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Everything posted by whoareyou

  1. Because you skimmed an article, you do not understand the complexity and nuances described in this article. Your own mind is distorting you into labeling Mooji as "legit spiritual teacher". This is not what I said. He is abusing his position to have sex with his students, while being in a monogamous relationships. If you haven't skimmed the article, actually read it and CONTEMPLATED, you would see it is not relative and subjective. Your own devilry is coming to play here. How do you determine that something is "legit"? Your perception of what is "legit" and what is not could very easily be distorted here. It's a relative matter to you, because you skimmed the article. If you bothered to read, and take it in the context, you would see the bigger picture. Having his students engage in criminal activity for him, and then take the falls for it, all just to earn his devotion is a VERY red flag. Somewhat? It is VERY problematic. The fact that you don't see the significance of what is going on here, given the context, is hilarious to me. All spiritual communities have this kind of abuse? Wtf are you talking about? Do you factor in your own projections, judgments, and beliefs that you hold about Mooji? If you want to understand what is going on here, you need to read the entire article. There is a lot more than "cult-like" features, there are a lot of red flags that you fail to see.
  2. You did not read the article in it's entirety. It was an in depth research done by an outstanding investigative journalist. The fact that you are defending Mooji is very troubling. You can't be this naive right? What he is doing is much more than "unhealthy". Here are very important things that you missed: - Abusing his position to have sex with his students (and cheating on his partners while having sex with them) -Using abusive tactics such as shaming, humiliating, controlling behavior, pairing and breaking up couples, brainwashing/ mind control, coercing people from leaving,etc - If he was congruent with who he portrays himself to be on public videos, his followers would not refer to him as “my Lord,” “my Master” and “my Father.” Regularly kiss his “holy” feet and bowing to him would not be an accepted form of behavior in his ashram. The fact that he doesn't discourage this behavior is a very red flag alone. Given the context, this plays a huge significance which you fail to see. - Smuggling over €200,000 of unreported cash, and having his followers smuggle money for him - another red flag -Sells “Sahaja Dust” labeled as “earth Mooji may have walked on.” It’s dirt from their retreat center. Mala beads blessed by Mooji sell for up to 25 Euros. Pictures of Mooji’s feet sell for 1.5 Euros. And he sells blankets that he has personally used. - People walk around on eggshells fearing him and wanting to outdo others to show how devoted they are. There is a lot more, this is just the appetizer.
  3. What you refer to "love", usually is ego attachment, majority of people don't know what "love" is, and I doubt you do either. Here is a quote from you which confirms this: "And the thought of watching a friend have sex with her honestly makes me feel a bit sick. I can’t think of a worse situation " There is nothing wrong with preferring exclusivity and a monogamous relationship - but only if it's done as a conscious choice and not an egoic attachment.
  4. This is a belief, you can't possibly know this to be true. Don't take anything blindly what someone says, even from Leo
  5. Do you love the girl you are dating at the moment? If yes, then why would her enjoying herself and having a great time make you sick? Because it's not love, but ego attachment. If you truly love somebody, you would be happy for them, regardless of your selfish agenda and needs.
  6. @Knock You are missing the point of what "Pick Up" actually is. Pick up is a tool and it is up to you, how you would apply that tool. You can use that tool consciously and unconsciously, for egoic purposes for which you described. A lot of people are unconscious, this is why you see a lot of the things that you mentioned. Inherently there is nothing wrong with Pick Up. There are also different pickup schools out there, and they are certainly different.
  7. @SageModeAustin You did absolutely nothing wrong by bringing up RSD or bringing her on the tour. That is not a deal breaker in any way. The deal breakers are: Neediness, insecurities, not being confident, and not fucking her well. If you were: A confident, grounded, congruent, dominant, and sexy man - she would not go anywhere, even if you brought up RSD 100 times. Work on becoming that man and don't try to hide who you are.
  8. Just because you have great relationships with people and have the ability to attract women, doesn't mean anything. Deep, fullfilling, intimate relationships with women are a different level and that requires a lot of work on yourself. 1) How do you know if "hardcore monks"or Dalali Lama are right? Would you just take their forth blindly without finding out yourself? How do you even know they are enlightened? 2) Being a monk is not the only way to liberation, yet some you think it is the only way. 3) enlightenment is nothing something you can achieve or attain in the future moment. It is not something that you have to chase. Why are you trying to pursue something that you have no idea about? You have adopted a beliefs about what "enlightenment" is and that if you have sex - you will never become enlightened. I suggest to really investigate those.
  9. @mandyjw @Truth Addict This +1000, could not have said it any better.
