Devansh Saharan

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Everything posted by Devansh Saharan

  1. Indeed. Sadhguru has said numerous times that you just have to use him as a tool forward, nothing else. But yeah as you said it's really easy to fall into the Guru vs You duality, i fact I would say I'm pretty much affected. Thanks Leo, this was certainly really helpful and I'll keep that in mind. Indeed getting out of it by that time would be too much of a thing, as far as I'm aware of the IYC dynamics, Sadhguru is GOD. In fact my IE(inner-engineering) teacher always said all that he has experienced and happening is due to Sadhguru and you could see devotion spilling out of him. So yeah, gotta beware of that. Sadhguru isn't there in person, and I'm pretty sure 90% of the people when they come there have no idea what they're into.
  2. I intend to go for Bhava Spandana (BSP) anytime when it's available next, I live in India so its comparatively easy for me to go. Hope to see you there whenever fate allows, ?
  3. I would love to know that. Have you ever thought of going to IYC, Coimbatore, or plan to?
  4. As straight and blunt as ever. Guru or not but Leo you are definitely a nice Senpai. ?
  5. This may sound very childish, but yeah, you can think I'm new here. How do we know that Non-Duality, these insights aren't just another psychological phenomenon, just another of brain's trick,not just another philosophical theory?
  6. After hundreds of hours of his videos, the only thing I got to know about health is that I should do inner engineering, and some things about what to consume and fasting(also concept of positive and negative panic foods) . So yeah, if you are actually interested in health through nutrition and supplements, I would say, more information about human endocrinology, which foods triggers what hormones is a nice way to start. Check out the Bulletproof forum, I found it really helpful.