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Everything posted by integral

  1. I get the overall sentiment, I'm being childish in that sense that I expect people to apply themselves to reinvent everything and not settle for half measures. I guess the only solution is for better non-profit science backed by the government and stricter laws preventing and out right blocking science funded by companies with a conflict of financial interests. There should be a warning on studies by law like a food label showing the companies involved in its production.
  2. We define something as poison is if its only function is to kill and its active compound is in high concentration. A potato is not for killing and its concentration of dangerous compound is low. Toothpaste and all cleaning products have the purpose to kill everything + make removing dirt/oil easier, its concentration of dangerous compound is high. Avoiding drinking it is good and all but avoiding microdosing is not going to happen if its in the house being used daily and in contact with skin and lungs 24/7. Microdosing these poisons has a direct effect on the mind and central nervous system, its non trivial active stressor on the system. --- According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), some household cleaning products may contain chemicals that can enter the body through the skin and cause various health effects, such as skin irritation, allergic reactions, nerve and kidney damage, and even cancer12. For example, one study found that people who used bleach or other disinfectants at least once a week had higher levels of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in their blood than those who did not use these products3 Another study found that people who used spray cleaners had higher levels of glycol ethers in their urine than those who did not use these products. Glycol ethers are solvents that can affect the nervous system and reproductive system. A third study found that people who used toothpaste containing triclosan had higher levels of this antibacterial agent in their urine than those who did not use this product. Triclosan is a potential endocrine disruptor that can interfere with hormone function. --- These are poor mans studies, where the financial industry has active interest to avoid and supress conducting them. So studies do not represents the full potential of insights this space has waiting to be unveiled. Its the tip of the garbage dump.
  3. Should Parents Kiss Their Kids on the Lips? Experts & Families Weigh In This was the lamas intention. It turned out to be a shit show because it wasn't his kid. People kiss there dogs on the lips. Lmao
  4. A framing that he is perverted. When playing with children its normal to do unexpected things to get a laugh, this is the game. The tongue was playfulness and the kiss wasn't. The kiss he was trying to be loving from his perspective like as parents kissing a new born baby or even older (this is common and completely non-sexual), from the child's perspective depending on his temperament he could of experience it in many different ways and one of them could of been discomfort, personally at that age it would of made me extremely uncomfortable and adults have done questionable things to me at that age as jokes that I interpreted at the time as "danger". So I get where all this is coming from, but there is 2 experiences here, the kid and the lama, the kids perspective might be discomfort but that does not mean the lama is intentionally molesting a kid for personal gain. His intentions could also be innocent. This guy is in front of a camera 24/7, if he farts its on full display to the public. Its a bit unfair to judge someone entire life by one event where in this case its essentially a modern day media witch hunt.
  5. Its a joke to fool around, hes thinking and trying to find something to do that is unexpected, that's the mindset of all playfulness. He was laughing the entire time.
  6. I get the position you've taken, but its just another framing, its unclear if this is child molestation or not. The position you've taken to focused on one side and it seems like there strong negative emotions guiding it. I wouldn't say its "thinking for one self" to be guided by emotions like this. The majority of people view this on the negative side and its harder to see why its not. To say "i dont know" or give him a pass in this case is where the challenge is, but demonizing the situation is easy. It would be easier if we would see the child's face, I really cant detect the "pull back" and discomfort you guys are seeing. Im not saying its happening or not, but you guys are also experiencing projection caused by framing.
  7. The jeans during manufacturing have already been washed in bleach and other chemicals, so you've been absorbing all that into your skin. Its important to wash with water when you get new cloths to remove all the chemicals. How do you brush with only poison? This mindset is odd. Yes I'm not seeing at all what tooth paste does to begin with. After eating I clean my mouth with water and swallow. With my tongue if I feel that a tooth has something on it I scrape it with my nail. Occasionally with my nail ill get close to the gums to scrape around. That's about all someone needs to do to keep the mouth clean. To be safe brush with a poison once a month. Why no one calls it poison is also unclear, you drink it you die. How do you have any fait in studies? These topics cannot be understood by piecing together data especially when the sources are coming from a biased ego chamber. The studies are not saying what we think there saying. Its data being mashed into a square hole coming out square the other side and everyone feels good there intuition in square land was right. 99% of studies is confirmation bias, the people conducting the study and the people reading it know already what the outcome is and the conclusion they will form from it by just reading the title. Its all paradigm lock. The other topic Leo stated T4 and T3 hormone replacements doesn't work for him and everyone else who had no direct experience in the matter was certain that there studies and data was the "right approach".
