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Everything posted by Schahin

  1. I am interested to talk about the various effects of various psychedelics. Excluding 5 Meo Dmt because that is simply too strong to be interesting for myself right now. The most amazing trips I had on HBWR, where many concepts that are being talked here on the forum were revealed to me. For example that I am everywhere, that I am in my own consciousness, ghat I am hod and all that with no ego dissolution. I'd be happy to know which other psychedelic reveals to you this intimate sense of everybody being just you imagining them and being you, I had one mushroom, one LSD, and two Ayahuasca experiences before and strangely, none of them made me realise this. Another explanation would also be the massive theoretical foundation received in this forum which opened the experiences to understand and be conscious of oneness and the subsequent use of HBWR, never tried anything else ever since.
  2. Id be glad to hear some opinions about this. I am wanting to work more on psychedelics and reach for transformation and transcendencd. I remember my first psychedelic was ayahuasca and it was beautiful and extremely scary at once. Also it has a dreamy nature to it, of course with an intense amoubt of visuals and jungle vibration accompanied. Thats why I wonder if it can actually delude someone even more into ego games, due to its playable nature it possesses and cause it works on the third eye. On my one and only Bufo Allvarius ride I had a terrible experience and did not breakthrough but nonetheless I felt much more purer afterwards and rid of unnecessary thoughts. Ayahusca actually made me dream more and I remember the trip is always accompanied by the feeling of not understanding anything. As I am not ready for another Bufo session, here Id like to find opinions on the benefits of ayahuasca and another psychedelics for example Peyote or San Pedro. What are the benefits and maybe even disadvantages of Ayahuasca and Peyote regarding, transcendence, transformation and understanding/enlightenment.
  3. Wow ok, had you experiences with other psychedelics. How can you relate it difference and effect wise? Does it bring you closer to truth/enlightenment? I find it funny how ayahuasqueiros have different opinions on reincarnation and all and 5 Meo experienced people dont believe in reincarnation at all.
  4. This question needs to be answered for mr once and for all. The reason being that I regularly visit psychiatric institutions due to a family member and I see the most disgusting things being done to human beings there. Being locked in a small white room for several days and being completely ignored or bound to a chair for weeks with no end. These institutions are also mostly worse than prisons in that they are totally small, tight and sometimes not even with a garden to go outside and breathe so that the ill remain days or weeks without breathing fresh air and moving up and down a corridor. I know from theoretical pick up here and some personal experience that our mind is an illusion, there is only one, and that one is highly intelligent. But seeing these scenarios and cruelties its difficult to accept that god is in control of absolutely everything, in some things it just seems that god is truely sleeping and suffering (of course he is, what I mean here is, that some scenarios resemble that there is not the highest of intelligence at work nit rather an asleep forgotten intelligence). What opinions do you have regarding infinite intelligence always working with the highest of intelligence?
  5. I have reported it so many times already. It is totally useless as society is to afraid of the mentally ill and the doctors mostly too cold hearted already. it is the one place where human rights can be abused freely and I mean really it depends all on the doctor, some like to chain up constantly and ignore and mistreat the patients and just very few have a good heart. In these places it is absolutely tragic what happens to the people, it is total violence and ignorance sometimes, I have seen it for my own eyes for 15 years now. That is why God's (or my doing and will) is so difficult for me to understand and transcendence has happened only slowly. Its just that last time I realized that those people that regularly torture the mentally ill are actually me, and I couldnt and didnt want to accept it, it was a total shock and It didnt turn out a beautiful trip. Thats why I keep asking these questions here on the forum because tripping has been very difficult to me with too much in my mind. But Id be happy to receive beautiful insights in order to be able to accept more of what I regularlt witness and cant do anything about. Probably most of us here have experienced a bad trip and panick attacks and imagine being chained to a chair or thrown into an empty white room for days for this mental confusion, or sometimes the doctors just do it jist out of intuition when somebody refuses to take medications also as a form of forcing the person to obey. I have seen the most horrible things. Then I always say to myself that Gods plan is incomprehensible to my human butterfly thinking. But then I remember that I am god and I become shocked at how and why I imagine that kind of retarded unnecessary unimaginable suffering, that is why I come here to ask and find an answer for acceptance
  6. Because you are me and if you tell me that you had the insight we create from a non dual awaken point of view and with highest intelligence, Id be relieved to know that those porr people there dont suffer because they are asleep but actually because thats what they want. I hope that makes sense
  7. Indeed, subject and object does not have to dissolve in order for you to realize that you are everywhere. I simply had this realization that I am everything and everywhere without reality collapsing into non duality. You just become conscious that you are everything but you still are in your particular body point of view. Nonetheless how is your Opinion to what I wrote before that god (I) actually am not asleep at all and always awaken and create with the highest intelligence every single moment
  8. I had god realizations and I am everywhere realizations but not non duality in itself where subject and object merge. So if non duality is the only real reality then that would mean that God isn't ever asleep actually and that God (l) is indeed in control of everything from a totally awaken point of view. What's your opinion? I don't overthink it really but some things just make me think deeply of it is indeed the highest of intelligence meaning those poor people Go through so much incredible terrible things, a simple truth answer would help greatly to simply accept everything as gods intelligent doing, which is oddly my own intelligent doing, which bugs cause if I create that suffering Id really like to awaken and try help my brothers or myselves there
  9. Id still like to have a definitive answer on the original questions. Basically I am god I know that still I cannot grasp how I possibly am imagining such atrocities, help me out on this. Only answer would be that the non dual god that I am isnt asleep at all and is creating with greatest consciousness and intelligence including all kinds of atrocities observable by its/my individual characters which reside in the illusion of duality. I am aware that I am God, but creation must Happen from a non dual point of view and here is where I'd like to know if that is constantly in highly intelligent control or is god certainly a sleep and not always creating consciously and therefore such extreme miseries happen?
