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Everything posted by Yog

  1. It seems that CD Project Red is the only goliath sized company that is not playing into this for now. It is interesting to observe how they manage to stay put in all this mania and manage to produce humongous pieces of art.
  2. @FractalFlux Cool beans mate! Btw did you consult Leo about it ? Also its a col idea to leave a qr code of the website I think.
  3. Yea.... its getting bizarre. As someone working in the game industry I find it refreshing to see how small greenish teams are starting to pop up and manage to compete with this nonsense recently. I feel like this whole 3A idea recycling and micro transaction thing is probably going to crash in the next 5 years. So much indies have popped up with cool ideas. Some of even near 3A quality.
  4. A clunky mechanical creation painted with colors of compassion and virtue. Most often used as a tool for expressing ones narcissism and egotism. I do not think there is any care for anyone's feelings behind it. I've never seen it used in that way. The most common feelings one can spot when it is used are rapidly spreading fear,anger or disgust. Resulting in huge energy waste and increase in friction. So in that sense, I do think it is a good way to see it as a non-issue, at least you wont feed it that way. Those are my observations
  5. Just wanted to share my find guys. Its a hub style software that I found extremely useful. It has multiple very user friendly tools that you can use and layout as you wish. Its very intuitive, you don't have to learn anything. It is similar to Evernote but much better. Its also great for corporate organization. It has: -Pages (that you can hyperlink within the app) -Numbered or bulleted lists. -To do lists -Quotes -Dividers -Reminders -Tables -Task board -Galleries -Calendars -Video/image integrations -Google drive/slides/doc/maps integrations -Pdf integrations. -and more. You can layout them as you wish. I currently use it for journaling / logging workouts and nutrition, spiritual practices, music, band or art projects I have, book lists, goal setting ect. Hope you find it useful. It has a free plan, you can also boost it with credit. If you PM me i can send you an invite that will give you free 10 $ (2 months) credit. Cheers. https://www.notion.so/
  6. That is quite wide of a topic mate. I would also be glad to hear what experienced people would say about it around here. Had about 15/500 success rate. Its quite fun once you get over the fear.
  7. Its a beautiful perspective that Doushin has. I also like this one. Being the closest to what I see. They are actually quite alike.
  8. @Hansu This might lead a way. Just a small exercise while you are exploring this subject: You may do it as long as you want. Go make a list of lets say 20 right and 20 left wing videos or websites. Watch them with complete presence. Try to see what they see. Why it is important to them, why does it make sense to them, what did they see so that particular thing clicked with them, what do they love, what hurts them. What are the healthy chunks, what are the neurotic ones. Do it with depth, sink into them, forget what or who you are, sink into them, be present 100%. You'll notice that these people will become extremely weird, even alien to you. That is the point where you have heard them. And will understand them. It will than be easier or even automatic for you to reflect on the shortcomings of your current political stance. I'd say it is better to move away from it and see it from another point. You cant really see it if you are standing on it. I also think it is better to just see it, than to analyze it. Its based on things people feel deeply about after all, so its a good start. Too much thinking can tie you in a knot It clicked with me, it might with you. Hope it helped.
  9. @Odysseus I do understand that and agree with it. I also do think that "pathology" and "regression" are not things that are exclusive to the right. Thence the comparison. Left wing virtues can also be weaponized and used in regressive ways, knowingly or unknowingly. Something easily overlooked these days.
  10. Its a modern version of Hitlers book burning. Its sad to see it unfold this way. By censoring it, all we are doing is pushing it into darkness. Where it will ofc, continue to grow, out of sight. With ever-present fuel. As of the last few years it is underground, it is deep web, it is not even digital ..... We'll have to deal somehow with this gamble. We do not have much to work with right now. In a weird way, I place my faith in the unconscious wisdom of the regular Joe not to play these games and play some others.
  11. Hey guys, I saw that there is a similar thread around, but i think this one has its own undertone. I do think that most people around here have encountered this particular problem. I would be glad to hear of your thoughts on this. As I am struggling it with it now. My case: -When I started doing the work. I did not have even a tiny problem with discipline and motivation, could get up as early as I planned, workout, meditate, read, learn and do all that, while maintaining consistency. It was the typical orange type of motivation, career, be the best one I could, eat healthy be fit as to have long living body, audio books, supplements ect. That was about 4-5 years ago. I was unstoppable beast. -Than it all got softened as the years went by, green was pulling, started being spontaneous and more fluid, getting somewhat lost in other perspectives, experimented with alternative workouts, alternative food. Being indifferent, seeing different perspectives, not taking sides, exploratory and lacking direction. My discipline and motivation seemed to be 1/4 of what it was before. That is like 2-3 years ago. -And in the most recent years I'd say I went to yellow. Solidish yellow. With turbulent and short green pass and a distant.... long... forgotten orange. Something is weird in there, but nevertheless ...I'll investigate. Its also where I did psychedelics , acid and dmt . There I got my non-dual dips, learned a lot, it was quite a contemplative period, both because of the psychedelics realizations and being able to think in yellow manner, rearranging things within myself. T. Still I was sitting in this non disciplined directionless space. It feels like, as I grew more, and saw more, more aspects of myself, of everything. This simplistic orange career/fitness focus, based on few things had no choice but to fall apart. And right now it feels like disintegrated mess floating inside me. Sorry if my language seems stiff and rigid. I do translate it in my head How did you guys deal with these issues ? Or do you see a hole in my thinking.
