is still present (non 5-meo freebase that you smoke) - your aim should be to observe the ego and it's patterns - not get engaged in stories that your ego creates. That is of course, if your aim is to be liberated and to awaken. @Aakash Yes there are no super powers that come with "enlightenment". It is also not some kind of super-human achievement. Hence why I recommended you to stop seeking
  5. As a result of observing how it creates those narratives, you will not be drawn to them, or be identified with the story. It will just be a story, that is all. Channeling is just another story/narrative created by the ego , especially when we talk about psychedelic trip reports. Mckenna's contributions were valuable, but he was still heavily deluded. Yes the dreams at night are within the waking dream - yet there is still a big difference between them as far as your experience is concerned from a relative perspective. Coherence and continuity are present in the waking dream, and not during your sleep at night.
  6. Yes this is very likely the case of what happened with you. Ego is a very sophisticated mechanism, that will work endlessly to create stories and narrative. Most important, is to be brutally honest with yourself and have genuine desire for truth/liberation. With deeper awakenings, you will be able to spot ego within yourself and others much more easily. Doing psychedelics is not enough - actually observing the patterns of your ego in your everyday life is very necessary - how it creates narratives, stories, projections.
  7. From the absolute perspective, it is just GOD that is playing all characters simultaneously with himself. From a relative (character) standpoint, yes there is you talking to a family member. Yet in this relative "realistic" paradigm it is still as "real" as it gets. Coherence and continuity exists- when you wake up the next day, your mom is still there, but the aliens that you saw in you dream are not, and you won't be able to find them anywhere. There is a difference between a belief and actual knowing as @Inliytened1 has pointed out. When you go outside and see the sun - there is a knowing, you don't have to believe in the sun being there. I don't believe in spirits, just like I don't believe in a Santa Claus (from a relative standpoint). Am I open to that possibility and experience? Absolutely To answer your questions: 1. From the absolute perspective - other people are just other versions of yourself. It is all GOD that is playing all of those characters simultaneously. They are not actual separate entities . From a relative standpoint - of course anything is possible, but so far, I have not found it to true, nor has it been demonstrated by anyone else that it's a public knowledge. And even if they do happen to exist - those "spirits" would still be YOU, from the absolute perspective, it would still all be God. Your dreams, and psychedelic trips are heavily influenced by one's thoughts. My claim is that all of which is experienced there should be seen for what it is - divine imagination and not objectively true in this "reality" - where coherence and continuity are present. 2. From the absolute perspective - it is all just god, weather its 1 or 1000 realms. From the relative perspective - I have not found it to be true, nor has anyone shown it to me. 3. I don't hold a "belief" about weather paranormal exists or not. I have experienced "paranormal" (things that I can't explain), and thus I am open to to other paranormal experiences and things which people describe. But I will not adopt a belief because of this and start believing things without a direct knowing - knowing, and believing are very far from each other. My post was specifically to address people who trip on psychedelics - instead of liberating themselves, they delude themselves. Also, experiencing "paranormal" with a knowing that you experienced paranormal vs egoic narrative during a psychedelic trip are two different things. Paranormal term is very broad - people talk about a lot of things, and it doesn't necessarily mean they are all true, if some of them are true, you have to remember that as well. My question to you: Why is it even worth spending time and energy on "paranormal" stuff, when you could be spending that time/energy liberating yourself instead? From the absolute perspective it wouldn't be relevant. I agree with this 100%. From infinite intelligence/GOD/YOU
  8. It's the same thing as you going to sleep tonight, have a dream about talking with aliens, and then when you wake up - tell everyone about your experience and say that they are "real" - because you saw them and experienced them. You also will tell us that they told you they are coming to earth "in 7 days". 7 days pass and they never show up - it was just a product of divine imagination, nothing more. If you noticed clearly enough - your dreams are heavily influenced by your thoughts before the dream. The same applies to having that experience with psychedelics, it's just part of the divine imagination. You can say that this "reality" is not real, but I would tell you that it's as "real" as it gets. Coherence and continuity are the key. Why did the predictions by Terence Mckenna that were based on his experience with psychedelics did not come true? Because yes objectively speaking, it was groundless and misunderstood for what his experience was.
