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Everything posted by Nivsch

  1. Panic attack is also something you feel its SO real but this doesnt make its content true.
  2. But above you said: "Yes .but it's even more radical than that. The same is true from your pov as well."
  3. Did you take psychedelics before and if you did what kind? Did psychedelics help you along the way to realize that or only watching the videos?
  4. Your imagening them as not the true them because you wear an mental image on them which is approximation and never them, because they are like nothingness in the way that an ever changing form is. But i dont agree they dont feel sensations too.
  5. I understand that your family member x is mostly in your imagination in the way that you invented an image about his/her which is not the infinite always changing true his/her. But i cant agree he/she doesnt feel suffering or happiness too. Maybe there is no seperation between you and him/her because you are all one connected unit (dererminism throught science or direct experience of this through higher stages of awakening). But there is a feeling of suffering in another cordinates which you (or "you") are not experience.
  6. What made you to realize this (the solipsism)? Psychedelics? Meditation? Something else?
  7. But they dont want to explain. Just to drop it on you and deal with that "you are alone". It is a ego game. Building a bridge to make you understand is not their interest.
  8. @Naol I think that your mind/brain shows you that you are missing some things and that you have got spiritually partially wrong. Spirituality is about listening to your OWN comfortable and uncomfortable messages and grow from them. Is this what you have done? Can you try to discover what the negative thoughts you have right now, want you to realize and re-calculate your path?
  9. @Someone here When have the solipsism became the symbol for ultimate awakening? ? Is this the new fashion? What a cute trend. My question to you is - why did you open this thread and share your awakening to us, if you think we are not exist?
  10. Exactly. Can it be that the spritiual ego get stuck on solipsism and doesnt see its full circularity back into reality?
  11. @Ineedanswers You can't trust only the psychedelic's state but you must also take into account the sober state which is not less important and it is also "psychedelic" (neurotransmitors). You have to integrate both together, and add upon them your subconscious position which is actually the most important and the most challenging to discover.
  12. @Ineedanswers I am not sure if i am right but maybe you are compulsive about this issue? Is this issue of solipsism bothers/scares you?
  13. If you enjoy thinking that so go for it. The distance between "no seperation we are infinitely together" and between "I am alone" is very small and thats why everyone can very easily choose the version they wants to be true! It is far many light years from an objective decision. Personally I believe only in the together version.
  14. The only thing that matters is what you think. You can debate, you can try to learn from people but only you will do the final fine tuning and decide for yourself what is the truth. Even psychedelics cant reveal it to you, but only to help. The fact is that everyone will interprate a little different what meditation/yoga/psychedelics/other shows to them.
  15. @Ineedanswers What do YOU want to be true? Do you have some fear of the solipsism?
  16. @Someone here Right. But from there going to a notion like "you are alone" this is a one big step too much.
  17. @Null Simplex But you still want to share it to us and you have invested a long message with intention to explain it to us. This is not by accident. Something in your subconscious does not agree with the solipsistic attitude. Listen also to him and integrate him too. This is very important. Listening to your subconscious messages is more profound than psychedelics.
  18. Cool. So trust yourself your answers are always have to be the #1 in importance to you.
  19. @Mason Riggle but it doesnt matter to you if you are alone in the universe or not? Doesnt it practically speaking very different?
  20. Thats why it is very easy to latch on this idea if you want it to be true.