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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. I am working towards my Life Purpose right now & am trying to find my top values & embody them. I also have a deep desire for Truth which has been developed a lot the last 3 years wathing actualized.org. Now my question is what does it mean to say that you want Truth for Truth's sake? I think i know what it means but i am not sure. I constantly ask myself Why do i want / value the Truth & can't get an answer besides that i want the Truth because i want the Truth. Is that "irrational" or wrong ? At which point do you hit rock bottom & stop asking the Why question?
  2. @jbram2002 You assume that it is nonexistent. Maybe there is an Absolute Truth.
  3. @Preetom Wanting the Truth because you feel hatred towards falsehood is a negative motivation. I am not saying that it's wrong though. I don't really know anymore.
  4. @Robi Steel Finally someone answers my original question It's difficult for my egoic mind to accept that i want Truth for no reason other than Truth itself. It goes contrary to my social conditioning & culture in general and sometimes it feels like its just "wrong".
  5. From the Absolute standpoint i can understand how Everything is Natural and "unnatural" is just a concept. BUT still i am wondering Why 99% of people live in falsehood, delusion & ego ? Why almost everyone has a "us vs them" mentality ? So my conclusion is that being deluded and all ego-driven seems to be the most natural thing in the world and awakening on the other hand seems very very "unnatural". Why God designed it this way ?
  6. @Preetom Why do you want the Truth? (Let's assume you do, i am trying to get an answer).
  7. @Robi Steel Yes God has no limits but it puts many limits upon us. I would love my potential to be unlimited But I don't know which is the case .It seems we are very very limited (as humans). My ego doesn't like this scenario but i think to a certain extent we are doomed by our genetics & old ancestors.
  8. @Truth Addict I don't know at this moment. I just don't wanna be deluded.
  9. @Omni I have not received the answer to the question of why do i want the Truth. That's what i am working on. My only answer so far is that i want the Truth because i want the Truth. I want to go deeper than this answer but i can't.
  10. @RichardY Why a lower IQ tradesmen is probably more intelligent than a slightly highter IQ writer?
  11. @Inliytened1 Thank you sir for your input. I already meditate. It really helps a lot.
  12. I can relate a lot. Sometimes i find myself not wanting to exist anymore & i get the feeling like i am trapped/forced by God to live this life either i want it or not. The fact that my mother was always talking about suicide when she was feeling really really bad doesn't help either because it programmed my mind to think this way.
  13. @Serotoninluv Thank you for your advice, i really appreciate it. But It's difficult to stop accepting other people's idea of intelligence when culture tells you that IQ=intelligence and it doesn't recognise anything else as intelligence.
  14. @Inliytened1 Usually these obsessive thoughts come from triggers. I have considered the possibility of OCD in the past but since my case is not so severe i haven't asked for help. Basically i have a very strong urge to feel certain about everything & i have very hard time dealing with uncertainty. Also i constantly obsess over stupid things. I feel a constant tension. My mind is trying to control reality, overanalyzes everything and just won't give up. Anything i hear or read i take it extremely serious & give it much much meaning. I might dwell on something that i heard from someone for days or even longer. Especially about things related to by well-being and survival. It's very frustrating because i never manage to feel certain. I always doubt everything. I just try not to perform the compulsions and get better. It was way worse in the past actually. Since you know about OCD what would you advise me to do? - Thanks
  15. From my observations i came to the conclusion that definetely some people get a hard on by devaluing other people & making them feel like sh*t. I am talking about people who enjoy devauluing others even if the other person has caused them no harm. They just love making others feel inferior. Well i am not that kind of a person and i have a difficult time understanding/comprehending why some people behave this way. Is it because they were treated like sh*t in their childhood and now want vengeance? I have no clue whatsoever...
  16. Why do we say that the ego is an illusion and it doesn't exist when we clearly all have a sense of ownership and doership in our lives? I am NOT arguing that this "ego" controls our lifes but it clearly exists.
  17. @Mikael89 Or maybe the brain is inside consciousness...
  18. That's interesting and kinda unique. Most people who diminish other don't do it because of competition though (i think). Something else more sinister seems to drive their behavior.