  9. To clarify my point, "Paranormal" is a very broad term - a lot of things fall into that category. Have I experienced paranormal? Absolutely. At the same time, I do not believe in spirits (separate entities). My approach is radical non-dualism. Radical is the keyword. Shamanism, just like most other traditions, is not free of baggage that comes with it. If you observe closely enough, there are a lot of dualistic distortions, created by the ego. If you want to be liberated, and be totally free - you will have to let go of all of that baggage at one point or another. Psychedelics are just a tool - if they are not used in a proper way - they can very heavily mislead you. People do it all the time, thinking that they are communicating with entities, channeling, etc - through their ego's interpretation. The biggest danger is coming in with pre-existing beliefs, and then have a very strong confirmation bias with psychedelics. Instead of liberating yourself, you end up further deluding yourself. People on this forum love to laugh at conspiracy theorists and consider people like Alex Jones insane. Yet those same people, talk about those same entities, etc. The most famous one is David Icke, who drank ayahuasca (N-DMT), and then came up with the theory about reptilians, aliens, - thinking that he found the truth. According to LEO, that is all just a distraction, and nonsense. Well, that nonsense is no different than the people who take psychedelics, and report communicating with entities, channeling, etc.
  10. No, the Ego hijacks the experience, and gives you the illusion that "you" are channeling something, doing something special and getting somewhere. When in fact - it is all just part of the play - part of divine imagination - but your ego interprets it differently. So far I have not found that to be true, at least while not on psychedelics. Exactly right, if you are channeling anything, it would be just playing with yourself. Recognizing this during the trip is crucial. Yup, they preach radical open-mindness, yet they are not open minded to the idea that they could be wrong. Oh the irony
  11. Nowhere did I mention paranormal in my post. This post is about tripping on psychedelics, and how the Ego hijacks the experience. My advice would be to learn to read more carefully before making irrelevant posts.
  12. Did you even read my post? You clearly did not, or did not read carefully enough. Nowhere here did I mention anything about paranormal. There is a difference between having an ego trip and experiencing actual paranormal. Apparently you haven't contemplated this topic enough. Time to do so and make a video for your audience. If my tone is closeminded here, then your tone is ignorant, this is all I will say. Of course your Ego will deny and use all kinds of excuses - I would never expect you to admit that you were wrong publicly.
  13. The user DOtheWork recently created a thread, and unfortunately it got locked as soon as I posted my reply, so I have to post it here: @DoTheWork This is NOT "total awakening". When one is always living in the present in the moment, boredom simply doesn't exist. This is a classic example of ego thinking it totally "awakened". Take a break from psychedelics and work on observing your own ego-mechanism. This is a very serious issue, because a lot of people with big "spiritual" egos who start doing powerful psychedelics, very frequently delude themselves during the trips. What happens? The ego sneaks through the backdoor and starts to overtake the narrative. People report "channeling", talking with "entities", , living in many different dimensions at the same time, etc - not recognizing the imagery that they see and experience during the trips is just part of divine imagination. Because of this, a lot of people including LEO, delude themselves very heavily and think that they have "directly" experience something, when it was just their ego operating. (example: Channeling God, keyword "channeling" ) This is coming from somebody who has done a lot of psychedelics (including 20 5-MEO DMT trips and 40+ N, N-DMT). It is a huge trap (one of many), that even LEO as you can see is not immune to. Transcript of what that user posted can be found here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I consider myself being twin of Leo... I have experienced all of the stuff he talks in his videos + have very similar personality. My background: 30 y/old male, Europe Many years of HARDCORE spiritual path. - Clean eating, mostly RAW (no wheat, no dairy, a little meat) - Being aware ALL DAY LONG - 16 hours a day - Contemplation and Self Inquiry 3 hours a day - Meditating in PITCH BLACK room 3 hours a day before midnight (strong determination sitting) - Concentration exercises - ejaculating