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Everything posted by allislove

  1. I don't know exactly. I may be mistaken. It seems it's too little theory in the other one.
  2. @Widdle Puppy Leo wrote in one book review that all the fundamentals to start a practice is in JC S book, so it looks like we need this book.
  3. @andyjohnsonman, @Sahil Pandit, thank you, guys.
  4. It seems nobody wants to answer my silly question. I try to make more authentic questions: 1) do you still recommend for the newbie to start from JC S's book or Gamana's book is enough? 2) my ego is a bit afraid to start the practice; I imagine the situation that you may open the channels so fast that may bring huge suffering to life; is it really the case? or someone should practice yoga for years to achieve it?
  5. Interesting. I resonate with your insight. You can wash plates and be mindful. But once one wise man told me: "Never forget that all doing is keeping us from being." Interesting, what he meant? Probably, the meanings attached to "doing" are completely different in these insights.
  6. I do 20-minutes of "do nothing" meditation and a few minutes of concentration technique daily. I am thinking about ordering the kriya book which Leo suggested in the "Real Yoga" video. Is it still the preferable way to get started with kriya?
  7. Thank you all for creative art. I do not have much to share yet except one little sound. aum.mp3
  8. > I really started trusting Leo Oh, boy! Do not trust this guy. (this is a usual trap) Check for yourself, from the direct experience. Good luck with your journey.
  9. @Nahm Oh, man, this is a beautiful breakdown, thank you for sharing.
  10. Warning: I know nothing. Just observe the anger, do not suppress it. You are still alive (seems so), be happy for that. It was as it should be. You've learned the lesson, that's it, the end of the story. Be grateful, surrender, give love.
  11. @SriBhagwanYogi nice, thank you The Black Eyed Peas - BIG LOVE
  12. @How to be wise googled "actualized spiritual songs". Feedback is welcome.
  13. You are definitely right − this is just bullshit.
  14. I can't say from the direct experience, but I have the concept and imagination to answer the question. Bullshit is noticing bullshit, and another bullshit is noticing bullshit of bullshit, and so on. There're probably a lot of layers of bullshiting yourself.
  15. Leo is also human! (just kidding) After watching the video and contemplating on as @Rilles suggested: "Are you choosing your thoughts?" I found the answer pretty easily.
  16. I was thinking that helping a wife during the birth of a kid is my peak experience, but after using psychedelic and becoming Infinity this is, definitely, the peak.
  17. Interesting... I found Leo through Rupert... and Rupert through one guy on twitter and the guy on twitter through Naval, and Naval... that was inevitable.
  18. Programmer. Working through the life purpose course. Want to transit to project management or to entrepreneurship... haven't figured out yet.
  19. to add more noise here.. (stolen from the jokes thread)
  20. Thank you. How do I make empirical investigation of electron existence for example?