Zigzag Idiot

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Everything posted by Zigzag Idiot

  1. I find some wisdom in everyone's remarks. For myself, feelings are always sincere and never lie. Not so with thoughts,,, My deepest hatred became a doorway into a place where nothing is wrong anymore. With the caveat that the absence of Self Remembering is a return to some level of Hell. The idea of a 'once and for all permanent threshold' into tranquility is a fallacy. In my experience anyway. But the Kingdom of Heaven is always at hand if- "Ye become as little children". It gets complicated because sometimes my inner child is a mean little shit. So the idea of becoming as a child needs to perceived in a certain light. One of letting go and of embracing or a return to innocence where stupidity is not mandatory.
  2. Thanks @gettoefl I found this interview to be much more approachable than her book - The Real Christ Held in high esteem by many with no sugarcoating and very plainspoken. Bernadette Roberts says modern Christianity has devolved into just a "Jesus cult". Under the surface here in this YouTube I see a division being made in more than one way from the old Patriarchical dominance of the Piscean age. Does anyone else see a parallel with Paramahansa Yogananda's: Second Coming Of Christ? This to be Christ Consciousness spreading in the minds of Earth's population instead of a returning messiah figure,,,
  3. This will be a junction for all Christian perspectives. The backbone of today's Contemplavtive Christianity feeds on the roots of Eastern Orthodoxy. I'll be adding videos with sparse commentary unless meaningful dialogue ensues with others. I hope this is alright for this new community endeavor.
  4. Becoming more grounded in the hara or belly center is usually a key ingredient for embodiment. There's some good excerpts about the belly center and embodiment on these two glossary pages. https://www.diamondapproach.org/glossary/refinery_phrases/embodiment https://www.diamondapproach.org/glossary/refinery_phrases/belly-center
  5. This one came to me during my last psychiatric hospital stay. God is Great. I'm just good.
  6. “We’re all fucked up.” ? “Hatred is perfectly normal.” ? “Be kind to yourself.” ?✌️
  7. Reaching Up "Pills Don't Teach Skills" by Dr. Jim Rosen ©2021 Dr. Jim Rosen Pills don't teach you how to like yourself. They don't show you how to manage stress. They don't instruct you on how to be more assertive. If you want to be healthy, you have to live a healthy lifestyle. Pills make the pharmaceutical companies filthy rich, but they don't guide you into a healthy lifestyle. They don't teach you self-esteem or how to relax or how to get rid of painful emotions. They don't educate you in relationship and communication skills. Pills don't give your life purpose or meaning. They don't teach you fulfillment or enjoyment or how to develop a support group. They don't give you control over your own life. Pills take away a few symptoms and then give you other symptoms (called "side effects"). But pills don't teach you how to get rid of anxiety, how to overcome depression, how to control anger, or how to be a more effective parent. Pills don't teach skills, period. Dr. Jim Rosen is a PhD Clinical Psychologist. He is an experienced psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and couples counselor. He offers treatment for anxiety disorders, panic attacks, depression, relationship problems, self-esteem issues, assertiveness training, anger control, stress management, and overcoming the effects of sexual, physical, and emotional trauma. Dr. Rosen works with his patients primarily over the phone. When needed, face-to-face therapy sessions can be scheduled in his home in Magnet Cove, Arkansas. Because he does not accept insurance, his fee is only $60 for a full 50-minute hour of treatment. He can be reached anytime by email at drjrosen@ipa.netor by phone or text at 501-623-2050. If you like Dr. Rosen's Reaching Up column, you are free to share it with other people. There is no fee for this column. It's free. If you're not on the list to receive it, just send an email that says "Please Send Column" in the subject line. You will receive a new column each Sunday. If you are on the list and you don't want to receive Dr. Rosen's column anymore, just send him an email that says "Stop Column" in the subject line.
  8. Just joking,,,,, This is a paraphrasing of the Bible which often puts meaning in a different frame of reference. With the lightheartedness; metaphorical interpretation is sometimes more realized.
