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Everything posted by IJB063

  1. @28 cm unbuffed There are no breaks
  2. @Viking Yeah I was only using the word trauma because you brought it up and I was using it in a very broad way, in this context its synonymous with everything else you mentioned e.g. mental illness, fucking up your psyche etc...
  3. @Viking Yeah, just saying the fear of creating these traumas is a mechanism by which traumas are created But that's a good point
  4. @Artiekee Hope its of use
  5. @Viking The way you get life experience is by making decisions You might fail, but failure is the best teacher
  6. @Viking "He who is not courageous enough to take risks will achieve nothing in life" - Muhammad Ali From Robert Greene 48 Laws of Power Law 28 ENTER ACTION WITH BOLDNESS If you are unsure of a course of action, do not attempt it. Your doubts and hesitations will infect your execution. Timidity is dangerous: Better to enter with boldness. Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity. Everyone admires the bold; no one honors the timid. We all make mistakes in life, that's no excuse for not making decisions There is no shame in failure only in not trying Overly used quote but it applies "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" That's my philosophy anyway The balls in your court buddy and its your life No one can tell you what to do That's for you to figure out
  7. @bejapuskas They chiseled it down to 3 inches But it ain't the size its the motion in the ocean
  8. @bejapuskas You wanna know how I'm weird? Ok I'll tell you When I was born, my dick was like 3 feet So it was basically a medical issue So the doctors had to cut of extra Thats why I got a small dick But genetically I got a big dick gene So if they didn't cut it I would have a supper big dick
  9. @Chives99 Fuck all this enlightenment, non duality shit We're asking the real questions here, on this forum Tits or arse?
  10. @Milos Uzelac Yep, it all goes back to the old adage Socialism for the rich Rugged Capitalist Individualism for the poor Also where did you get this figure from?
  11. @DLH I'm someone who actually wants to communicate a point instead of just taking things to esoteric meaningless extremes so that I can avoid saying that something or someone is bad @UnconsciousHuman Well you already did it
  12. @UnconsciousHuman It was good clickbait It got me and others to read your post Look how many replies and views its got I would change the name back to it
  13. @DLH Saying that there is Is such a cop out If there is no such thing as right or wrong then there is no such such thing as truth Is a truth statement So you've just created a logical paradox Why do people take things to such epistemological extremes so that they can avoid saying that something is bad It destroys the entire point of discourse and this forum Lets just assume that there is a right and wrong so we can actually communicate You assume it anyway with If there is no right or wrong than there is no place to expand or grow to You should be perfectly content with your current situation/experience
  14. @UnconsciousHuman The man has some good lectures Some good stuff on psychology e.g. the big five factors I like how he's popularized Fyodor Dostoyevsky Good analysis of Jungian archetypes I hadn't even heard of the Gulag Archipelago until JBP mentioned it a few years ago He does a lot of good stuff on mythology Some good stuff on Nietzsche (although he butchers him occasionally) I could go on but overall the mans a force for good I just wish he'd stop trying to elevate himself to a position he doesn't deserve via his manipulative tactics I don't believe the man does it consciously, I'm just sick of his preaching and his white eyed followers who say things like that hes greatest thinker of all time There are plenty of others just as intelligent and articulate as JBP, alive currently And then you have historys geniuses before him that he makes reference to But unlike JBP, they haven't won the popularity contest through their manipulation I think that they deserve more attention and JBP should step off his pedestal and he shouldn't of been put up there in the first place He's now been forced off the pedestal anyway with the blanant hypocrisy of a man telling you how to live your life, while he's had manic depression his entire life and is now in rehab for a benzo addiction, completely collapsing underneath the weight of this relatively unearnt fame Now him being famous is better than some alternatives but I think its a sad reflection of people, that JBP is the one that they have chosen And remember you're the one who titled this thread originally Fuck Jordan Peterson I shit on his idiot followers and suddenly my I'm not hiding anything, neither am I dismissing him entirely I'm just pointing out that he's human like all of us, so shouldn't be turned into some hero
  15. @UnconsciousHuman It's just fake manipulative bullshit that retards fall for
  16. @UnconsciousHuman He's good at speech like WWE is at theatre
  17. @Lena89
  18. @UnconsciousHuman He isn't really even this articulate silver tongued, he just takes long pauses to give the impression that he is deeply entranced in thought and then speaks slowly in his same mannerisms Everything Peterson does is theatrics For deliberate effect Specifically to present him self as big brain guy Which Don here as fallen for I bet he hasn't read his works His best weapon though is his reliance upon preemptive mirroring, very much like a snake oils salesman To again, present his prophet, philosopher king persona
  19. @The Don Hey watch this video, its interesting on the topic of JBP Note - I don't agree with the majority of what the Voxiversity believes, but on the topic of Jordan Peterson he is mostly correct from my perspective
  20. @UnconsciousHuman A swing to what, them taking responsibility of their lives and working on themselves Jordan Peterson is nothing more than a glorified self help guru, not a philosopher that he presents himself to be And his cultlike fans raise him up to be @Leo Gura How we going to do that Leo Put guns to the back of their heads a force them to down a bowl of a ayahuasca You paint a picture where humanity is fucked
  21. Ha, he looks a bit like Jerry Seinfeld in this Kinda
  22. @Leo Gura He would say he has put his spiritual house in order (Though he's in rehab I think for benzo withdrawal, truely a great person to take self help advice from, someone who can't even handle klonopin)
  23. @Leo Gura I suppose so, but that's one of the most pessimistic things I've ever heard And recently I've been reading a lot of gloomy old German philosophers Almost all people, all the time are doomed to immorality What separates us from animals?