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Everything posted by integral

  1. LOOOOL did you sit infront of a piano and spontaneously learn how to play? No you practiced for years and are enhancing your skills will LSD. State is a extremely useful thing, we are in agreement on that. Also if thats you well done your a bad ass baby. ?
  2. Conceptualizing and abstraction is still happening on the screen. Anything on the screen is absolute truth. Stuck in a thought loop is absolute truth because its on the screen. There is no difference between a senses and a thought they are both on the screen therefore it IS. There is no part of the screen that is not True. if your directly experiencing it, it means its is fundamental, it is both absolute and relative at the same time. If subject and object is happening on screen that is TOTALITY. Oneness and Separation are the same thing. Direct experience is wtv is directly experienced, wtv is on screen.
  3. @The Redeemer Im not seeing you engaging with any of the comments in a productive way, the forum is not a place to reinforce your beliefs, its for self-development.
  4. @Osaid I dont mean knowing as a description, i mean knowing as a understanding. There is no description or conceptualizing it is just a knowing. If you look at it and know it as infinite in quality then that is the knowing.
  5. Well im not talking about a knower, just knowing. WIth out some conditioned knowing its impossible to function in a practical way. When you look at your hand you know what it is right? Are you saying you dont? Do you know what your reading right now?
  6. Rejection is transcended when dating is viewed as a natural result of connection, when a connection is created people naturally come together in union, so you can never be rejected. If we zoom out abit on pick up, running up to a random girl to ask her if she has a bf that you know nothing about is something that misses the entire point of relationships. You dont know anything about her and your already interested in dating her? Why? Seeing a random girl thats cute walk by the mindset shift happens when you want to get to know her not date her. if you guys genuinely vibe, get along and are compatible ONLY then add her to your life. So this kind of thing where people run up to a stranger and desire to date them is shallow, needy, woman feel it and its the wrong frame that doesnt get results because your not going to be able to generate vibe needed to attract her. When your interested in forming a connection then that mindset creates the vibe that attracts. The entire point of pick up is teaching men how to create a vibe woman are attracted to and that vibe is raw connection. But in pick up they dont actually care about connection they want to mimic it with tricks as a result they are stuck in a rejection/win/loss frame and rarely find people they are genuine compatible with, as the woman they attract are attracted to there fake personality. Instead run up to her to get to know her, vibe with her, connect with her and if there is genuine interest then add her to your life. The entire point is in a relationship you are going to build a strong connection with her, so go do that right away! Dont hold yourself back for a later "date". That first encounter IS the date, it IS the connection phase.
  7. Only you know that. There is no war against men. Everything you think is happening externally is a reflection of you, its about who you are. The war is happening between you and the world.
  8. Its very likely you dont behave in a healthy way, so the feed back your getting from people especially woman is negative. So instead of looking inward at your self and contemplating who you are, you blame the outside word for it. What peoeple hate the most is anyone standing in the way of there selfishness.
  9. The trap everyone falls for my man.... Getting a gf is a human need and can go a long way, so dont hold back in that department. Go get her! Children are a financial stress and no amount of love you think the external world will give you is going to compensate for the slavery your going to experience. Get a gf and find a job your love doing.
  10. Find someone that respects your boundaries, thats what this relationship is trying to teach you. Relationships are high speed growth vehicles.
  11. Absolutely do not send him a pic, that is what your authentic self wants. Always be true to your self in situations like this. Next question why in this relationships are you unable to communicate to him what your true self wants and desires. Why do you feel you cant be your self with him? Why are you hiding? --- In a healthy relationship you tell people how you feel and they take that seriously and have your best interests at heart. If you say no to him and he tryes to manipulate you (guilt trip) then hes not the one.
  12. The issue with this is youll be stuck working that high paying job to pay the bills. Families are expensive.
  13. I do believe him, its I dont think we should define enlightenment as a specific state.
  14. Will a spontaneous enlightenment make someone mature or have integrity? or does it take practice to learn to play the piano?
  15. Ive experience the state mutliple times in my life sober but it doesnt last more then 5 minutes. I view it as a Ideal state that isnt any different then drug assist states. Some people can sustain these states sober, I don't think I can. Whats more valuable to me is stages of ego development that takes real growth that random binary on and off enlightenments cant acquire but probably helps. You cant learn how to play piano at a high level by inducing it with a drug, just like you cant induce a high level of being with a drug or spontaneous enlightenments states.
  16. ?My mother has been calling me Leo for years now, every time she sees one of your videos she says "thats my son!" I think im getting close to the end of the Leo Spiral So exited!
  17. Anxiety is very much an experience. Isnt that obvious? It can be induced biologically like pain by eating something unpleasant for example. Social anxiety is induced in a complex way with thought stories so I get why your saying it cant show up. Even so if it did show up like that it would be like watching a movie about social anxiety. It happens then it passes. In and out. All is experience, even thought stories. I guess your saying anxiety is a pain that is interpreted by the ego thought stories into fear/anxiety. Anxiety can also happen vai a pre-conditioned response with out any thought stories. How is playing chess different when enlightened? Do you stop thinking and automatically find an answer? No you experience a thinking thought story state of navigating a chess board. Thinking and thoughts arising are experiences. Even if you dont identify with the thoughts they still can induce feelings and even if you dont identify with does feelings you still experience them. The entire ego game is an experience that is automatically arising in normie states, you can be aware of it or not, if your aware then your in a normie enlightened state lol The entire ego unfolding and all its stories and feeling can happen even when enlightened its just not the gold standard end all suffering state, its a normie enlightened state lol, Im speaking from what I think it is but if I had to pick any guru pretty much ever they say the same thing, disclaimer I am not appealing to authority only making it aware that this end all suffering state is not what these gurus are experiencing. So by this definition of enlightenment they are not awake. Eckhart Tolle would not be awake. --- Dont get me wrong, i love this state and going to practice inducing it. Thanks for the feed back.
  18. @Osaid Before or after enlightenment there is pain just like there is social anxiety, everything is still arising. All attributes of the experience are the same except its not identified with so its not negative or positive, but it is still happening. You can cry over your mothers death and be enlightened at the same time, because the ego does not disappear. A disappearing ego is a spiritual ego that is Recontextualizing all its experiences. The end result is you get robots like non-dual zombies lol Are you going to cry when your mother dies or are you to enlightened now?
  19. ??Welcome back to the ego