  9. Poem by Red Hawk. Inspired by Lao Tsu's Tao Te Ching The greatest love seems indifferent The greatest love is Holy, and wholly impartial, which does not mean cold, uncaring; it means without judgement, indifferent regarding the arising of phenomena; it loves all equally, beggar and saint, friend, and enemy. The fool says he is "in love" which is how fear distorts relationship: the mind seeks an object to focus on; it seeks to claim and control, and it calls this love. The greatest love is without preference, Emptiness showering its fullness: the Sun warms flower and beast alike, shines its light upon the darkest heart.
  10. " If you could float above the earth and become aware of all the negativity that is going on, you would never laugh again. The world is ruled by negative emotions." - Ocke de Boer
  11. I've never had children but it's something I've thought a lot about from time to time. I know what it's like to be sleep deprived and under stress and how irritability often creeps in. My mother experienced postpartum depression after I was born I was told. One of my favorite Authors uses the work of Margaret Mahler in his overall Teaching. Mahler did quite a bit of research on what's going on between infant and mother. https://www.diamondapproach.org/glossary/refinery_phrases/merging-love Hope the days ahead smooth out for you and your baby. Your allowed to be angry or frustrated if that arises. Feel it fully so you can then let it go. Don't let guilt divide you against yourself. You seem wise so you probably already know to do that. Bless you and thank you for sharing,,,,
  12. Okay Here's a good one,,,, The world of the schizophrenic and the world of the mystic are of the same dimension. It's not either/or. It's all of the above,,,, Delusions are the imagination running amok. Astral Beings exist as well
  13. Christ is not Jesus’s last name,,,,,, https://cac.org/anointing-with-love-2019-04-10/ https://cac.org/wisdom-jesus-weekly-summary-2017-04-15/ Jesus was not a priest or a prophet in the usual sense of those terms. Rather, he was a wisdom teacher. He stayed close to the ground of wisdom: the transformation of human consciousness.
  14. Reaching Up "Stripped Naked" by Dr. Jim Rosen ©2021 Dr. Jim Rosen It irritates the heck out of people when you try to be a “feeling reader.” That's like trying to be a mind reader, but instead of telling other people what they're thinking, you tell them what they're feeling. "You're angry... You're afraid... You know you like it... You don't need that; you need this... Don't be hyper... You're just excited... You don't have to panic about it." You insult the other person when you presume to know their feelings. The truth is, you really can't know. None of us have the ability to get inside another person's body and feel their feelings for them - no matter how close the relationship. It's good when the other person can be open and honest about his or her feelings. But openness and honesty cannot be forced. When you presume to read the other person’s feelings, it's as if you're forcing him or her to strip naked. Then very quickly, you have that nasty control issue in the way. And out comes the resentment. Dr. Jim Rosen is a PhD Clinical Psychologist. He is an experienced psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and couples counselor. He offers treatment for anxiety disorders, panic attacks, depression, relationship problems, self-esteem issues, assertiveness training, anger control, stress management, and overcoming the effects of sexual, physical, and emotional trauma. Dr. Rosen works with his patients primarily over the phone. When needed, face-to-face therapy sessions can be scheduled in his home in Magnet Cove, Arkansas. Because he does not accept insurance, his fee is only $60 for a full 50-minute hour of treatment. He can be reached anytime by email at drjrosen@ipa.net or by phone or text at 501-623-2050. If you like Dr. Rosen's Reaching Up column, you are free to share it with other people. There is no fee for this column. It's free. If you're not on the list to receive it, just send an email that says "Please Send Column" in the subject line. You will receive a new column each Sunday. If you are on the list and you don't want to receive Dr. Rosen's column anymore, just send him an email that says "Stop Column" in the subject line.
  15. Jung advised to integrate the opposites, Integration of the many facets of your existence. We are all multidimensional. Integrate, integrate, Integrate; individuate, individuate ,,,,, On average a woman's strength is the capacity to feel more than us men who are often conditioned in youth to shut off our feelings. So in general we can often work on building the trait (virtue) that is strongest in the opposite sex. The New Testament councils to become as little children and enter the Kingdom. We can learn from children how to regain lost innocence and not be cynical. Outside a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside a dog it's too dark to read - Groucho Marx. Being lighthearted can be a healing balm for the soul. Sounds awful close to witness consciousness.
