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About RachelThorpe

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  1. I’ve started noticing hair fall for a couple of months now, although it is not so massive. I’d like to know whether there is an integrative medicine to stop my hair loss problem. Is there any product that can promote hair growth in terms of thickness and density?
  2. Usually, when I go to bed to sleep at night, I always have felt like fear of going to sleep because of anxiety. And when I sleep and after some time I wake up so that I couldn't sleep properly and not getting enough sleep which affects my lifestyle. Are there any ideas to solve these problems or to help anxiety?
  3. After eight hours of having the last meal, the body enters into the fasting state as it takes that much time period to complete digestion and absorbs all the nutrients. At this time period, the body uses carbohydrates stores as its energy resource. After overnight fasting, the body will use up mostly liver glycogen stores. After fasting 23 hours, 50 percent of muscle glycogen was reduced. In prolonged fasting, the body starts to break down muscles to use protein for energy.
  4. Here are some things that you can do to deal with hay fever naturally. Drink two or three cups of fenugreek seed tea daily to prevent irritation and nasal congestion. Eat more ginger and garlic. Ginger is anti-inflammatory which helps to reduce symptoms of hay fever whereas garlic acts as an antibiotic. Add fish oil in the diet to reduce inflammation. Keep work and home environment dust free as dust particles can lead to hay fever.