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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. A few weeks ago, while I was strolling down the streets, two young men in their late twenties approached me. They came across as sincere individuals with no ulterior motives. Essentially, they extended an invitation to their church. I've attended their church on two occasions now, and the experience has been positive. To start with, I find solace in prayer, believing in its positive impact. During my visits, I've familiarized myself with some of their scripture. While it contains elements that I consider questionable, there are also profound and truthful metaphors within it. For instance, they discuss the idea of drawing nearer to God, which purportedly enhances one's life. My primary reasons for attending their church are for the sense of entertainment, spiritual fulfillment, and social interaction it offers. However, I approach this with caution, recognizing that there's much I have yet to learn. I would greatly appreciate any advice or insights in this regard.
  2. @Juan Thank you sir. This is exactly what i needed to hear :-)
  3. @Hardkill From what i've researched, they don't practice polygamy anymore.
  4. @Aquarius I think I might be somewhat resistant to this form of mental influence because I've immersed myself in Leo's content and other spiritual teachings for hundreds of hours. I've engaged in numerous psychedelic experiences, practiced meditation for several years, and have developed an intermediate-level grasp of non-duality. My journey into non-duality has spanned six years now.
  5. @OBEler Thank you sir.
  6. @PurpleTree I don't think they practice this nowadays. I don't know much about their beliefs. Today i learned that they believe in some christian scriptures and doing good actions to reach God.
  7. @Myioko If i see anything weird i won't visit their church again. I am not willing to do weird stuff. I do it just for the experience and social connection. I don't know much about their beliefs and motives yet.
  8. @Thought Art I just want an experience. I didn't really join anything. I have just visited their church twice.
  9. @Leo Gura You mean that you see it as devilry? I just do it for the experience and social connection. If i see anything weird i will leave. I also wanna learn what they believe and understand their perspective.
  10. @Jodistrict Very good advice. I have just visited their church twice and stayed with them for 1 hour each time. Nothing serious has happened yet. They just showed me a video and some christian scriptures. They have not asked anything from me besided get baptized which i will ask them more questions about the next week i see them.
  11. @Osaid So far i haven't experienced anything negative. If i see negative stuff i will leave of course. I have watched those videos but i may need to watch them again.
  12. Recently, I've been searching for a job, and my current situation isn't great. I'd like to keep this post short. Ideally, I'd love to work as a web developer, but here in Greece, it's nearly impossible without a lot of experience and a programming degree. That's why I've been exploring other job options, ones where I can learn new skills. I came across a job as a security technician, installing security systems in people's homes and more. I had an interview, and they want to hire me pending some paperwork. The good thing is that it's a job where I can learn and build a career. The downside is that it involves long hours, about 9-10 hours of work per day (The hours are more than that when you consider the time required for preparation, commuting to the job, and so on.), with possible overtime and travel to different places. I have reservations about this job that I can't shake. I have a bad feeling about this job prospect that doesn't leave me. I do not enjoy working all day and then returning home feeling drained. And then having no time for anything else. Should I give this job a try and see how it goes, or should I decline it right away? Please, I need some advice.
  13. Super interesting. This is also my biggest fear (torture). I do not fear death.
  14. Leo, you say that there might be an infinite number of Gods, an infinite number of Realities that are totally disconnected from each other. I am not sure i understand what this means. Aren't you contradicting yourself here? Because you have said that there is only one Reality. If there is only One Reality that unites all other sub-realities how then these realities are disconnected? Maybe you've answered this somewhere, i don't know. I haven't finished watching the video.
  15. @hyruga I like being physically active. And it is generally a 'clean' job compared to other blue collar jobs. Plus you learn stuff about security systems and etc. I think i will be going to one home per day. But the hours are a lot. And they want me to work overtime and Saturdays. If the hours of work were less i would not have such a big problem with this job...
  16. @Spiritual Warrior Yes... i think i should not get this job but i am also fearful of rejecting it. I fear the consequences of not getting this job.
  17. Noone giving me an explanation here. Sad... My original question was how can there be seperate disconnected Gods when reality is One?
  18. Hello everyone. My objective is to transform to a completely different person over the next years. I am talking about a deep fundamental change. Not petty surface-level stuff. I am tired of all the BS and now at 30 years old with all the experience and learning i've had i am ready to go to the next level. I have finally accepted the Call of the Hero's Journey and i am living the best period of my life the last 1 month. It's really incredible how much better life can get. My objective spiritually is to become as conscious as humanly possible. My objective work wise is to become a world class programmer and eventually start my own business which improves peoples health & well-being. I am already implementing some major changes in my life like daily walking, daily reviewing my top 10 values, daily watching high-quality videos, daily programming work & daily reading. Problem is that i push too hard and i get ego backlashes but now i pace myself better. Anyways the purpose of this post, is to get some serious advice from other people who have gone through this transformation process. I am all ears. Keep in mind that i want to focus more on Stage Orange stuff in this period of my life. I need more success in my life.