max once per 2 weeks - Psychedelics (often): 15x 5-MeO-DMT HCL trips 30x 5-Meo-DMT Freebase trips 20x 4-Aco-DMT Fumarate trips 35x DMT Freebase trips 8x DPT trips 60x Weed trips 5x LSD trips 10x 2c-b trips + some near death experiences And some others. Many of my trips happened in pitch black darkness. Always WITHOUT trip sitter. I have had many "TOTAL" awakenings + experienced many paranormal, mystical phenomena and Kundalini awakening. Third eye opening etc... I have experienced many logically impossible experiences. Sober or under psychedelics. I consider myself Awakened consciousness, yet there are infinite degrees of awakening more left. DO YOU GET IT? After MANY infinite trips you will get it. YES, there are degrees to awakening. I have experienced MANY lifetimes. In fact, I have experienced ALL possible lifetimes that have existed, exist now or will exist when having many of my mystical experiences. I have had trips, where I experienced ALL POSSIBLE LIFETIMES OF ALL POSSIBLE CREATURES in 6 hours. Entire lifetimes... YES! All possible creatures. 5-legged ones, or just beings made of energy only, or creature with not 5 or 6 senses but 300 senses etc... Sounds impossible? Well... If you do HARDCORE practices, you can experience many hardcore stuff. This story about Big Bang and Planet Earth IS JUST ONE OF INFINITE MORE STORIES in infinite more dimensions. I attained THOUSANDS of "spiritual" insights. Most of them are impossible to put into words and sentences. "You are God" is just one of INFINITE MORE SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS. I can't describe this statement more, because of the limit of language. There is INFINITE deepness. In other dimensions I took psychedelics 10000s times potent than DPT. There are infinite more colors than you can see now in this current dimension. Be very open-minded reading next lines please. After many years of being "spiritual"... After my last awakening, I realised that this whole spiritual path is just ONE story of infinite other meaningless stories. Chasing this whole "who am I?" thing is just of many possible stories and is AS MEANINGLESS AS ANY OTHER STORY. I awakened to total meaninglessness. TOTAL. THERE IS NO OTHER PLACE TO BE. I can't escape THIS being. There is only being. I experienced that no matter what I do, even if I kill myself, I will be reborn infinite times more. In fact I have literally physically experienced dying and killing myself in other dimensions just to realise that I can't escape this BEING thing. After you die, you can choose to "enjoy" formlessness for infinity. BUT that infinity is so infinite, that is finite. Basically, that INFINITY will feel like blink of the eye, and you will get "bored" and will reborn "instantly", after you get bored being formless. READ THAT AGAIN. In other words: HUMAN DIES, BABY IS BORN. INSTANTLY. You can't escape... There is only Existence. No form of suicide is enough. Thanks to this insight, this exact life that I live now, is exactly good as any other life. No life is better than other life. Thanks to many mystical experiences I realised that businessman has his sufferings and joys, is the same as homeless man has his pains and joys. No difference. And here comes my question.... Question that no one of you can answer... Because I have used infinite times more potent stuff than your tiny limited human mind, YET I am still searching for answer. WHAT TO DO NOW? The thing is, I feel like there is no higher "level" to reach. I have experienced mahasamadhi in other lifetimes, I have reached TOP OF THE TOP levels of Existence... I have experienced toppest of the tops, I always ended up in some limited dimension. And Now I want to suffer again. That is the reason I have chosen not to have mahasamadhi in this life (I had many opportunities to have mahasamadhi in this life) You were God infinite lifetimes before, and now you forgot you wanted to experience being limited again. You forgot you have put yourself here just to limit yourself again. JUST CAUSE. Because you can. I WANT TO BE HUMAN AGAIN AND TO HAVE ROLLERCOASTER LIFE OF EMOTIONS AND ILLUSIONS. I want to forget I am God... But I know too much. Too much.... I am serious. After TOTAL ENLIGHTENMENT, after THE HIGHEST HIGH, there is only a way down. I just want to warn EVERYBODY: THERE ARE INSIGHTS that will destroy your life, your motivations, your everything. There are insights so shocking that will paralyze you. You will lose interest for friends, movies, music, just about everything. It feels like know everything, have been everything, been everywhere, have done everything... In every dimension I have lived, there is always this "OMG now I know too much, and there's no way back" level. After that insight, life in that dimension becomes