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Everything posted by IJB063

  1. @The observer I will its dark down here
  2. @F A B They reach back because they’re not sure if they made the right call ditching you, which means you’re doing something right But it also means your not there too priority brother Relationships are all about give and take You love her as much as she loves you Whats best I would say is you love her slightly less than she loves you, that way she’s chasing you and she’s worried that you’ll lose interest Detachment is not something you choose it’s something you become, you become detached by not being to needy and clingy And you do that by knowing youre hot shit and any girl would be lucky to have you And if they don’t think your hot shit they can fuck off and you’ll find a girl who does
  3. @The observer List the assumptions and I’ll elaborate on them No, it is like heroin, they share many similarities https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/in-the-brain-romantic-love-is-basically-an-addiction https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/loves-effect-on-the-brain-is-as-powerful-as-heroin-2015-10%3Famp Romantic love is highly addictive You don’t feel complete with romantic love, you become very dependent upon it, so much so that many men off themselves when it gets shattered or they go on detox Also my intention when using the heroin analogy wasn’t to focus on romantic love’s addictive properties, of which it has many, my focus was on the high Romantic love is a high That is all it is, not some airy fairy bullshit Just the primitive biological urge to fuck and have kids Whats bad is dependency and the need for someone else to you fulfil No one is born completely happy. It’s a work-in-progress, and heroin can help boost that process to happiness. If you can’t be sober and happy that’s fine. Your drug dealer will understand and sell you more heroin. You sound like a junkie trying to justify his addiction. Just because you are born dependent doesn’t mean you should stay in a state of infancy. We are adults, those of us who are self actualised do not need any crutches, we can stand on our own two feet. Romantic spouses are extremely possessive, that’s the entire point of monogamy. Of course you are obliged to act in certain ways and they love will you much less if you don’t conform, hence my point, romantic love is a bullshit lie, that we’re sold to breed. You can’t both have conditions and no conditions Yes exactly, you can’t have love without conditions, that’s why romantic love is bullshit, you just refuted what you said on the previous paragraph Yes we require conditions, and what are the conditions TRANSACTIONAL, not because someone looks at you soul and love you for you, no they love you for what you give them, no moment you stop giving that the moment you’re worthless There is no one There are no souls mates
  4. @F A B You haven’t given any information for us to know why she’d lose interest buddy You just answered you’re own question @Roy is right, it is needy When you try to lock a girl down it’s showing you’re desperate, it’s her job to lock you down Women are repulsed when men are more attached than they are, that’s your issue buddy, you’re too attached Why would you be making this post if you weren’t My recommendation is to see more women, you’re not in a relationship right now, it should be easy if you can
  5. @The observer It’s not so obvious as you may think Most people believe in the Western world hold to the idea romantic love What I was talking about when I made this post isn’t the experience of romantic love, that’s quite real But it isn’t, ironically, as romantic as people portray it, it’s actually brutal and pragmatic and care nothing’s for the idealisations that we thrust upon it Yeah there’s the experience of the high which is romantic love, but there’s also the experience of the high which is heroin, both are malignant crutches, both can be said to fill some void, heroin can be the perfect key for your lock, doesn’t mean it’s a good thing As a man or a woman you should be completely independent and not reliant upon someone to You should be happy with who you are and where you are And if romantic love isn’t unconditional, and gods love is not unconditional, than how could it be said to be special, therefore it should not be cared for in any special way For example if you leave your door open and your dog takes that as the perfect opportunity to run away, did that dog ever really love you? If you marry a woman you love and eventually she fucks some other guy who’s bigger and better, leaves you without skipping a beat, takes all your shit and you’re now leaving out of your car for the next 2 years, did she ever really love you? If youre a woman and you squeeze out some kids and they grow up and leave the house, and never visit though you’re lonely, and you wither away without even a phone call, did your children ever really love you Not in anyway that’s significant or deserves any reverence Just in a way that in that moment, served a primordial self interest Thats the way you should look at romantic love But people don’t like it cause it hurts their fee fees Personally I believe the idea of romantic love should be done away with because it’s a servile mentality for the weak and dependent, how can you self actualise if you’re dependent upon somebody else for your happiness and self worth?
  6. @Maxman You realise that it’s not important enough to justify agitation or anger You’re either right and the other person is wrong, or you’re wrong and the other person is right You goal should to always be right in any discussion You know how to win every debate you have, only speak the truth If the person you’re arguing with doesn’t accept that, it’s there problem not yours This is petty and arrogant They can be insulting you but what does it matter, if they are wrong they are wrong, if you are more intelligent you are more intelligent That strong reaction does come from insecurities You remain calm by not giving a fuck You don’t need to prove anything to anyone
  7. Or maybe Mike did JK New reply cause I was on the YouTube’s and Rogan just had a podcast with Keven Hart and it’s linked here if you’re interested @Rasheed
  8. @Member I’m pretty sure I’m awake Its possibly that this is all a dream E.g. the Bill Hicks quote “All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.” More like life being a dream state I don’t believe we’re in some matrix Still doesn’t explain the - “reality should be the same as your limbs”
  9. Shit remember @remember s that photo from somewhere Its seems there’s only one way to prove that you’re actually both who you say you are Ladies send nudes ASAP in this thread right now, or that’s proof that your both just men pretending to be women on the internet edit - this comment is not serious, do not ban
  10. He might forcibly fornicate with you Note - I am joking I do not think Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington
  11. @Leo Gura Thats racist of you Leo to imply that just because Mike Tyson’s black that’s he a animal Im joking plz no ban Also Mike Tyson is a GOD, and never forget it, or he rip your ear off
  12. This makes no sense, what do you mean?
  13. @remember Yeah exactly, he’s a pin up boy from this sixties, that’s crazy how you got that, I’m impressed
  14. @remember lolololololololololol you know youre jealous girl don’t lie Hey @JessiChell I found you a new profile picture, you like it With this profile pic, it’s safe for you to use the forum so you don’t have to
  15. @JosephKnecht Tell me that this man isn’t sexy
  16. @JessiChell How dare you imply that Terence McKenna isn’t a male model, look at his luxurious flowing hair You and I both know the only reason you commented on my post is because you couldn’t help yourself after seeing that man
  17. Don’t lie @remember , you’re jealous of@JessiChell aren’t you lol
  18. @remember I was joking in the previous comment about I think it’s derogatory to men to imply that we can’t think clearly just because we see some some woman in a profile picture Because for some reason we’re all addicted to porn??? I don’t know what porn has to do with this ?‍♂️
  19. @EnlightenmentBlog Yeah that makes sense somewhat Thats what I’m gonna do to get my shit answered, I’m going to change my profile pic to some model and just wait for the answers to my questions to pour in from guys who want to fuck the model in the prof pic lol
  20. @remember Oh shit I assumed you were a man Sorry I guess Youre still making no fucking sense Maybe if Joan of Arc fell of her horse and landed directly on her head
  21. @JessiChell I have no fucking clue What I do know is this shits funny You should ignore him, but don’t, it’s entertaining me
  22. @Rasheed You need EGO to be the best heavy weight boxer the world has ever known
  23. @remember HA
  24. @Rasheed What does 5-meo have to do with Mike boxing? Of course he’ll be different the mans now in his 50s This is what Mike knows is boxing Its not surprising that he wants to get back into it
  25. @JessiChell what are you talking about? that comment made perfect sense