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Everything posted by fridjonk

  1. If it's from Ralston and you're willing to put in the work, then fuck yes its worth it !
  2. @Aakash Don't assume that you're awakened and they aren't because of a silly argument over spiral dynamics. Which can get wrapped up into an misunderstanding.
  3. @Aakash Why are you labeling it stage "coral" ? why not teal, the one above Coral.
  4. @Aakash I have experienced that yes, but I'm certainly no enlightened being...yet.
  5. @Aakash I've also experienced the God head many times, And by no means is it "reaching stage coral". That's just the ego's way of patting it self on the back for reaching God. There comes a time where you transcend the spiral dynamics system once you embody all of it, and then you move on from it. Don't turn it into an ideology.
  6. @Aakash You can't map conscious levels higher than enlightenment, because it requires direct experience. Competition is a real thing...for stage orange. And why are you acting like there even is a stage Coral, It's highly debated on what that level even contains or does.
  7. @Aakash Speak for yourself, I've had very very deep experiences, and for me, spiral dynamics was a part of the problem. Because you're putting a label on something and it's very easy to get caught in that distraction.
  8. Spiral dynamics became useless to me after i had some awakenings. I saw how i judged people in lower stages even though i thought i wasn't, and it prevented me from being able to open my heart towards everything. The sooner you ditch this spiral dynamics system the better. But it's definitely useful for some applications.
  9. It seems as many enlightenment seekers have been losing hope on this path. I urge you to stick to it and watch out for traps. Start Contemplating more. Meditate every day. Watch Leo's blogs and stay active there. Don't get stuck in the "watching videos and doing no work trap". If you watch a lot of YouTube, go out, exercise, eat healthy and do more work. Keep watching Leo's videos for guidance. And contemplate on them. ' ...and maybe get you hands on some psychedelics !
  10. This is incredible ! Thanks for sharing.
  11. @ajasatya The biggest growth happens in the pile of shit.
  12. @Mikael89 With that mindset you won't achieve enlightenment. Seems like you are suffering ego backlash. I bet you have ton of potential for many awakenings to come, stay on this path and keep at it.
  13. @Alex bAlex He is light years ahead of stage yellow, and probably integrating "coral" from turquoise.
  14. @Shadowraix This is a great video on how to do it. Should be able to do it in no time if you're a regular lucid dreamer.
  15. Don't dehumanize the man, everyone has the potential to change and grow, ESPECIALLY after strong psychedelics
  16. Consciousness is always present, there is nothing but consciousness.
  17. @Schahin Don't know about mental illness, but psychedelics for sure can heal the body physically. I have been having back pains for a month now, and after my LSD trip last night it completely faded away. They reset your body completely. All the tension the ego builds up. It wouldn't surprise me if mental illness could be healed through psychedelics and consciousness work.
  18. @Shadowraix Maybe don't shut out deliriaats fully yet. It could be the same as with dpt, where you have to be prepared before hand, for example by going deep enough with 5 meo.