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  1. Hitler is firstly a humanist, then a progressivist, utilitarian, biological darwinist, nationalist. To call him a conservative is definitely partial, but I think it’s fair to also see him as reactionary conservative from that perspective narrative as being anti-degenerate leftist. A mapping to liberal conservative is order/disorder, Hitler like Stalin had no problem with forgoing personal freedoms for the interests of the collective and social order. Pornography for example was banned in Germany and the USSR and not in France
  2. Possible pointers. meditate for a few hours before you trip test your acid or make shroom tea get your life in order
  3. Hey, I’ll be in Bangcock tomorrow for only one day. I was wondering if you could recommend any cool places/temples to meditate and/or maybe meet monks/non dualists. Hopefully relatively close to Koh San road ( if not, journeys are cool too ?). Thanks!, a fellow expression
  4. So ok, as a preface I am not fond of genocide, injustice, or any other intuitively immoral thing. But. Was Hitler actually wrong? A man with a passionate beautiful vision actively perusing and succeeding in its achievement. Same could be said about Gandhi, Stalin, Alexander the great, Napoleon, Mussolini, etc.. able to draw insane levels of passionate motivation for their life purpose, to do what it takes. Many exemplary people have dedicated their life to a nation its people, its conceptual idea in order to lead it to a better state, to fix its problem. Understandably tribalism, however why not? if its your true passion. For example if you're a Kurdish self aware gifted person struggling in the injustice done to your nation is there a real issue in him attempting create a united Kurdish state with him as dictator? I don't think so... is there something I may be overlooking?
  5. Are there other capital T "emotions" that people confuse with absolutes?
  6. The Consciousness experiences emotion, fundamentally is the emotion. Transcendent infinite love is there, I love everything (myself) . Where is the divide between biological evolutionary prepossesses and fundamental emotions?