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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. @Loba I am not taking any medication. I've done tests and seen a doctor few years ago. I have this issue for the last 5 years. But it may not be dangerous at all. It has something to do with how the electricity flows. It doesn't happen most of the time.
  2. It would be absurd for reality to be other than one. Reality being one is the simplest thing for me to understand. But i don't know why other people argue about this point. Even people who seem to be more intelligent and with more credentials than me. Anything other than one is a projection. A fantasy. A social/mental construct. One/Unity is the only reality. You cannot actually divide anything (unless you're deluding yourself) in your own experience. You experience a unity. Have you ever experienced anything other than one seemless flow of Consciousness?
  3. @The0Self Why do we fear death? From my experience i don't fear death. But i fear pain and suffering. The only reason i fear death is because i don't know if i am gonna be in a comfortable place right after.
  4. I've called my sister fat once years ago. And she still remembers it. Thats a solid advice for sure. Women don't forgive/forget easily if you've made them feel bad.
  5. Interesting. I was taking creatine back when i was lifting weights. They say it is a good nootropic.
  6. @The Lucid Dreamer One of these next lives, is gonna be eventually me being born as a billionaire. I'm still waiting. My turn will come.
  7. Suffering is necessary if you want to really appreciate the present moment. Yes after tons of suffering you don't need any more of it to get the benefits of gratitude and appreciation of your life. I've found that people who haven't suffered deeply don't really enjoy life as much and they take everything for granted. They may even be wealthy but still their life is very hollow and empty of meaning. How can you appreciate what wealth is if you have never been poor? Same goes for happiness and well-being. How can you appreciate those things without their opposites. All spiritual gurus have suffered a lot in their lifes. They weren't comfortable and protected all their lifes. Jesus, Budda are good examples. Jesus especially. Ramana Maharshi losts his parents i think and came face to face with the fear of death at an early age which led to his epic enlightment. He wasn't smoking weed and playing videogames lol.
  8. I'm having difficulties experiencing this life of mine, i don't wanna be experiencing others lifes also lol. It's too much to handle.
  9. @GoobyBooby This friend of mine who is actually from Libya tells me the same things. The civil war destroyed everything. One of his brother got killed also. He was sad about losing his brother..
  10. I was watching this super biased documentary where they potray Gaddafi as the devil and America-EU as the angels. They didn't really explain why Gaddhafi was killed. Yes there was a rebel against him but why, and funded by whom. I had a friend years ago who was actually from Libya, Tripoli. He said to me that things were much better with Gaddhafi. If someone knows more about Gaddhafi let me know.
  11. I'm pretty sure almost everyone has heard about avoiding blue light right before going to sleep but is it really a problem...? Because from direct experience i have observed that it's not. Many people can go to sleep fine without needing to filter out the blue light before they go to sleep. And this study seems to confirm this obversvation of mine. https://www.windowscentral.com/windows-night-light-unlikely-help-you-sleep-better
  12. @aurum The broken food system deeply mirrors the quality of consciousness of the average man. It always amazes me how advanced we are technologically in comparison to our psychology. Basically the modern man is living and acting like an animal shitt*ng all over the place. Maybe if money wasn't the number one priority we would have a much better system but we are too underdeveloped and egotistical for that yet.
  13. @impulse9 I love veganism as a philosophy even though i am not a vegan yet. I believe we should kill less animals for our survival. Yes we cannot avoid killing ants and etc as we live but still that's not an excuse to be mass murdering animals for our taste buds.
  14. Leo's last video is super deep and talks about topics that noone has even touched. Maybe his best video. Just incredible. Wow!!! I am lucky. It's hard not to be biased against suffering and pain though. Because it inherently feels just terrible Science or God doesn't tell us that suffering and pain is bad but it feels bad and therefore it is bad. That's what bad means.
  15. Basically they are discussing about sleep and then Lex Fridman goes on to say that his sleep scheldue is all over the place. Then the sleep expert states some worrying data about night shift workers who are more likely to get certain diseases. So far so good. But after a while, he kinda gives a free pass to Lex by saying something like ''if that works for you, then do that'' (i am paraphrasing). He takes the stance of someone who doesn't want to advise people and let them do what they want. At this point i'm like ''wtf''. This sounds to me like ''we have some data that smoking can cause cancer but if it works for you then do whatever you wanna do''. It's like he was trying to please/appeal to Lex and everybody else. I don't get it. I believe experts on some fields should give more advices and not let things remain so vague. Many people don't know how to interpret the data. Maybe you the expert, should kinda guide me and not leave things so willy-nilly.
  16. @Waken The best expert, the best doctor, is our own body. More intelligent that any guru or expert outhere.
  17. @Blackhawk If you can do that, more power to you. I am all for it.
  18. @Blackhawk Hey man, i can relate. I have been struggling with sleep scheldue and sleep in general for the past 8 months and it really really sucked. Pure torture it was for me. But now finally i resolved the issue. As for the health part you said, i guess you are in your 20s and saying this lol. (I'm in my late 20s btw). Because someone who has suffered from poor health , really but really appreciates health. You may not give a fk now. But you will give when something goes terribly wrong. Also i think working night shifts is not a death sentence. It can probably be done in healthier ways and you could still enjoy good health for as long as possible. Still this topic hasn't been researched enough.
  19. @undeather Very nice explanation i have to admit. We will never have the perfect picture for sure. But our intuitions tell us that the best thing would be to work with how our body was designed to work and not go against it. Lex is going against his body to pursue his goals. That works well for him professionally but if he gets cancer 20 years from now then that will be a different story of how well it works for him.
  20. @Michael569 Νight light works good. I don't know if it stops all the effects of blue light but i sleep fine.
  21. @Michael569 I just didn't like the way he handled the conversation after a certain point. He gave the facts. Then he could stop there. But instead he even kinda encouraged Lex to do whatever he is doing... which i do not understand.
  22. @Michael569 Nice data! Do you think that night light on pc is enough or would someone need to use blue light glasses also? I've never tried the glasses. But i use the night light on my pc.