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Posts posted by ALLIS

  1. On 6/28/2022 at 5:56 PM, marinaaniram said:

    so i got heartbroken lol

    and as a person who is into spirituality, i blame myself for feeling like shit
    like i m not completely awaken yet, but i understand that it s all a mind game, an illusion and SELFISHNESS (me being selfish)

    being depressed about it is just my ego constantly showing that it got hurt

    i really wanna reach the level when i dont care of things like that, but everytime i sit down at meditation i just burst in tears i feel SOOO STUUUPID


    Go treat it just like its meditation. Don't try to escape it you will suppress it and it will manifest in who knows what way. I got recently same situation and I was trying to escape it and its not good to do that. Instead feel you are hurt and that's fine. When emotions calm down now its time To analyze what should I do next time better. If he was narcissist, please be careful because this kind of people can make you go crazy, so don't try to analyze it too much and try to find faults in you, sometimes guy was abusive no need to find your faults there. See it as a process be patient. 


    Hope this helps much love <3

  2. EDIT: test 2

    plugged 15 mg nothing then 30 mg 25 minutes later nothing happened

    2cb works wonders so it's not the ROA

    possible sceenarios

    1. fake substance (less likely)
    2. immune to 5meodmt

    The next attempt will need to wait for some time but it will probably be plugged and if it doesn't work smoked...:(

    Not looking forward to an aggressive experience that's why I wanted ROA to work in the first place :P


  3. 11 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    @ALLIS If you only have 15 mg left, better vape, it is a breakthrough dose. If you plug it in, even if it works this time, it will be a very smooth effect. at least what I have noticed by plugging in 15

    I don't really want to vape and I would like to make plugging to work somehow ? It doesn't make sense because 2cb works just fine

  4. 26 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

       Thanks for your suggestion. I might reconsider being in this Nofap state. Both my girlfriend and I love to experiment around with our lovemaking, including making it spiritual like astral sex. She'd be the death of me if we'd do it in diamond lotus xD


    Hahah bro those are books not positions ?

    Even great master like Gurgijev sended his students to have sex sometimes It becomes counter productive.

    Without spiritual practice you will never sustain no fap anyway.

    With partner you can use sex as a tool but it only works if both are interested so if your partner don't want to explore that well sex will becomes obstacle...

    Sexual energy is most powerful energy in body and according to some masters lust is last to leave on the path so better learn to how to use it.


  5. no fap is not for everyone i need to say this after a lot of experience with 

    my opinion is that no fap is awesome to do when you dont have girlfriend but if you have one there is no point in doing it unless you are addicted to sex in relationship.Better to learn using sex in a productive spiritual way with a partner one of recommendation is "from sex to superconsciousness" is good one for foundation but for practice part maybe diamond in lotus but maybe others have better sources:x