  12. oo I know the song. I've tried it on wiskey but never on acid , or any dnb in general. Nice idea, will try out some dnb/neuro next time. And I like neuro a loot. Just it never clicked in my head. You might like this one:
  13. Just another chill thread. What is your call song on acid. Something that you instantly play, or call/ed out when asked what you like, so they can play it for you, while on acid... Here are some of my common ones. Whats yours ? 1 or 2, choose wisely
  14. Wow, guys amazing stuff so far,I feel like a family with you already Here is something ofmine. This mix is just..... a must. And some more There is always the metal, so much life in it on psychedelics ..... or without...its just so packed with life. Even moby dick doom:
  15. @Matt8800 I see you got a lovely thread going, hard to catch up Keep up the good work What are your thoughts on this. It is an extract from a book called Meditation and Kabbalah - by Aryeh Kaplan I am guessing you have some insight on the kabbalistic ways. I see Practical Kabbalah is getting somewhat popular in occult circles. Probably because of the word "practical" and the present day culture focused on "practicality". It has a ring. But this text makes one.... shit in his pants. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ This is the significance of the Practical Kabbalah. It is forbidden to make use of it, since evil necessarily attaches itself to the good. One may actually intend to cleanse his soul, but as a result of the evil, he actually defiles it. Even if one does gain some perception, it is truth intermingled with falsehood. This is especially true today, since the ashes of the Red Heifer no longer exist. [Since one cannot purify himself,] the uncleanliness of the Husks (Klipot) attaches itself to the individual who attempts to gain enlightenment through the Practical Kabbalah. Therefore, “he who watches his soul should keep far from them.” 53 For besides polluting his soul, he will also be punished in purgatory (Gehinom). We also have a tradition that such an individual will be punished in this world. Either he or his children will become sick, will be impoverished, or will become apostates. Learn a lesson from Joseph Della Reina and Rabbi Shlomo Molcho, who made use of the Practical Kabbalah and were destroyed from the world. All this is because of the above-mentioned reason. This involves a realm where there is no good devoid of evil. Besides this, it involves coercing angels with oaths against their will. These angels retaliate by enticing this individual, drawing him into evil ways until his soul is destroyed. Beyond this, the methods involving these oaths were concealed by earlier generations, and we are not well-versed in the proper techniques. One must therefore keep himself far from these things. Rabbi Chaim Vital (1543-1620) ______________________________________________________________________________________________
  16. I am not quite sure what you meant with this part. Would you like to elaborate. This is how I see it now. One might be yellow and figure out a solution on yellow level. But the cooked solution might be of a orange/blue/red nature. Depending on the case. Lets say: If one is yellow and lives in gangsta suburb. He might have to apply stage red solutions to live there, figuring out might be yellow, but action red. If he gets hit, maybe he will have to hit back, because red respects that and wont bother him next time for example. Would you agree ?