very "meaningless"... In every dimension there are illusions similar to "Maya", just to protect you. To protect you from "knowing too much" so you can continue enjoying the show. It feels like the "secret" of Maya have its purpose here in this dimension. Knowing too much (being awakened) in whatever dimension leads to being unfulfilled. It's like cheating... Do you enjoy playing a game with "GODMODE: ON" cheat? If I could choose again, I would not choose to awaken. This world is made to be for unconscious beings. Now I have a 2 choices. Just watching everything, just observing this miraculous colorful explosion. orPut myself again into Matrix and forget who am I. And I think I want to forget. But how? How could I? How could I deceive myself again? Basically, I want to warn you... KNOWING "TOO MUCH" and being robbed of "mandatory" illusions will leave you unsatisfied... TOTAL ENLIGHTENMENT leads later to total unconsciousness. It's a strange loop. Even being infinite love will soon or later lead to infinite suffering. You are THE CHANGE. You want CHANGE. Don't ask me why... YES, I am saying very radical stuff. I have experienced many lives in other dimensions being only "LOVE". But after some time, even LOVE will seem boring. You will not enjoy your "total awakening" to the infinity... At one point, you basically get bored and want to enjoy being unconscious jerk again... Soon or later, you may be interested in being Zen Devil just for the sake of doing it.That's why you see many spiritual gurus having affairs and being zen devils.There is something deep you can get from this post, but I don't know how to communicate it better, because I am not native english speaker. Have a nice day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. @Aakash The problem is that you view "enlightenment" as some kind of super human achievement. Now you can see why seeking will have to be dropped at one point or another
  15. @DoTheWork This is NOT awakening. When one is always living in the present in the moment, boredom simply doesn't exist. This is a classic example of ego thinking it totally "awakened". Take a break from psychedelics and work on observing your own ego-mechanism.
  16. Have you actually examined this statement carefully enough? I would say it's a classic example of your ego ego sneaking in the backdoor during your trip, thinking that it's "channeling" god. Because you were not conscious of this, you now have built a false belief through your ego's narrative, thinking it was a legitimate direct experience.
  17. There are a lot of "well documented" things in history, this doesn't automatically make them true. Unless if you had direct experience of it yourself, you have no idea what "channeling" actually is, or if it even exists. I would keep an open mind, but would not start blindly believing something. There are even some non-dual teachers would there that outright reject it
  18. Nothing new here ,more intellectualizing and conceptualizing, while his Ego thinking that he was talking to infinite intelligence. Going to say it again - Leo is heavily trapped in intellectual pursuit, which is what is keeping him from liberating himself. This is just all ego stuff, he is just too blinded to see it.
  19. Yes it's basically at 50-50 at the moment, while Leo put Trump chance's at 10%. My offer still stands, but as you can see, Leo is not willing to put his money where his mouth is.
  20. I know exactly what you meant, and 10% is extremely low - it is a very absurd claim to make. (Go and read Sertotoninluv's analysis - I think it's the most accurate that I seen here) If you are so sure of yourself, would you be willing to put your money where your mouth is? How about 3 to 1 against Trump winning(a bet on any candidate that he would face)? Should be easy money for you in this case.
  21. I agree with your assessment. My point was, that Leo's opinion that Trump stands no chance of winning is very absurd.
  22. I shouldn't have used the word "big", my apologies. My point, is that if he actually stood no chance as Leo says, he wouldn't be any close to a slight favorite. He would be a pretty big underdog, no (despite us not knowing who democratic candidate is going to be) ?
  23. LOL According to bookies, Trump is a FAVORITE to get re-elected: https://gyazo.com/263d8632889565f653190bae11487fec With all due respect, I doubt that you know more than the bookies. I think that your strong dislike of trump is blinding you of the ability to see the situation as it is (self-bias).
  24. Thank you for the report, was an interesting read What kind of festival was this? Psytrance? Now looking back, what do you actually think was that "2nd voice" in your head?
  25. Could you provide more details ? Your story sounds very interesting