  16. Re: To be the most moral is to be most conscious. I like that notion. It would fit with the concept that Mercy is the best we can do for giving it the value of being the highest law. Another notion that I'm fond of is that awakened conscience is the same in everyone and is the intelligence of the universe juxtaposed with our conditioned morality which gets handed down and forced upon us. The following I copied from an old post in my journal and is from a 12th century Egyptian Sufi named Dzou'l Noun. To me, it contains a whole world of meaning having to do with Conscience and the consequences of being awake in a culture that is asleep. All men are dead, except those who know. All those who know are dead, except those who practice. All those who practice are dead, except those who act. All those who act are lost, except those who act with righteous intent. And All those who act with righteous intent are all in grave danger.
  17. https://youtu.be/e8fxrX-YidM Black Sabbath; The Wizard Great song because it has both harmonica and cowbell!
  18. How to remember childhood trauma? This book has a process using this disc thats included. It really broke loose many memories years ago when I tried it for a time. Also it helped me out of a chronic deep depression that plagued me during that period of my life. There's no need to even get near a Dianetics or Scientology center. Please don't. It's a can of worm as you probably already know. The organization that is,,,, The book is all thats needed in case you wanted to give it a try. https://www.amazon.com/Self-Analysis-L-Ron-Hubbard/dp/0884042642
  19. Hi @fridjonk , You're the kind of shit stirrer that's actually good for the world! The smell of cow shit and horse shit are agreeable to me. Evokes nostalgia,,, I dislike hog, dog, and cat shit and have a strong aversion to human shit. Rabbit shit when raked from underneath their pens puts off an ammonia that instantly clear the sinus passages, I raised rabbits when I was 8-10 years old and remember that distinctly. I guess I'm through talking shit,,,
  20. Reaching Up "Embracing Life Again" by Dr. Jim Rosen ©2021 Dr. Jim Rosen I am updating the mailing list for the Reaching Up column. If you would like to continue receiving my free column each week, please reply to this email with "Yes" in the subject heading. That's all you need to do. If I receive your reply by December 4, you will be on the updated list and you will continue to receive this column each Sunday. Thank you for giving this your attention. When I was a kid and someone would die, my mother used an expression that brought her comfort. She would simply say, “Life goes on for the living.” As my life unfolded and I experienced the losses that came with it, I found wisdom in her words. As a psychologist, many people come to me with their own losses. And here is what I have seen. Allowing yourself to feel the feelings of grief, as much as it hurts, enables you to get to a place of letting go of life as it used to be and accepting life as it is now. When you accept what happened (and accept that you are largely not in control of what happened), you find peace of mind and release from the pain. And when you take it a step further and get to the place of embracing life without the ones you’ve lost, you open yourself up to experience joy again. Dr. Jim Rosen is a PhD Clinical Psychologist. He is an experienced psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and couples counselor. He offers treatment for anxiety disorders, panic attacks, depression, relationship problems, self-esteem issues, assertiveness training, anger control, stress management, and overcoming the effects of sexual, physical, and emotional trauma. Dr. Rosen works with his patients primarily over the phone. When needed, face-to-face therapy sessions can be scheduled in his home in Magnet Cove, Arkansas. Because he does not accept insurance, his fee is only $60 for a full 50-minute hour of treatment. He can be reached anytime by email at drjrosen@ipa.net or by phone or text at 501-623-2050. If you like Dr. Rosen's Reaching Up column, you are free to share it with other people. There is no fee for this column. It's free. If you're not on the list to receive it, just send an email that says "Please Send Column" in the subject line. You will receive a new column each Sunday. If you are on the list and you don't want to receive Dr. Rosen's column anymore, just send him an email that says "Stop Column" in the subject line. Dr. Jim Rosen Clinical Psychologist Magnet Cove, Arkansas Ph: 501-623-2050 Email: drjrosen@ipa.net
  21. I would say mood stems from emotion. Also the degree to which one is identified with a thought or an emotion.