  17. Oh, she has books ? Got to find those Foound them!
  18. @Scholar I was aware of it as I was writing it, wrote it that way for simplicity sake. Maybe "solidish yellow" is a bad wording of mine. Judging by my eye, and by observing my behavior around, I'd say I am cognitively and morally there and pivoting around. But I differently have a lot in orange, some green around, even higher blue. I haven't done any tests yet. And I differently need to read more into the model on these separate dimensions . I do have surface knowledge on them. @bejapuskas Hm, its not really a nihilistic crisis i think, its that relativistic part of me validating and seeing truth in other perspectives. Its easy to use those perspective as excuses. That is in part what I am probably doing. It was way easier when I could not see them. Just an observation. The present moment is always worth it, fear is always absent, focus, joy and clear mindness is always there. I usually pull it out by sheer force of will, looking into details, wood grain, until things become HQ and weird, than decide from the depths of my being what to do and it feels effortless to do it. But I cant remember to always do it. Sometimes I get lost in unconscious chatter and inside debates for few days. I used to have reminders laying around saying "Present Moment Now" to trigger that, I just ignore them now. Couldn't find any other method to do so @remember Yea I do go outside by the river and read books there for hour or 2. But as a 3D game artist I do require a high preforming machine and few monitors to work. So I am glued in the case of work for now. When I do my work I feel great, I lose sense of time once every couple of hours. But when I don't, I just want to hit myself off the wall. So my working space has memory of both. It depends on what I do .. Working on reintroducing good habits back, 1h of working out and 1h of meditation seem to stick easily for now, will go further soon. Thanks on the reminder for Chakra work! That has helped me a lot in the past. Especially with root chakra dis-balance due to psychedelics use. What did you mean by navel part of the chakra vs the solar plexus part btw. Could you elaborate on that. So far I have worked on it as one piece.? @Commodent There is, a small tiny voice, a tiny dot of helplessness. But I am kind of an Ox-head. I do not take it that seriously, do not know if it is good or bad. I do talk to it ... as to an undeveloped child I'd say. Never seriously thought about it much, its happening by default. ? IT: We are doomed, its too late, nothing to do about it, you already fucked up, now you go towards the bottom. Me: Shut up you little brat, you are just panicking, we've been here before and passed this. See all these good things that you have around: (line them up suckers), appreciate that . I am not always this harsh to it. But yea...sometimes. @bejapuskas I was trying to figure out if this has any relation to the spiral at all at first. Can just be dopamine imbalance, basic personal development stuff. And it definitely can be, it probably is. But even if it is just that, Orange being simpler than the above, has fewer tools to work with. So in this sense it is more contained. Can deal with chaos way easier. And green being the first stage that at least has the antenna to the infinite. Thence the relativism. Can scale this chaos way more. And deal harder with it. I have purposely placed myself in chaos. And I deal way harder with it now, than I used to. it is just this line of thinking that I wanted to bring forward. Cheers
  19. @Michael569 Same here. Simple, useful and powerful. Been using it constantly for all sorts of things. It seems like a thing that will snowball enormously over time if utilized constantly.
  20. @ttom I do feel much the same way. I do intend to retreat and do some more focused orange type of work. I still do have a issues with the motivation/discipline around it, but I guess I' ll figure it out. I am motivated and driven to do them. But as if there is some subtle nihilism in the background, delaying, not making things concrete, not urgent, not that important , so I slack off. I do also try to act and enforce action by bringing myself to the present moment, by sheer force of will, via reminder notes I have around. But being an introverted intuitive type of person that is not very good with sensory data I quickly start ignoring them. It seems like this is something that is created by moving too fast on the spiral, it makes peoples "integral model" look like a Swiss cheese.
  21. Few things on mind regarding the video: -No tree it is said can grow to heaven, unless its roots reach down to hell. -The amount of light one can create is proportionate to the darkness one is willing to confront. -In pursuit of wisdom, Odin hang himself so high up Yggdrasil that one can see its roots growing from its top. (In my words, haven't read the Eddas for a while) -If you want to understand something, realize you are it. -The thing that you need the most is where you are the least willing to look at. Some thoughts on the same spectrum.
  22. @bejapuskas Thanks for the feedback mate. I was thinking of doing that dopamine detox thing I'll check the guy out. Seen his channel around. Cheers
  23. @bejapuskas Thank mate. O yes there was and there still is orange motivation for sure. Now I just care way less about the very same things. I still do, but way less. It is mostly the survival/security needs that pull my orange out strong, i think. That is how it seems to me. I've put myself in unemployed position purposefully. To improve, get better at my craft. get disciplined myself, instead of outsourcing discipline. See what I am made of, I've become too sluggish. So far, I have failed. Cant hear the alarms, oversleeping, junk food, games, you-tube. That wasn't the plan. In this regard, it feels I am back where I started. And I know I am better than this. I have done this before. I do also resonate on the "too little practice" issue. Its also good to hear it from another mouth. I'll contemplate it more Maybe I need more practice to embody that much complexity. Else it will spill and disintegrate. I think I was unknowingly feeding the "instant gratification" beast for the last few years. Training myself for what I do not want to do. And now its got its chance to get out. That is probably a big part. The only solid thing that works for me is: when I try to pull (remember) a state of being while being productive. That effortless flow. Than weight it vs what I have now. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
  24. Oh my... It will be rough We also got that Saturn-Pluto conjunction roaring up. I can smell it. The last time they danced we got 9/11. pre that the Internet, pre that the end of WW2, pre that the start of WW1 What will the cosmic clock give us mortal men this time. I guess he will win ! Or..... war