  10. She didn't went cold on him because of just neediness in the text. Neediness in the text is the byproduct of his overall neediness. If he is needy in person with her, he will also be needy in text. His first text + her 2 responses: You can clearly see that in the previous texts he went needy in texting, waiting for her to respond, that she had point to him out why she didn't respond. 2nd text: He is supplicating to her. 4th text: He is supplicating to her. I can feel the overall vibe of the texts based on what he wrote in the thread. To those that don't get it, it will be very hard to explain to, just like trying to explain non-duality to a person who never had a glimpse. Because you never been in that situation before and never will (you are a woman), it will be very hard for you to fully understand this. When I saw the pictures, I wasn't particular focused on "neediness". I read the texts and without giving it any thought, that was the vibe that I felt immediately. It's like a clear knowing.
  11. @flowboy @Emerald I totally agree with flowboy, and can see even the neediness even in texts. How? Because at one point in my life I was that guy, and only the people who have been that needy guy can see this crystal clear. 3/4 of his texts convey neediness/supplication and that is the reason why that woman lost interest in him. To OP, I recommend to read the book "The Way of Superior Man" by David Deida.
  12. This! OP, you sound like you are attached to beliefs - which make up your self image of being a "spiritual person". Being celibate is not a requirement for liberation. Read some books on tantric and taoist sexual practices first. Get this area of life handled. Learn how to attract women, and how to build relationships. It is very common for people like you to do what is called spiritual bypassing. For majority of people, there is a lot more growth experienced in relationships than when they are alone.
  13. It is still certainly possible to do consciousness work and go to the gym. The gym itself could be a form of meditation, no? As long as the reason you are going to the gym is because you enjoy the process, and not due to macho self-image.
  14. I agree with you, this is why I said that the religious beliefs would have to be dropped, as they get in the way of directly experiencing the truth. The personal bias and interpretation would come in from existing beliefs and the truth would not be known. The "truth" can only be pointed at. And if communicated at all, should be as direct as it possibly can be.
  15. @Truth Addict You are overthinking it. Direct experience is the only way to know the truth. Ironically enough, the beliefs that many religious/spiritual folks hold, is what keeps them from directly experiencing the truth. This is what I meant, keep it simple. @mandyjw You have used the word "disgusting" twice already and that is your own projection. I don't feel any "disgust". I treat your "religion" just like any other belief system out there. I could care less weather it's Christianity, New Age, or Scientific Materialism - there is very little difference and all are part of the same issue. As LEO pointed out, the ego creates a lot of justifications and excuses, to not let go of attachments.
  16. @mandyjw You are not understanding the difference between direct experience and a belief. And you are using "love" to justify your attachment to a particular religion. Non-duality is not about beliefs, but exact opposite - a direct experience. As much as you want it to be, non-duality is not compatible with religion. If fact, if non-duality is not applied correctly, it can easily turn into a religion. Before you write another response, contemplate the following: 1) What is a direct experience? 2) What is a belief? 3) What is the difference between direct experience and belief? 4) What makes something a religion? How was religion created? 5) What is the difference between non-duality and religion? 6) Are you willing to let go of your attachments to Christianity, in pursuit of truth?
  17. A belief system is exact opposite of a psychedelic. The actual path is about subtracting, not adding. Until you fully let go of those things, you will not be able to have a true awakening Mandy.
  18. Religion and spirituality is for the EGOs. Once you have a real awakening, the desire to be religious or spiritual will disappear on it's own. If Jesus was alive today, he certainly wouldn't be a Christian.
  19. When did I say it's a "should"? Read again what I said, it doesn't contradict your last 2 statements.
  20. Having sex or not having sex does NOT matter when it comes to enlightenment. Having conscious sex vs not conscious, just like every other action that you take in life IS what matters. I recommend everyone here to study Tantric and Taoist practices.
  21. This is the problem. Men and women are not the same, and never will be. Things like this cause sexual dysfunctions for many men. I recommend to read the book "The way of superior man" by David Deida. Work on developing your masculine edge, read this article here: https://www.jordangrayconsulting.com/develop-your-masculine-edge-9-steps-to-becoming-a-beast/
  22. There is no need to feel guilt, as there is nothing that you "should" do in life. Try dropping the idea of having spiritual practices, and instead focus on becoming more conscious throughout your regular everyday life. In order to become more conscious, a lot of spiritual concepts and beliefs would also have to be dropped. Over the years, I have seen too many people get caught up in theoretical concepts here - instead of living their life.
  23. If you had an actual breakthrough experience with 5-MEO (which is much easier with 5-MEO than with other psychedelics), then for sure other psychedelics from now on would be much more powerful. So it is very likely that you may reduce the dosage. Just experiment and see.
  24. Your relationship was a classic narcissist(her)-codependent(you) duo. I recommend to study narcissism and co-dependency to avoid such a toxic dynamic in the future.