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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. This body has all kinds of cravings and desires. Instead of suffering to be desireless why not have fun and attempt to see how many you can actually penetrate or accomplish. Seriously though, what you do or do not do in this apparent life matters not... trust! That's the freedom! ❤
  2. Yeah the history of religion and or spirituality is definitely interesting to look into...I really don't think there was a meaning to the madness but I've heard stories that it was originally used to control people. Who knows right?
  3. Well then that's what's being experienced there, it's whole, complete and perfect. ? I don't know anything about neo advaita or traditional vadanta but they sound like interesting belief systems. I'm not trying to replace one belief system with another.....I'm talking about the end of the believer. Its unconditional love & freedom for no one!! ❤
  4. Yes & no... Highlighting that there just isn't duality period, because there isn't a real you or me for separation to even be applicable!! There are apparent separate bodies but that which claims "I am the doer/thinker as this physical body" isn't actually real. No real I am this body = No real freewill and choice. No one free & no one not free! ❤
  5. It's exactly the same thing because there never was an asleep individual to become awake. That's why the phrase "illusion of self" seems fitting.....something that feels or seems convincingly real, but actually isn't. ❤
  6. Contrary to how it seems, there just isn't a real someone in which could or couldn't have free will.....and that's the freedom ? A belief in predetermined objectives would only arise within the dream story of being a real separate individual living in a world of meaning, purpose and value. There’s no real goal or objectives, those are just society's conditioned concepts. Unconditional freedom is what seems to remain when it's recognized that there just never was anyone bound or free from the start! ❤
  7. Yeah man the bible(any religion) is just a bunch of stories passed down & rewritten hundreds of times and yes, probably stemming mostly from astrology like you mentioned. Religion is essentially's just a crutch for the fearful/hopeful. Astrology is obviously tied into religion, it just seems like most aren't aware of it or believe it holds any significance! ❤
  8. There are conditioned functioning bodies.....but there empty, there isn't anyone or anything inside of them or behind the's emptiness appearing to be fullness. Humans are just like deer in the woods only there brains have evolved in such a way that they have become an entity unto itself....the illusory birth of "I am". There isn't a real you in which could be everything. The experience of "I am here", "I am real", "I am existing" is an illusion of self or an identification misunderstanding of the mind! There never was a real you or me that needed to figure anything out.....what a trip right? ❤
  9. Look closely at what thinks it's stuck.... Really actually LOOK! There isn't anyone or anything there! Then things may get really weird ? ❤
  10. Yeah it totally doesn't matter at all and that's the freedom which is sought after! There is only what seems to be happening whether that's meditation, thinking or anything's just what seems to be happening and nobody is doing it! ❤
  11. I found growing plants is very therapeutic. It can become a stressor too if you grow too many of them LOL. Shoot enjoy it while you have it... now I have a dog 2 cats a turtle a garden a wife and three kids. This all sounds completely normal! The general experience of separation feels lacking. Look into that, understand that feeling....what is it! ❤
  12. Sounds like what 'I' call everything or this, 'you' call consciousness. Agreed there's not something other than what 'you' call Consciousness or what 'I' call THIS...There is only everything or there is only what seems to be happening! ❤
  13. I wasn't trying to prove you wrong or judge or criticize your theories or experiences. Just sharing information and perspectives brother. I definitely wasn't saying that so-called consciousness is strictly generated by the brain either......I'm not even sure what your definition of consciousness is lol. Another thing I was pondering is that if so-called consciousness isn't somewhat generated to a certain extent within the body then why does there seem to be such a drastic change in experience when psychedelics, drugs or alcohol are consumed by that body? These are all just things that I would hope someone would bring up if I was really doing the work on understanding the phenomenon of apparent consciousness! ❤
  14. So then why during anesthesia or deep sleep is there a complete lack of consciousness? Just emptiness exactly like before birth! In a hospital while that body is under anesthesia, there could be a camera recording all the other bodies in the room doing things consciously while that body is completely unaware of anything happening at all.... and when that body regains consciousness there is no clue of what happened during that period. ❤
  15. When it's recognized that this sense of self within the bodymind is an illusion, the contracted energy within that bodymind can seem to relax and expand back into everything/infinity.(no-self) This feels very threatening for the sense of self, and it triggers the ultimate defense mechanism or ego trip by taking on the new identity of being everything..... this is often referred to as spiritual ego or super ego. This is where most diehard truth seekers seem to land. ❤
  16. No you're not understanding what's being said. When there is a clear recognition that nothing matters, there's no problem with attempting to grow the apparent self, embody love and act in service of it.... it doesn't matter in the sense that there's no real meaning, purpose or value behind it. Nothing needs to be done or not done! The freedom that's being pointed to has nothing to do with a belief of what nothing matters means (because it doesn't have a meaning & thats the pointer)..... it can be sitting on a log huffing paint and drooling on yourself OR spending your entire apparent life trying to make the world a more loving and beautiful place for all to enjoy. Whatever seems to be happening is nothing mattering seeming to matter! The illusory character lives in a world of meaning, purpose and value... this is what's referred to as the matrix or dream story!! Enlightenment is the end of this character living out its seemingly conditional existence. It's the disentangling from the socially conditioned matrix of mind known as 'ME'. It's unconditional freedom and completely what's longed for whether or not it seems to be recognized! And the crazy part is it's already the case. ❤ ? ? ? ? ?
  17. Anxiety seems to be a phenomenon that some bodies experience more than others....there's nothing right or wrong with experiencing anxiety.... it seems to be passed down genetically and or from trauma and what not. There can be a lot of energy behind anxiety, especially during anxious seeking! Enlightenment isn't a cure for an anxious individual, rather it reveals that there never was an anxious individual from the start. Feelings and emotions seem to come and go, they just don't belong to anyone or anything! ❤
  18. The dream or the matrix is often referred to as the experience of being this conditioned character living in a material world in which reality seems to have meaning, purpose and value! (There's something 'I' need to do, find, accomplish or realize) It could also be said that reality is dream-like in the sense that there seems to be an individual that is born, lives it's apparent life and then dies....(something that comes and goes/not permanent....dream-like. ❤
  19. I'm talking about the end of those beliefs! It's unknowing. ❤