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Everything posted by Aeris

  1. for me it's non sense to want to have kids right now. meaning, you give consciousness to kill it. that's a lot. it's nazi or low iq to wish to get one right now. You'll be less egoic killing humans. someone wake in the current world would never do a kid, unless a pure mistake. it's very selfish to want a kid, it means you don't care for over population. unless you eat the dream of "happy life with wife & kids" pure fairy tail. kids are just robotic organic machine that learn and follow everything you program them to do. I used to teach my little brothers, so I was already feeling like a father. that's enough for me, all humans are my kids.
  2. agent of love maybe if society is living with a cancer, something that destroy cancer is healing it ! the cancer will refute and call that narcissism, to avoid his own very egoic self narcissism.
  3. we are already in nothingness/void/asleep there has never been a conscious awareness. life imply death : there has never been such a thing has "life".
  4. I focus on 3 things. Not focusing Empty Space mind ( feeling on psychedelics ) The vibration of the ambiant song I m putting out. ( Into the soul. Not the ears ) After 15 minutes my mind 'shut down' and I enter 'deep space' with no thought or thinking of 'me'. I meditate since 2 weeks for 30-60 min. I use some nootropics aswell like lion's mane ( help the deep trance ) Some reflection on my practice ? I already had kundalini.
  5. Motivation come and go. For now It's even hard to play vidéo game for me. I feel guilty hahaha. So I pull podcast while doing it. Need a serious break in music. Everyday I feel 'I have to' I m still alienated with the mindset of working hard to get my 'vision'. But 'vision' is a delusion. I have some sort of idea of what would be the good life. But even this is like you say' a delusion.
  6. Story of my life- but I m only 25 How much deluded on my vision to push 3000 hours of music in 2 years ? But now I m just breathing and observing. I don't try to be a buddha or a billionaire anymore.
  7. Yes Indeed as all humans are made of water and moon affect our body water. I didn't Say mbti is useless. It's useful if you believe it. Astrology is a little pill. Mbti is a v.2 placebo. When you know that all words are arbitrary / self projection from the 'self références'. Astrology / mbti is pure self bias. All humans have trauma. Especially the one reading about how to know & 'heal' themself. I can Guess all your thinking system just by putting color on the subject you talk with. Insecurities can be litteraly intuited/smell. I could be an astrologer myself. The only thing is. I tell people It's what I believe would be good for them. I don't hide myself behind a star story. This is self improvement hidden in psychologia formula. People who look for an astrology / mbti are looking for fixing themself / something. And all humans mostly résolve around the same kind of problem. Just a try : If I tell ( random thought ) : you like to be analytical and then intuite your emotion through spending time with yourself. You Always elaborate good planning and enjoy to deconstruct things around to really grasb them. Does it work ?
  8. I'll meditate on this topic man. Seams highly looking like my current conclusion. You very reflect all the things I did reflect for myself. We shouldn't be planning but breathing everyday for having only super efficient 'human day' my conclusion. This lead me to smoke weed & art everyday. And even art. It's not fun' It's not an hobby. I changed my activity. After almost 10k of ableton live. I don't think that I could lead a life Where I do one thing. It need to be a global thing for me... Maybe creating a whole movie and playing in it or creating an entire vidéo game. But with 0€ it will stay fantasy for now.
  9. Do more méditation. 1h per day. If you do it. You'll purge more strongly than doing dmt. Use ambiant music & focus on the vibration of air with your head. Seriously seriously. Do it a full week. Don't bs yourself. Cure is here. My mind avoided it too for years with many 'blabla' how it doesn't work. No words..just do it and focus of having no thought and no spécial focus. Your attention will beat even non add people. Add crash meds are like doing mdma microdosing everyday. Good way long term fucked. Just quit it
  10. Have done that at 25 years. It's not about getting the material for real, it is seeing it as "shallow for happiness" not in the way it is "shallow", but maybe like this : but see, I don't know you, but take something as "video game" imagine that you think " video game is a waste of my time and energy". if I give you a house in 3D inside a video game, you would tell me, how this shit will makes me happy, it is not real. but if you were living in the game, you would see the house as valuable. ultimately realising that you should follow your gut for thinking your next move in real life. If your gut is turned upon getting material that's all you'll get. when I was a 15 years old, and wanted to buy "immaterial thing" my dad, was thinking I was insane to use "real monney" for "non real object". in reality, there is no real monney, and all objects are projection. having a 50m², a nice bed, good food, and I m already a god living a better life than the shitty businessman having a huge house but very little value out of it ( only the delusion he project into object as "making me happy/valuable" ) materialism is easy to transcend, not that you don't need to eat, but above having to eat, this is neediness/fear to want more "security" more & more. yes I want a better computer right now, that's a material need, but as I cannot get it, I'll strive on the current material and use my hands for drawing.
