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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. @Michael569 How much caffeine/coffee do you drink if you drink any? I would like to know.
  2. @flowboy I can relate also with what you're saying. This is why the last couple of months i have cut caffeine significantly out of my life and done experiments for weeks with no caffeine. I also think that the best solution would be to quit caffeine alltogether. This is the emotional difficult solution. I enjoy drinking coffee while working. It makes my time more enjoyable. But the poor sleep is not enjoyable at all. I've tried drinking only 2 cups of tea and it did not noticeably affect my sleep. Maybe i will stick to that. I am not dependent on coffee. Today i didn't drink any. But when i do work, it is like an emotional crutch for me.
  3. Firstly let me tell that i am a fan of fasting. I've done couple of water fasts so far. Jason Fung is one of the people who inspired me to start fasting for weight loss. Now i consider fasting as a weight-loss tool and a health-longevity tool... BUT i am afraid of the trade-offs... I don't want to risk losing muscle because i know that muscle is very important for longevity especially as you age because of sarcopenia. You can basically predict how much someone is gonna live over age 65 based on his grip strength. Recently i have been watching Layne Norton. He has a PhD in Nutrional Sciences and heavily criticizes Jason Fung's work. Some of Layne's video made me re-think if i wanna fast again or not. Personally i want to fast but at the same i am afraid of muscle loss. I don't know what to do besides more research. There are some studies that show fasting burns more muscle compared to typical calorie-restriction while others don't. I think this is a tricky subject. One one hand i am afraid of getting some cancer because of not fasting once in a while and on the other hand i don't wanna lose a bunch of muscle which is gonna force me to eat less calories and be significantly weaker. He also downplays the benefits of fasting... Maybe this is a good example of scientism.
  4. @undeather Do you drink coffee and caffeine in general? If yes then how much.
  5. @hamedsf I think this is not the case when considering the half-life of caffeine.
  6. @Seed The fact that you are questioning your drug-use is making me believe that you have a problem with it. Someone who doesn't have an issue with alchohol never questions or worries about his drug use. Drugs trick your brain into releasing more dopamine and other neurochemicals. This is why they feel so good. In theory you could drink 1-2 glasses of wine every day and never face major health issues even though it is a poison. But more than that it is not recommended.
  7. @Buba Take more responsibility for your life and stop putting the blame on others. You are responsible for stopping the meditation. Nobody is coming to help you. You have to do it by yourself. That's the harsh reality. Nobody cares about my problems, nobody cares about your problems (generally speaking). Maybe the psychoanalysis was helping you but it was too painful for you. When something is painful and difficult that is usually a good sign. I don't know what your issues but it seems your issues are steming from bad mental health. And i can relate with poor mental health because i've suffered enormously because of OCD. But the last couple of years i made some really good progress and i feel better than ever. The best reliable solution is improving your mental healh and changing your mindset. Just practice good mental health habits every day and things will eventually improve. Meditation is great and i do it also but it won't change your mindset. Maybe start journaling if you don't want to talk to a psychotherapist.
  8. I don't see the reason why God would dream up a different end-goal/destination after death. It seems to me that when i die, or when a snail dies it ends up in the same place. And then you dream again.
  9. Thank you all for the advice. I'll do my best to create a consistent routine for my sleep cycles.
  10. Does it matter if i sleep at night or during the day?? I've heard about the importance of the circadian rhythm , all though i know little about it. I try to sleep during the night but i've noticed that if i don't force myself to wake up with an alarm then eventually i wake up later and later. Until i reach a point where i sleep during the day and wake up at night... But i feel normal. If i sleep good it doesn't seem to matter when i sleep. But still i am concerned.
  11. Personally i don't want to vaccinate myself because i haven't researched all the potential side-effects. Some doctors claim that you there is a chance of developing auto-immune issues.
