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Everything posted by Ethankahn

  1. Man, that guy acts as elusive as Bigfoot towards me ?
  2. What’s up Leo. Hopefully my PMs haven’t annoyed you Lol
  3. @Joseph Maynor Great chatting with you as well! I always enjoy others’ perspectives so no worries, I’ll accept you no matter what
  4. @Joseph Maynor Good! No problem then. So long as the acceptance is there. I’m not going to invalidate your way. Enjoy your Enlightenment ? or... “enjoy” Lol
  5. @Joseph Maynor You must realize that what people aim for as Enlightenment can be different types of states. I’ve found that mathematics and logic can be relevant to Enlightenment but they’re not everything. Just like your transcendence of the Mind isn’t everything. It’s one method and one form of Enlightenment
  6. @Joseph Maynor I didn’t say it needs to be integrated. I said they can be integrated as a response to your statement that such a thing is impossible.
  7. @Joseph Maynor Anything is possible. Are you so sure you’ve tried hard enough to reconcile these varying perspectives?
  8. @Joseph Maynor What’s wrong with metaphysics? I accept all perspectives.
  9. @Joseph Maynor Correct. Being just is. Because it has no beginning. If you look closely, our views can be unified. That’s what I’m pointing at
  10. @Joseph Maynor Understandable. Nobody really feels inclined to call emptiness or groundlessness a state. As for me, rather than saying Infinity is a state, I say it’s State itself (because that includes all states within it). There’s a nice Zen riddle ? “The only “state” that is no particular state is State itself” or “The only “form” that has no particular form is Form itself”
  11. Gotcha. So I see why logic doesn’t fit into your “framework.” You’re referring to a groundless state that can never be fully cognized (cause it’s groundless).
  12. @Joseph Maynor Yes that’s interesting. I am curious though. I know, with your perspective, you’re always coming from this state of pure empty Awareness. Would you be against calling that a form of understanding?
  13. It’s possible to tie logic into Truth. Nonduality leaves nothing out, including logic. It’s just that the logic will be a more total sense rather than just human common sense
  14. @Principium Nexus What Leo's saying is don't rid yourself of your emotions. Accept and embrace them. Then, you'll be at peace
  15. Eyyy Leo, you finally understand what I meant when I said Reality and Logic go hand-in hand! Awesome!
  16. @Aeris I completely agree! You're explaining your perspective of stage coral to "Me" when "I" already accept it and am always experiencing it. But that's fine! If you want to get more out, go ahead and continue!
  17. Or be the condescending dude who doesn’t accept other perspectives ? Haha jk you’re good man
  18. The infinite Spiral is a concept inside of “Me”! It’s just a figment in “My” imagination. So, “I” am all of the stages, none of them, both all and none, neither all nor none, some “other” inexpressible fifth state, a sixth state, a seventh... infinitely many and impossibly more... (sorry, I’ll shut up and sit in silence Lol) But wait... that silence isn’t enough either. Nor is both talking and silence... nor neither... nor the fifth state, nor sixth, nor the seventh nor the “infinitieth”! I’ll just choose to stop Lol ?Hmm choose. I’ll just choose what state I want to be in! Maybe I’ll be the “part of Me” that is that scientist in Stage Green who’s working on environmentally-friendly housing. Or that competitive athlete in Stage Orange! Ooh, How about that Yogi meditating on Stage Turquoise in the Himalayas right now! know what... maybe I’ll just enjoy being the “part of Me” which is that loud neighbor of your’s who’s centered in Stage Red. [“Me” as] He knows how to have a good time! ?
  19. @Hellspeed Correct! It's complete nonexistence. A truly impossible state
  20. @Mu_ I'd be open to a video chat. Sounds like fun
  21. @Hellspeed Experiences are things. So, if you're still experiencing it, then it's not Absolutely Nothing. You also just said that it is cold. Absolute Nothing is neither hot nor cold. It has no temperature. I believe you're experiencing what you say, but what you're experiencing doesn't sound like Absolute Nothingness (at least what I refer to as such).
  22. Absolute Infinity isn't just a wheel. It's any and every shape forever in all directions. However, I do agree with you in that, there is Absolutely Nothing beyond Absolute Infinity. You're referring to "something" (strictly in quotes) that's not even an empty void, correct?
  23. "The true perceiver is Nothingness" - many on this Forum How about: the true perceiver is Anythingness. Infinity can experience being fully in your perception without any sense of being in another's perception. Hence, why you may feel like you're only having a finite experience as one human person, despite being infinite. For infinity to be truly infinite, it must experience just your perception, just that other dude's perception, and also both simultaneously. So infinity is experiencing any and every perception. Which is why I call it Anythingness. This is just another viewpoint to give more clarity to the new Truth-seekers in this forum. I feel that talking about infinity as identical to Anythingness is easier to understand than referring to it as Nothingness. Just my opinion