  11. You can't know what your true nature is, all that your mind will come up with, will be a delusion/self arbitrary reflection; no awakening, no enlightment, no no mind, no nothing, no nonothing. ( those are truth ) I m litteral here, there is no linear growth, all humans evolve no matter what they do or think, evolve in bad or good way, arbitrary anyway.
  12. All progression is not good why it should be ? Should we progress from living walking to living sitting ? Progression is a delusion. Things change. That's the only reality. When we are all gay and peaceful. Alien will rape us to the death. That's a metaphor but it point to 'perfect' 'better' as arbitrary. It can only look better from a perspective. I got my idea on progression in society from Aldous Huxley - the divine within Progression is just the movement of universe. That's not aiming toward an utilitarism helping the overall society. This is a delusion but it doesn't maximize anything. But sure as an I.. Certain politic seams to work better for me. Relative position for me. What feed me.
  13. Apparently I m INTP // 7 - 5 - 3 Sagitarius + moon in pisces What can you tell about me ? For me this is working based on leo is bullshitting you, for keeping blue people on his forum.
  14. Convince me mbti is real, and I m full listening. for me that's only an astrology for smart people. but maybe I m totaly wrong and arbitrary emotional pointer lead to "real absolute" truth. I never heard someone highly intellectual talking about mbti.
  15. the only way is knowing the ultimate truth, epistemological understanding lead to getting out of the mist. or else you'll create an imaginary story that will become perceptive-real.
  16. He overloaded on some member berries. People who project a deluded imagery of the past into a présent/ futur will have ultra backslash
  17. You are 8 hours per day on this forum stirring non sense. If you're so happy living in absolute love use your absolute for something less deluded than spreading relative words that you're fully aware will never share any help. Who are the people to talk with ? Who ??
  18. Where's my audiobook fix !!! I need to taper off with others materials !
  19. That's why I m almost sure that pasta/french bread and cheese + milk is ok if you're french/german or country who eat certain things. Wheat is not ogm in France for instance. And meat get more control on average. Japanese people cannot digest milk but are better eating algae than european. People living close from high pole eat only meat sometimes and their body feel ok to survive years. My conclusion is that so far human is an adaptive self ordering system that can adapt to all sort of foods. Some take years to adapt Industrialisation and low standard is the thing that poison most things that could be good food. Too many factors for accuracy. Ps : The gut biome backslash is probably a good trail. In support of the idea that your dna adapted Sorry vegs. Looks 'African' so many memes on chicken / kfc for whatever reasons. I was thinking this memes could have some truth their ancestors eated a tons of chickens. Makes their meat favored then ( or maybe that's only a stupid joke )
  20. I give you an answer. it's neither A , neither B , neither C it's all of them, and none of them. and there is an object inside a world constitued of mind. but mind is prior. it's not dramatic that all is prior to thought "nothing(cosmos/experience) x feeling = words ", you lived so far this way, nothing changes, but don't cling to any ideas, they are all full of shit, cause the mind is a machine creating ideas ( all is imagined, but all is real ) real is imagined is the same. all is the same, unless you create the distinction, ( or everyone agree on the distinction ) doesn't mean, I m not real. Physics cannot answer, listen to some ideas of physics, you'll know, that no one knows. so the answer to what is reality, what is me : no one knows, but it is "nothing at first, then it is everything". in fact reality is not a single truth, it's an infinite ammount of possible truth, but maybe they are some "linear / scientific truth" we just don't know. All the meaningless shit will say, reality is nothing, or being, they point on the fact that we cannot know for sure anything ( proved by "quantum particles" ) etc etc.. but the true true true true truth. is that your mind is a creating tool, there is no reality perceived, but it is perceived. we cannot translate knowledge properly with words, cause word are per default, bug & biased through interpretation. everything is an interpretation, doesn't mean, there is not a better/more true. reality is we don't know anything at all. Don't cling to ideas, they are mist.
  21. you just need another perspective on the entire life spectrum.
  22. I guess you know what you know, You're not really deluded, I was just jumping on my interpretation of words, I don't know what you truly knows in your direct experience, I was just reflecting in pure flow. __ whatever if the flow that is in me, push me to be banned from here, whatever, what should be should be.
  23. how would you know I wasn't. I m in pure love, radical honesty given on a plate. almost quoting leo last video sentences, but I tryied to be more peaceful while doing it. check up your guru.