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Everything posted by Anton_Pierre

  1. @Soul-lover 2020 You have misinterpreted the spiritual teachings of the bible.
  2. That person who you have been your whole life is your lower self. That lower self is like a character in a movie. You have to become the hero in the film. It takes extreme commitment and bravery to face the unknown. Your heart and intuition must guide you through extreme difficultly and challenge. You must be able to endure extreme levels of suffering in order for your ego to submit. Once your ego submits and you become free you will see that all your fears were just part of the movie. Don't die a slave of fear and don't be afraid of death. Your ego will keep you failing again and again, it takes full dedication and persistence. You must be able to let go of everything in order to find the truth. Another thing to remember is that if you can't face death consciously you will forever repeat the cycles of suffering.
  3. @Key Elements I am trying to embody these Truths now.
  4. @zeroISinfinity Proof is in the pudding.
  5. @Nahm Infinite intelligence is a formless being (God) which can experience every form as that form itself but if that limited form self-inquires it will find no-self or formlessness because that's what created it.
  6. @zeroISinfinity Conciousness is the thing that realizes it created the outside world. The outside world is actually an illusion because if you consider that there is someone somewhere else experiencing conciousness then you are not realizing that you are the thing that changes all forms around it self and that's all there ever was, an ever changing moment that will experience all life in the same place you are percieving and nowhere else. Thats how you break the illusion of time because there is on an ever changing present moment. And the illusion of space is destroyed because the outside world was only ever created from the same place where you are right now.
  7. @Nahm Conciousness is the one who creates unconsciousness.
  8. @Nahm I'll contemplate it and get back to you.
  9. @Nahm Avoiding suffering and pursuing pleasure.
  10. @Nahm The illusion of seperation, thoughts, morality and survival needs.
  11. @Nahm The devil suffers in a self created hell
  12. Hey, Leo I am interestes in studying certain aspects of life and finding the ways they are interwoven. I was wondering if you could make a video on how to gather large amounts insights and the proccess of combing them into a web like structures or big picture models so that it's all connected.
  13. @Javfly33 To totally submit you must not be afraid of death in the most literal sense. You must be brave enough to do the most suffering spiritual practises and keep going when your ego can't take it anymore. You must fully let go.
  14. @Mondsee Deny your ego simple pleasures and it will show you it's true nature. Remember that it's not you.
  15. @Neorez Maybe not knowing is the only way to know.
  16. @Neorez Why not get an insight into how to embody your insights?
  17. The greatest joy is to be free from concept. Your mind is always trying to understand the reality of something. The reality of something can only be understood as what is actual. In fitness for example, You can think about a bicep exercise Or You can actually perform the exercise and actually feel your bicep contracting. Do you see the difference?
  18. @Preety_India Stare in a mirror until you find your point of existence.
  19. @EvilAngel There is only sensations