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About CuriousTraveller

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  1. Are you saying that any other bodily function other than breath is a diversion of the mind? Or focusing on them is wrong? Isn't meditation all about focus, which means staying in present?
  2. I love this man. At the time of reading "Power of Now" I had my breakthrough, differentiating myself from the ego in experience, not just words. He just has a way to get to me (and many others I am sure)
  3. Thank you for the answer and encouragement. I will certainly do that. In the beginning it was hard to get in the meditative state, trying to focus on breathing without starting to control it. But at one point I realized there are so many other things to focus on, now one more is added. Lately I have been focusing on this intense feeling in the Solar Plexus area, which I at one point also discovered that was always coming with me, wherever I was or whatever I was doing. When I am overtaken by the ego mind, and then become conscious and focus my attention on the area, I feel that there was this tension sensation, but when focusing on it it relaxes and becomes a gate to connect to myself. I feel the same, but not sound, the heartbeat itself. Happens often in meditation. For me the heartbeat is slow, but so strong that the whole body becomes heart and pulses in sync, not just the brain.
  4. I remember reading somewhere, that once we find physical evidence of consciousness, we enter into a new era. I remember thinking to myself "Is this what's really holding us back? Why would someone need physical evidence when it is so clearly distinguishable from ego thinking mind". I guess I must have falsely assumed, that everyone is able to find themselves with little inner self-exploration.
  5. Hey, Last night before falling asleep in silence I noticed this constant high pitch whining sound It was not as intense in the beginning, but when I "went into it" it got so loud it felt like it was hurting my ears. When drawing my attention to something else it would subside. I have never noticed it before, but still it feels like it has always been there, in the silence, I just never listened. And now I can hear this sound whenever in silence. I have very sensitive hearing, and do not have any problems regarding, but found "tinnitus" which is an incurable medical condition. Should I seek medical attention or is this another symptom of awakening, which I have been experiencing in exponential growth since 2012? Thank you in advance, CuriousTraveller