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Everything posted by Emotionalmosquito

  1. Handful? That assumes the protagonist in this scenario is in the top percentages of male physical strength. I see tons of guys that could rip me in half when I go out, and I’m not even out of shape. I believe you’re downplaying the power of female influence. Sure, generally guys don’t have to worry about direct physical violence from females, (excluding domestic disputes) but they attack in a different way. Women, especially hot ones, can at best turn groups against you, sick their boyfriends or family members on you or get you thrown out of establishments for simply offending her, speaking from experience. Or at worst have you arrested and criminally charged if she claims you did something to her while out of sight. No investigation when this happens, it’s up to you to prove your innocence. And thats only scratching the surface.
  2. Same. and not to mention it prevents you from legally using the forum because no high posting is one of the TOS
  3. The main issue with weed is it’s insanely high thc levels and low other cannabinoid content. Hemp is a perfect alternative
  4. #NoNutNovember starts in one month so get all your faps out now and put yourself to the test next month. ?
  5. Frequent masturbation lowers testosterone utilization https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alonso_Fernandez-Guasti/publication/6536830_Relationship_between_Sexual_Satiety_and_Brain_Androgen_Receptors/links/54b6c2970cf2e68eb27f0321/Relationship-between-Sexual-Satiety-and-Brain-Androgen-Receptors.pdf Three weeks of abstinence increases testostorone levels https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11760788Masturbation is associated with lower psychological health and reproductive well-being https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14681994.2019.167788 Sperm contains compounds that prolong lifespan, fight cancer & heart disease https://vitalrecord.tamhsc.edu/spermidine-rich-foods-may-prevent-liver-cancer-extend-lifespan/ Men who are sexually active in their 20s and 30s are more likely to develop prostate cancer https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2008.08030.xMasturbation decreases dopamine levels https://sites.tufts.edu/emotiononthebrain/2014/11/18/postcoital-neurochemistry-the-blues-and-the-highs/ Watching porn reduces gray matter in prefrontal cortex https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1874574 Porn addiction has similar mechanism with substance addiction https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4600144/ Making sperm shortens lifespan of male worms https://www.nytimes.com/1992/12/03/us/in-worm-at-least-making-sperm-is-found-to-shorten-a-male-s-life.html Masturbating 3 days in a row decreases sperm count by 20% https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2054949Increasing ejaculation frequency decreases sperm count significantly https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15497706Prevalence of erectile dysfunction doubled between 2004 and 2013 http://cir.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Genital-Image-Sexual-Anxiety-and-Erectile-Dysfunction-Among-Young-Male-Military-Personnel.pdf Pornography consumption is associated with mental health issues https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6327603 So yes. It’s most certainly worth it. Quite possibly the most challenging journey you’ll ever embark on. But the most difficult things in life tend to yield the highest rewards. As a bonus you’ll learn to channel the energy and have full body orgasms without playing your meat flute. Yoga is the best way to do it.
  6. Joker ”I used to think my life was a tragedy, now I realize it’s a fucking comedy!”
  7. Repressed SM desires detected
  8. Exactly! Plus you can always just raise hell and get yourself banned. That’ll sure solve your problem of spending too much time here.
  9. I totally get you. I’ve had numerous similar experiences microdosing on nights out only not all have sucked to that extent. Is there any chance you may have taken slightly too much for a social setting? Lucy is very VERY dosage sensitive. An amount smaller than the eye can see can mean the difference between “get me out of here now, I need to be alone” and “I feel like talking to people”
  10. This one I struggle with. In my experience, it thoroughly destroys any potential progress that could have been made if I’m the least bit nervous, awkward or worst of all unable to say anything. Everything I’ve read/seen suggests it absolutely kills you if you’re not on your best A game on the first impression. “It’s normal to initially feel nervous” That’s the thing, if you’re so petrified of screwing up during your first encounter you can pretty much forget about ever getting another chance because girls are experts at detecting that insecurity and it’s a huge turn off for them. You know what I mean? All the other ones sound pretty reasonable tho
  11. No. That’s not what we’re saying. That’s a straw man. Those things are as basic as it gets. Literally EVERYONE knows to do them. Taking supplements like vit c, d, zinc, nac, oregano oil, black seed oil, silver, probiotics etc. is an extra (and very powerful) line of defense that the majority doesn’t know about; and if they do it’s quite likely they don’t know how to use it properly. Watch Leo’s old supplement video for more info. What’s worse is people are being censored in mass for “unfounded medical advice” when they try to mention it. What’s going on there? You also didn’t acknowledge what @Johnny Galt said about solo hikers being denied access to nature therapy. It’s much easier to social distance on wide open nature trails than crowded shopping centers. There are cases of married couples getting into trouble for hugging and kissing in their own house because a neighbor spotted them through the window. The red flags of tyranny are so blatant and so numerous a 5y/o could recognize them. The simple fact that the msm won’t say a word about boosting your immune system is very alarming.
