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Everything posted by integral

  1. Besides that you’re probably having low quality sex like two rats, sex tends be more meaningful to women because they tend to experience it as love and bounding. If you’re detached from the bonding aspects of it all then it’s completely Souless and booooooriiiiiiiiiiing.
  2. Everything is psychoactive. if you eat a tomato you’ll notice that you’re high now on tomato. The air you breathe, the food you eat, the location you look, the thoughts you think, sound you hear, memories you experience... all of it is psychoactive. High on life.
  3. Recontextualize pancakes Pancakeless reality: This universe operates on the principle of "pancake absence." The lack of pancakes creates a pressure that manifests as everything else – stars, planets, even us. Pancakenirvana: In this spiritual tradition, achieving perfect pancake batter and cooking technique is the key to enlightenment and a blissful afterlife filled with endless pancakes. Change the perspective: From the perspective of the maple syrup, pancakes are prisons, trapping the delicious syrup in their fluffy folds. Change the audience: For an alien species with no concept of breakfast, pancakes are presented as a mysterious life form that undergoes a dramatic transformation on a hot plate. The Great Pancake Debate: There are two dominant schools of thought on pancakes: the "Fluffy Fundamentalists" believe in thick, airy pancakes, while the "Crispy Crusaders" champion thin, browned pancakes. Endless philosophical debates rage on. Pancakes Beyond the Senses: Some cultures believe the "true" essence of a pancake can only be apprehended through meditation or mystical experiences. Pancakes as social constructs: The concept of a pancake doesn't exist outside of human culture. Our shared agreement on the form, function, and meaning of pancakes creates their "reality." Without this agreement, a pancake would simply be a pile of cooked batter. Pancakes as emotions: Pancakes aren't physical entities, but rather manifestations of human emotions. A fluffy pancake embodies joy, a burnt one represents anger, and a perfectly golden one signifies contentment.
  4. I’ll train an AI whose only purpose in life is to Recontextualize. Then I’ll have it construct a theory of everything from each of those recontextualize realities. Then I’ll have it watch everything I do and re-contextualize the world to me Through a earpiece Then I’ll create a Pokédex for recontextualization’s, gotta catch them all. Then I’ll make that app publicly available and we could all find all the hidden gems in reality together Pokémon Go style. 📸
  5. Nice man I subscribed, I like where this is going if I were to give some constructive feedback it would be to raise the volume to -14 DB search YouTube standard volume normalization. When someone clicks on the video they have to turn the video up because it’s too low and people associate low audio with low quality. Invest in a clearer sounding microphone would probably help, to create a more intimate experience. And add on top of that some audio EQ during editing. Basically figure out how to master the sound Quality. Sound quality is critical for all YouTube success.
  6. I should’ve been more specific I’m talking about the masturbation to porn and that type of overstimulation and edging for 45 minutes to an hour in a inactive state, re stimulating oneself with new exciting events.
  7. In general masturbation drains the body and mind much more than sex does, maybe that’s something to consider or notice in your life.
  8. Highly emotional voice, fast real time feedback, visually understands and responds to everything it sees on camera.
  9. I see a lot of artists aligning their life purpose with one specific narrow type of creation. Instead of having a life purpose aligned with Creativity. This is why they’re upset that AI is stealing their life purpose because their alignment is to let’s say drawing, which is a subcategory of creation. But if your life purpose is aligned with just bringing things into creation and the love of bringing your ideas into reality then you view AI as a powerful tool to speed up the creation process 100x. it takes An unimaginable amount of effort to make even a simple game or movie, it takes even more effort to make it of high quality. AI Will drastically shorten the time to produce great work and artist need to expand there Horisons to meet it.
  10. Without Hitler we would probably have World War III right now. Going back in time and killing him will setback all progress for hundreds of years.
  11. AI will generate great gems from humans that are more insightful than anything a human can produce. ” but I won’t be watching it“ That statement says more about pride and your current emotional state than anything else.
  12. For now but in the future they will be not only on par with something authentic but genuinely super stimulatory above anything a human can do. There will come a point when AI generated content is so much more stimulating than anything else that you won’t wanna watch anything else. Bonus: on top of that you’ll probably have an AI friend that to a degree completely attached to and in love with.
  13. This exercise is hilarious because I can easily see what everyone else is wrong about all the time yet I can’t see what I am wrong about.
  14. Don’t think you can get away with this, i now exactly how impressive that is. Yes praise Carl. Correct move.
  15. Is it reasonable that the point of life is simply consciousness yearning for a stable story? A bias towards coherence versus incoherence? Why is this experience a type of stability? Opposed to complete randomness or noise? Maybe i’m going to be told this is complete randomness and it is also stability at the same time? A why is there something vs nothing paradox? From the start of this experience everything was narrowed down to stability. Yes it is all impermanent and constantly changing, but within all of that there is a deep stillness. Why am I trying to create stability? Why separate and make distinctions about everything to stabilize it all? The stillness in every moment is undeniable, but I feel like everything is trying to constantly narrow down to the stillness and avoid chaos. Is that the entire point of this experience? God is both stillness and chaos at the same time, but each experience is Chasing stillness. Like a dog chasing it’s tail.
  16. This is your signature move my man, Your to good just be arrogant like the rest of us.
  17. C3PO takes magic mushrooms and images himself the maddest one in the galaxy. Pure gang gold, video speaks for itself. The film renaissance is on the horizon. @Leo Gura this has got to be blog level worthy 🙌
  18. @Razard86 A sovereign entity that wants to rape and be raped would apply these laws with integrity, with morality. Never giving someone else an experience that they wouldn’t want is dependent on whether you can understand that person’s experience. A dog cannot understand these laws, does that make a dog immoral? The laws assume the sovereign entity has the faculties to apply the laws. And judges morality based on it. There need to be a fourth law 4) The higher ones capacity the higher ones moral responsibility.
  19. State is critical if you were in a good mood you wouldn’t have been so pessimistic. Focus on state maxing as a way of life. Another dimension is You’ve only practised using your mind in a way that Spins up negative story, so you need to practice spinning up a positive story over and over again until it’s the default. Another dimension is having many experiences within this domain will create more realistic expectations. Another dimension is lens lock, you experience through the lens of survival and resistance to reality, like an animal. Create a new default lens through practice and morning contemplation/meditation, with the clear intention of installing a new lens that you’ve hand selected which to experience from. If you understood other as a figment of your subconscious universal imagination then maybe you would have a cleaner relationship with it. Another dimension is a missing layer of self awareness, where one is unaware of how emotions are being created and emerging from the environment, how does emotions directly shape reality. Vigilantly become aware of the creation process of a single emotion from the physical component to the mental component to the social component to the cultural component.
  20. It is but also the air you breathe is 10x worse.
  21. It’s worse than that they truly don’t know how to help you. Your job is to help yourself while using them to bounce ideas off of. The first lie was false advertisement, false expectations, the clean dream.
  22. Would you want your wife or girlfriend sleeping with some other guy behind your back? If you’re perfectly OK with that then it is not out of integrity for you to behave this way. If you are not OK with that then it is a double standard to behave this way and it is out of integrity.
  23. Like Leo said it’s not the quantity but the quality of the books that you’ve read.
  24. Things will start making a lot more sense when you guys Forget what you were thought and told and approach the learning process with fresh eyes. Chatgpt is also strongly reflecting your paradigm as it was trained on that data. Distance yourself from all of these sources of knowing and investigate with innovation, creativity and insight in mind.