  12. I was watching a Netflix documentary about Ted Kazcynski where they show his only ever interview . This guy and maybe Ted Bundy has intrigued me the most out of all the serial killers. Of course i am not condoning his actions but i liked some things about him. First all he was quite honest about his motives. He didn't try to persuade anyone that he was killing people because of some greater mission. He admitted that he just hated technocrats and wanted to get revenge on them. Second of all he was very connected to Nature. He said that when you spend time in Nature you don't really think about death so much. You are more present and enjoy life. He was very dismissive of the academic game. He recognized academia and Math as a game. He didn't want to play this game. He even laughed off at a university who believed he wanted to work there as a professor for the rest of his life. (Kaczynski only worked an assistant professor for a lil time to gather up some money so he could buy land to live in the woods). He even said this about math. You don't often hear people from the academic world speak negative about the game they are playing or even recognizing it as a game. He really went meta on a lot of things i believe. This guy was one of the best people on the planet at doing Math. He could play this game and be extremely succesful at it. Instead he chose a completely different path. Leaving the murders aside, not many people would leave their professional career to live at the woods. It takes a different kind of human being to do this.
  13. @impulse9 I am not glorifying him. He is a special case that needs to be mentioned.
  14. @Carl-Richard I think he already knew that. He just wanted to get some revenge and something to work for. It took him over 7 years of continuous work to fianlly create a good enough bomb to kill people.
  15. I have some limiting beliefs that are rooted in traumatic childhood experiences. I've done affirmations but they don't seem to work. I don't know what should i do. Maybe i need to journal everyday and focus on the opposite of the negative belief for months or even years. I need some practical hands-on advice. This thing has been annoying and ruining the quality of my life for many years. I've managed to raise my self-esteem over the last 4 years and things are much better but still the underlying belief isn't gone yet. It's like it doesn't want to go..
  16. Nietzsche definitely went deep on a lot of topics and he was motivated to do so because his life was very painful. But at the end it seems he got lost inside of his own mind. Maybe the madness was just caused by the syphilis though. Who knows.. If he knew how to quiet the mind from time to time, he would be a much better philosopher.
  17. I like this idea. I'll definitely try this.
  18. @ryangold Meditation has helped me become a lot calmer and more conscious overall but it doesn't help with limiting beliefs and i've been meditating for 4 years now.
  19. Deep breathing with prolonged exhales, meditation (for years) and talking out loud has helped me become significantly more calm over the years. I used to be obssessive compulsive maniac who would analyze everything to death and never be at peace. Now i am one of the most chill and peaceful guys i know even at the face of extreme fear.
  20. Too much knowledge can be painful for sure. But you don't need to distance yourself from it because you are already distant from everything by being the aware presence.
  21. Your body actually does make up for lost sleep by sleeping deeper the next day(s). As for weight loss , exercise is overrated. Unless you are Michael Phelps you won't be burning many calories. Most people realistically don't have the economic comfort to burn more than 500 calories exercising unless you're doing some type of construction work. Those 500 calories are easily negated by eating a double cheese burger on the way home back from work. So intake of food is the most important component of weight loss. Exercise is great for health and i try to walk as much because our bodies were designed to constantly walk and not sit on a pc all day. But my primary tool for weight loss tool is always calorie restriction.
  22. @Michael569 Do you eat fish or do you avoid it all together? The coffee i drink inside the plastics is always cold by the way. Sometimes i may buy rice which is in a plastic wrapper and you are supposed to boil it with the wrapper lol. I guess that's a bad idea.
  23. When i buy coffee from a shop they put it in a plastic cup and give you a plastic straw. I've seen from Leo's blog that plastics may cause brain damage. I haven't really researched this issue. Although i try to avoid plastics now as much as i can. But you can't really avoid them too much. There are many food items that are always in plastics. Should i avoid plastics in general? Or isn't so much of an issue? I don't know how much of plastic do i really absorb from all these items. Maybe the amount is not significant to really affect me.
  24. Shitty food has tons of calories and releases more dopamine. The brain rewards you MORE for eating a double cheeseburger rather than eating spinach or kale. Why? Because your brain isn't stupid. It knows that you would have to eat 10-20 pounds of spinach in order to survive , plus it would take up all of your time chewing up that spinach. So instead the brain wants you to eat the double cheeseburger which has tons of calories and basically in 5-10 minutes you get all the calories you need for the day. This is why a burger tastes better than spinach. Because it is 'better' for survival. If you want to learn more i highly recommend learning more about the Pleasure Trap.