  12. Awesome idea for a meta thread! Good stuff. But on this point I’d say people are better off posting and worrying about the responses they get here than most other sites. Neither is ideal but it’s better to be neurotic about the attention one receives here if the alternative is the dopamine fixated circle jerks found in abundance on places like instagram and tiktok.
  13. Watch powerful tear jerkers like Marley and My Octopus Teacher without crying. Go to grocery store check outs and coffee shops and such and cut in line then argue when people protest. You don’t have to make a big altercation, just argue with them for a bit longer than you otherwise would have then leave. Talk to people you disagree with about the things you disagree on without getting flustered.
  14. I relate to this. Anger is as natural and valid as any other emotion. Many will say you shouldn’t express it because it just feeds the fire. This may be true in some sense but it’s far worse if you suppress and deny the feeling as you now clearly understand. Sounds like you just need to discover healthier gateways to allow yourself to feel it. Ive found this music to be incredible for bringing that stage red aggression to the surface. Just don’t go overboard with it.
  15. Best post in the thread. Indeed. Redpill shouldn’t be taken as a religion but it definitely has lots of info that will save your ass. Like seeing through womens’ mind games and understanding why they play them, such as “shit tests” for example. And best of all imo is it protects you from getting divorce raped.
  16. My god I love it when people teach this, as rare as it is. It takes away any reason to ever worry about anything. Currently all I can do is believe it because the understanding hasn’t yet been established at an experiential level. But I guess thats the whole game we’re playing. As for the op, I’m in a similar boat, though I haven’t been through all that stuff in your strike through post. One thing I’ve found that can help is to approach girls with the goal of self amusement. Like you’re not really trying to get laid, you just say stuff to them that makes you laugh. It takes off a lot of the pressure and it’s fun for them as well, hopefully. ps: I should also warn you to not say anything overtly sexual, even if it’s just a joke. If you say the wrong thing to the wrong girl in the wrong mood, she can put you in a world of hurt with sexual harassment charges. Only Chad gets away with that stuff.
  17. Get a bottle of tonkat ali extract and take up a vinyasa flow practice.
  18. @DocWatts I watched that one last week. Incredible episode. Jimmy sure is a charismatic and witty motherfucker, gotta give him that
  19. @Leo Gura do you know for sure it doesn’t contain mercury or other heavy metals? Or supposing it did, how would you know the quantities? Even without heavy metals, Idk wtf the stuff is or much less what it’s going to do. On top of this, we’re being pushed to take three separate pokes once a year. Other vaccines keep you good for many years or life. I realize you’re probably sick of hearing these same sticking points but getting this shot that’s being pushed on us by the same people that pump out permanently brain damaging anti depressants and a whole host of under developed chemicals while trying to outlaw proven effective (but unlike the vax, aren’t fda approved curiously enough?) natural remedies, is a quantum leap of an axiom shift for us to make. So these discussions are very necessary.
  20. Ok but they never once mentioned it being a good idea to improve your health naturally, even long before the vax. That’s what sounds stupid to me. Why is NAC being used to treat c19 in hospitals and amazon has recently removed it from their shelves and it’s becoming harder and harder to find? Really makes you think.
  21. Exactly. Even simply asking questions is getting people censored like hell. That’s very bad.
  22. I might make my own thread about this tomorrow. There are some other points I didn’t list
  23. Anti covid vaxxer is not equal to anti vaxxer. You can be one without being the other, obviously. im afraid to take it because 1. It’s so new and under researched and 2. Many of my spiritual idols are vehemently against it. Ralph Smart and Teal Swan being two of the main ones. These people are nothing like most of the other far right wing figures we’re seeing speak out against it. Yet they are united by this same issue if for slightly varying reasons. We are seeing stage green and even yellow hippies and deep blue right wingers overwhelmingly sharing the same position. Why? Another point is why so much focus exclusively put towards vaccination, masks, social distancing and so forth yet we hear practically nothing whatsoever as far as supplements, sunlight, eating healthy, breathing and other health boosting activities. The msm doesn’t say a word about boosting your immune system to help your body in case it DOES get the virus. All you hear about is how to avoid it all together. Why is this? Please don’t ban me if my opinion is too radical. These are burning questions in my mind that I want solid answers to. Thanks. edit: ok I just read in a different thread where Leo said the reason why people like Ralph, teal, russel brand (and several others) are anti poke is because they have poor epistemology and are more susceptible to group think because of their involvement in new age. The question remains, These are high profile spiritual leaders. So I don’t see how he can just accuse them of jumping on the bandwagon when they themselves are in very high positions as public voices. I think they mostly came to their own conclusions on the issue. I mean they definitely aren’t cracking out on fox news or anything to get their ideas.
  24. That blows. We need more high status chads like Zac getting deeply involved in global and national efforts to sustainably solve world issues. Like Conner Murphy for instance: he’s the classic example of orange to green+ transformation.