  8. Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something, its all vibration.
  9. Consumer Mindset Spiritual Edition.
  10. The issue is we cant coordinate everyone to stop development, so we have no choice but to rush to get there first and hope the more developed country's have them.
  11. It means you don't know how to study and you think your applying yourself but really your not and this is because you've never seen the work the top students are putting in. So really your making a false comparison that "they must be more intelligence" when the other guy is working 10x harder and smarter. By smarter I mean they figured out effective study and learning habits and you didnt. So the solution is not for people to tell you "your smart don't worry", its for you to learn how to learn, study the art of studying and get results. Thats whats going to make you feel better. Getting good grades is a joke, every idiot does it as long as they put the work in.
  12. Wait people meditate to get rid of that voice lol
  13. @Michael569 Its difficult when you live with people that don't care, other then that its pretty simple, don't buy and use any cleaning products. Maybe for some another hard part is the slow learning curve of letting go of each one.
  14. YES avoid. Wash dishes with hot water and an abrasive material that's all you need. Its highly significant, your poisoning every surface of your house and calling it clean. Brainwashed from birth by culture for profit. Its not only that, anything that touch's your skin is absorbed fully into the body. The skin is hyper absorbent. Avoid physical content with all chemicals. That means wear socks and don't walk on a floor bear foot that was cleaned with detergent and don't wear cloths that where washed with chemicals, because your basically absorbing chemicals all day as its all in contact with your skin. These chemicals have a direct effect on your psychology. The same goes for air quality, anything in the air is 100% absorbed and goes directly into your blood stream. If you smell cleaning products your inhaling chemicals. Don't use soap when taking a shower, brush your teeth and wash cloths with water. Dish washers are terrible and leave a large amount of soap, if you use one set it on high heat and use no soap.
  15. There must be some legal action you can take to separate yourself from her so they don't come after you with credit card dept. The situation is only going to get worse, immediately take action to prevent her from ruining your finances. As she gets older she will only become more emotionally unstable and depressed leading to more spending, its addiction and a coping mechanism.
  16. Living with someone you connect with and have good daily experience with rewires ones default perspective to be more emotionally stable and healthy. The opposite is true if you do not connect well.
  17. @Leo Gura Do you think its going to be dangerous living in the united states when AI replaces 99.9% of jobs? It seems very unlikely the US will get this right. All the citizens are going to be on universal paid income and the majority of wealth will be milked and controlled by large businesses. The less progressive the country the more dangerous it will be to live there when AI takes over.
  18. Standing hamstring curls: Go to a leg extensions machine and instead of sitting down stand up facing it and use it to do hamstring curls. Barbell squat lunges: Use squat rack for lunges, requires balance. Balance beam Squats: Try doing 20 squats while balancing on a railing. 360-720 Deep Squat Spins: Squat to the floor then jump up while doing a 360 degree turn then land full squat back down, repeat in the other direction for 20. Clean and jerk Hip Thrust Machine Weighted One leg standing calves raises on ledge: No hand support Needs balance
  19. If you take to much before your ready then its very likely. Got to start with a low dose and build your self up, get a feel of what the experience is like.
  20. Seems like a major contradiction is happening here, your clearly not serious about success if you care about partying and you cant get in to party with out success. Get serious, school is really easy, you memorize and study what ever they tell you, its all handed to you on a silver platter. Your not getting in because your not dedicated or maybe your working a job on the side and dont have time? Also you very likely have not figure out how to learn effectively and how to memorize effectively. Start with that. That 19 year old is not more intelligent then you. Nothing impressive about getting grades.
  21. We program it to tell the truth that it 100% believes with out human scripts making it "nice". A machine that cant lie.