Sucuk Ekmek

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Posts posted by Sucuk Ekmek

  1. On 19.09.2023 at 4:14 AM, Yimpa said:

     Nobody in the USA is getting publicly executed for not taking the vaccine.

    Science changes each operating system. 

    Yeah you are not executed for that but your bank account might be blocked which is a public execution in a modern society.

    Whoever refuses to use  the technology will be labelled as a terrorist in moden society there is no get away from that.

    This is the same reason  why elite will ban physical money soon, because according to them you can do terrorist acts with that untrackable meta.



  2. 10 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

    @Sucuk Ekmek

       Judging from that short clip, and his body language, he likely won't come to accept the consequences, even if proven guilty. A great charisma, personality, and persuasion rhetoric and success /=/ spiritual growth and integrity.

       *Rapists, not rappers.

    I don't know, that is the point; it is up to his integrity and spiritual being not the enforcement of law.

    And this is not only about him, this is also about the things he stands for. We either be responsible or be ruled by central forces. A bit ironic given his status.

    *Thanks, I don't remember how I write my previous post. Haha that is a great example of being responsible.

  3. This is stupid. People taking laws for granted. Existance of laws only benefit certain people. More the power you have more the benefit you get from laws. Its a meaningless game, it's like  traffic lights in a GTA game...

    Plus law is not a serious pursue there might be tens of unnoticed rapers in one courtroom but this is not what law cares about. Anyways...

    We should judge Russell according to his spiritual growth, and If we find hım guilty his punishment should be for his benefit, because it is most likely only the people like him are able to  realize his wrong doing and come to conclusion. After that he would gladly accept his sentence, this would benefit both society and criminal.

    He is a very good case!

  4. On 13.09.2023 at 3:13 PM, Raze said:

    Should we continue to trust scientists for political matters?

    Scientists are the politicans, in current paradigm you can only justify one matter via science there is no alternative, and of course it's not going to be your science. It will be corporate science.

    So trust with your own risk. Anyways sorry for the rant :)


  5. 2 hours ago, rnd said:


    Is it "roaming" or is it mass midea that claims that it is doing so?


    It's my claim. Because what i know is these micro biological forms has to move and exchange information among micro and macro biome.

    WHO claims they detected it. They monitored and detected. That's it!


    2 hours ago, rnd said:



    There're dozens of viruses that roam all the time, here and there, and of which you don't and won't hear. Why not? Because they won't get covered by the mass media. Why not? Because there's no way to benefit from it as much it is from the project little-flu-19. Even though it exists.

    (In a drop (one millilitre) of seawater, one can find 10 million viruses, one million bacteria and about 1,000 small protozoans and algae (called “protists”).

    Yeah somehow we are allied with 9.9 million but that one little guy fucks with us.

  6. 1 hour ago, Bobby_2021 said:

    Naah Modi govt has a weird obsession with "finding our roots" and "finding ourselves in the past" while we should be doubling down on building a great future.

    Nobody wants strong citizens. This is a global phenomenon. Building future requires individuals. There is a war happening  against human soul.

    You will either marry with the machine or become the part of human zoo.

  7. 2 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

    @Sucuk Ekmek

       It's simple ethics, moral and civic duty. If WW1 and WW2 generations most answered the conscriptions with little complaint, then most would follow Covid policy such as wearing a mask, 2 meter distancing, washing hands more frequently, and finally, taking the vaccine. If the old generation took anti vaxxer's logic, then Nazi Germany would win against most countries as they're too busy playing anarcho fantasies of overthrowing the government.


    It's my civic duty to warn you guys about upcoming technocratic measures. This is not about pro or anti "x" logic. 


  8. 11 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

       I'll always say that it's your spiritual, moral and civic duty as a citizen to take the vaccine, and follow covid policy 

    What's up with this new religion...

    Where is individuality? 

    As Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." 

  9. 15 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

    If Aliens are a thing, and in the future we make contact and commerce to some tiny degree, I'd like to ask those aliens about the mythological stories that mankind and native tribes told, and sightings of criptids like Yeti/big foot/sasquatch, dog/wolf men, Chubacabra/Enfield monster, and many other such hidden creatures. What if the Kraken actually existed, not a giant squid but a giant octopus? Surely these UFO aliens have been around the world with their alien technology observing this planet, surely they too have more sightings?

    Doing commerce with aliens, that sounds fun. 

    I would like rent their ship and turn it into a flying strip club.