  10. I know there is no external God and at the same time I can't grasp how I am producing these scenarios. Obviously the God I think I am either oroduces it unconsciously or with high intelligence
  11. I dont know, I assure you trillion percent I dont do it on purpose.mostly I feel like a human but I already know that I imagine all of reality but how, if I feel like I am only a human? It can only be that this "I" is not asleep at all but awake at all times working from a non dual position. What do you say?
  12. That is still somehow a huge pradoxical question though. It is me imagining all of this entire incredible reality but at the same time it isnt cause I am not immensely conscious yet to have such willpower. How can I imagine it but not be absoluteky sure of how I imagine it. Is it that the non dual god me is working consciously somewhere in the background?
  13. I once asked an experienced 5 Meo DMT facilitator if everything happens for a reason and the individual has no free will for anything and he (M. BALLS) Said that tge opposite is true that nothing happens for a reason and there is free will. What are some of the opinions here? I had some experiences which showed me slightly the state of no-self and the union under god, so it made me realize that there isnt anything I could ever decide. Still after a while I somehow discard that notion because if God is asleep then how can my actions be highly intelligent and highly conscious and therefore nothing happens fot a reason, only if I as god was totally awake then ever could everything happen for a reason. I tried to convince myself that indeed I have the total power to change whatever I want, especially having realized that I AM the only "thing" that actually exists here therefore I even more have the responsibility and power to change anything and the responsibility to awaken in order to act more consciously and lovingly. But dors the decision of awakening even lie ib my hands if I am a nonexisting avatar? What about that statement of M. Balls and the general belief of mankind tht god passed on free will to the humans. Is a transformative experience and a god realization even the choice of myself? When I realize I am god that is supposedy an accidental step where I took a psychedelic and woke up, but saying it is divine intelligence that planned it for me wouldnt that make divine intelligence (me) having always been awoke and not ever asleep because a sleepy god cant plan with utmost intelligence? How did I plan this for myself then when I am still asleep?
  14. But when you say the one sleeps does that imply that the dream is not being consciously in control by the one and unconscious actions arent conscious actions by the one?
  15. Somehow it is quite complicated for me to exact that Everything is an intent and Conscious Act by god. I Keep imagining that God being all powerful has the Power to render some separate Actions to its lower self which come forth as unconscious actions and not conscious and Intent ones by the divine selfless self. Like When I steal something or shout at someone or wish horrible Things upon someone, namely exactly the things that make us feel disgusted by ourselves when we take psychedelics or do consciousness work. It's hard to grasp that these devilries are a conscious and Intent act by God as how paradox is it to purge ourselves from it when taking psychedelics. The emphasis is on conscious and Intent act by God and not just gods action (because there is only God and nothing but God) the question revolves around whether it's the higher self intently doing or thinking these devilries in order for its story to work out in all the details or whether its this power rendered to the smaller self and see if it can overcome its devilish characteristics and ascend and reunite with the higher self.
  16. Allright, The question is, is everything that happens including human devilries an intentional and highly conscious act of god or are these devilries unconscious choices that the human made when he had the option to react consciously (and therefore not devilish) instead Knowing of course that the human is god, but the unconacious reaction was indeed unconscious and not an intentional conscious act
  17. @Nahm Sure there isnt anybody else responsible than me because I am the only one here (hope that doesnt sound strange). I already had that realization. But the "human brain" cannot ever grasp the entirety of gods,paradoxically my own) creation. Therefore the human is somehow limited. The me I mention as higher self means the me that creates all of this beautiful existence, sun, plnets, mountains, nature, ocean, river. How can human me (limited me) grasp that? Thefore it might be possible that the humans are somehow able to decide between one decision or the other as humans are not always god conscious. And the consciousness of god (the higher self) might be filtered and the humans is given an option between two possibilities (reacting consciously or unconsciously) The perfect realized and enlightened human doesnt even need to understand all of creation, but being a good, selfless person is already the key. In general though (there isnt anybody but me here) but the question is, is an "unconscious" devilish reaction, esepcially by the more enlightened ones(shouting at someone, making someone sad) a possible choice of the (unconscious) human who had the chance to choose between a good reaction and an unconscious reaction, or is it an intentional super conscious reaction in order for gods/my story to play out the way gods will intends it? Is it something you can say afterwards that it couldnt have been any different cause thats what the story needs to evolve, or is it more that the human/god can naturally regret that reaction and could have chosen differently?