  19. Coming from my past experience as a dedicated gym-goer and kickboxer during my teenage years, I like to see how Stage Orange shows up in sports. A good example is bodybuilding. Some people get caught up in pushing their bodies to extremes just to become an IFBB Pro, as if it's a significant achievement. An IFBB Pro is a professional bodybuilder who's earned this title by winning a competition sanctioned by the International Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness (IFBB). Some individuals spend a crazy amount of money on drugs, food, and more, all to chase this man-made title. It's pretty crazy. What makes it interesting is that very few people actually make a living from bodybuilding, unlike other sports. Yet, they place so much value on these man-made constructs. From a broader perspective, all of this may appear nonsensical. I don't intend to sound superior to others, as an alien or someone at a stage of thinking beyond conventional norms like Stage Yellow might consider me foolish. Many individuals are unwittingly pursuing endeavors that don't truly bring about genuine happiness or enduring fulfillment. Even achieving the title of a world champion in sports may not resolve all your life's challenges. In reality, it might not hold as much significance as it seems. I've observed numerous individuals who've reached the pinnacle of their sport, such as MMA, and it's often not enough for them. They tend to continue chasing endeavors that may seem trivial until they lose their championship, their status, and even their health. However, it's challenging to blame them because competing in these sports can indeed be incredibly rewarding.
  20. Today i was tripping on LSA capsules (which contain hawain baby woodrose). The dose i took was an ordinary dose i have taken many many times before. Because i was sleep deprived i was feeling like crap so I decided to go for a walk. While walking i was feeling the effects of the trip. I was experiencing a mild increase in my Consciousness, nausea and some other weird stuff. The weird stuff was: i didn't have much energy to do stuff i normally would. Best way i can describe it, is that the hawain baby woodrose plant was trying to kill me or make me unable to do stuff. After a while while walking, i felt a mild sensation of electrocution coursing through my entire body that lasted for 1 second. It wasn't anything too dramatic. But it has made me quite fearful now, and caused me much psychological pain. I've never experienced this before. Maybe it was also because i was sleep deprived and the stress was too much. I have no clue what it was. If anyone can provide me some additional information what this was, i would be very happy.
  21. Hawain baby woodrose seeds are perfectly legal in my country. I can go buy them anytime in a store here in Athens. I've tried them only once ,years ago when i was in my early 20s and the experience was quite deep and profound. I really was tripping quite hard. And the trip was nothing else i ever experienced before. Only way i can describe the trip, is that i was going through multiple scenes or chapters of different stuff at a rapid speed. It was insane!! Only negatives was the nausea (although it was tolerable) and also that the trip wasn't that ''clear'' as magic mushrooms are. (Magic mushrooms produce what i would call a ''sober high'' for me in moderate dose, no crazy wonky stuff, just pure pure consciousness). I am really thinking of trying these seeds again but i'm just afraid of potential toxicity from impurities or whatever. Although you can remove the seed coat from what i know. I don't know how much that helps. I can also take capsules (which i've taken many times before) which contain hawain baby woodrose but the downside is that they are very weak and the trip is not the same as the seeds. The trip from the capsules is very clear with no wonky stuff compared to the seeds. But the problem is that even if i take multiple capsules i usually don't go too deep in my trip. With the seeds i know that you can go very deep. If anyone is knowledgeable about hawain baby woodrose seeds, let me know if they are worth the risk.
  22. @Danioover9000 Being less intelligent isn't necessarily a bad thing if you look at it differently. Imagine the smartest, most aware person on Earth. When compared to an incredibly advanced alien, he might seem much less intelligent. Think of 'Stage Orange' as doing things that seem foolish, like chasing materialistic goals that often lead to big disappointments. Bodybuilding is centered around competition and winning, just like 'Stage Orange' values excessively winning too. Becoming a professional athlete and reaching 'Stage Yellow' or higher consciousness levels might be difficult or even impossible. To care deeply about achieving these superficial goals, you may need to be at a lower consciousness stage.
  23. @bmcnicho Have you tripped on hawain baby woodrose seeds? If yes, how was your experience?
  24. @LSD-Rumi What is the difference between morning glory seeds and hawain baby woodrose? Also why they should be kept in fridge before ingestion?