  18. I dont know if it helps to you cause I reached it through some mild psychedelics (HBWR) and perpetual dryfasting. But i realized that what you need to do is just to be aware, that self inquiry is not sonething to be answered byt you'll know when it makes Aha. You keep looking at yourself first and realize that yoy are aware of your body, theoretical knowledge about the illusion of the ego is needed for this and must be embraced. So you are aware of your body and you realize that it is "you" the ever persistinf feeling of you that is aware of the body. Realize that you are the awareness that is aware of this/your body. Never forget to love yourself. Then also look around and see that"you" are awarw if the surroundings also and therefore you are aware of evertything and you are everything. Dry fasting helps immensely if you arent ready for psychedelics yet
  19. @Nahm True, but what do you mean god sleeps through it? Isnt god ever and eternally conscious right now? I ask out of curiosity, If I intently shout at a dear family member and behave devilish, is it a conscious and intentional act of the higher self or is it the limited self that reacted unconsciously?
  20. True I agree with you, but even that is a super conscious and intentional act of consciousness through the higher self, or did the higher self with all its power render some "separate, individual" power to its lower self in order for it to choose between being good and selfless or selfish.?
  21. On leos couple last blog videos he talks about how "I"/we/god" imagined all of reality. Also he says that existence and consciousness exists god to ultimately awaken and realize that "it" or rather I am god and that it was being imagined all. Here I kind of try to wrap my head around these paradoxes, sure with a rational mind these paradoxes aren't too be answered but I hope to hear at least one satisfying answer which could explain it to some point. If God is creatively and consciously imagining all reality and I am god how am I simultaneously not aware of the how I am imagining it, does this mean that the god in me is already awake and doesn't have to realize its god? Or is it rather an unconscious imagination process that I do as good in a limited being?if it is unconscious then how is reality so perfect and Beautiful? I hope this makes sense, so basically I am imagining all of this but am not aware of how I imagine it, because I am in a delusional state. But finally when consciousness awakens to itself or realizes that it's imagining it all. But how does consciousness imagine this perfect creation when it is at the same time deluded and "unconscious". Is it more that consciousness is never deluded and always consciously creating and imaginating just through some mystical experience and therefore makes its own "son" or avatar (which both isn't and is separate from it) remain in a separate deluded state of consciousness and at the right time gives its son the opportunity to wake up? I hope it makes sense, it seems very very paradoxical though. So God is and was never deludedand at the same time consciousness can actually never "experience" life or, be it, itself because once it experiences life it can't create and imagine consciously anymore because now it is only a contracted limited form. How does conscious imagination and deluded form of life happen simultaneously?
  22. I am god inagining all of reality. Does this mean that I am both awake and not awake simultaneously? How otherwise would I imagine all of reality with such details and perfection? The other explanation would be that I prechose all these lives in this plane and what would exactly happen before "starting" this reality and it is just walking through the predestined "plans". As this is not a shared notion here, and imagination happens instantly in the now therefore I must be awoken and not awoken simultaneously. And when my not awoken part awakens to its true nature, that doesnt mean that god awoke to its god nature but rather that god (the already awoken part) gifted to its not awoken part the realization of being god. I hope this makes sense, I'd be happy to know if it indeed is like this. Its not a thought story, I just find it very interesting to solve this curious philosophy of how god imagines reality, as I am god but an already and ever awoken part of myself must he present right now here with me in order to imagine such greatness and perfection, Id like to refer it to the analogy of father and son. Because me not being awoken how do I imagine all of this?
  23. But how does god imagine infinite beings consciously into creation and sinultaneously is deluded to its own nature? Is the creation and imagination hapoening from the godhead state of consciousness and therefore super consciously or rather does it depend on every being and their state of consciousness? So for example as I am not awake that I am the godhead my reality is being imagined according to my rather "unconscious" filtered and limited state or is it an equal conscious imagination by and through the godhead for all the beings? I hope it makes sense what I am trying to say. If not I'll try to explain in more details
  24. I got curious of if the story of creation differs fron all the religions to each other. And I me an all the religions, also the Africans and the indigenous natural beliefs. How come they differ from each other?
  25. I keep having these small tiny breakthroughs that I am pure awareness and not a human. But they keep coming and then going away also. I just wonder is it a gift of god (my higher self) at the right time in this lifetime to awaken, or is it purely because I (human self) keep working hard towards this attainment? I know at the end it is both, but the main impulse for beconing aware of it and then losing this attainment for a little while, is this gods will, a gift of god? I hope you know what I mean. Is it that god (higher self) is sneakily wanting to awake now and I (human) am pretending that I am working hard towards it? Are all mystical experiences a conscious act of god or is it a coincidental stumbling over it by the human self? Cause I remember I once read here in the forum: Until you havent awoken god hasnt awoken either. Sometimes I have an insight (reaching small enlightenment insights) that god is infinitely intteligent, but awakening is still rather a coincidental act of the deluded human self finally realizing it never was a human. How else does god live a life, when it is deluded and isnt deluded simultaneously? This sonehow sounds like as if there are two gods, one conscious and one unconscious. I HOPE THIS THREAD MAKES SENSE