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Everything posted by ivankiss

  1. It's too simple. That's the problem. It's so simple, the average mind cannot access it, grasp or understand it, over all the junk and all the noise that's going on in it. What do you do with a machine that uses garbage as fuel? You do not stop feeding it all together. That would backfire in ways you cannot even imagine... No. You feed it less and less toxic poisons. You give it less and less garbage. It's like intermittent reinforcement, in reverse lol. Like trying to get a junkie off of heroin. You feed the mind less toxic concepts... you keep gradually increasing the purity of those... until you're basically feeding it air. Nothing. You must go through all the mindfuckery before you're able to access the simplicity of truth and abide in it. You must devour concepts like dimensions, planes, parallel realities, dmt elves, alien squirrels, spirit guides, selves no selves, will no will, all that jazz. It will all seem very real and valid at that point. And from that limited point of view, it will be. But all of that is only preparing you to be able to see and step into the true simplicity of conscious beingness. All of that stuff is just meant to exhaust the machine... slow it down... Enough that it becomes receptive of Light. Enough that it stops asking for complexity in order to satisfy its hunger. Enough that it tastes the sweetness and power of simplicity, emptiness, silence. Enough for it to surrender. Very simple, right?
  2. @Dodo Not really... I might like weed and sex a bit too much, but I'm not a party animal or anything like that. I do not avoid pain and suffering at all, in fact, I might be a bit too used to it. I have more of a martyr/messiah complex going on.
  3. Wow, look at this, something I actually resonate with here...
  4. It is not a 'what'. Anything you put on it and call it that would be a label, a limitation. It would imply certain characteristics/qualities. It would mean it is this, but not that. Which it isn't. It just is.
  5. No. If we are talking what actually exists, it is existence itself. Being, consciousness. Saying it's 'nothing' is just a fancy, spiritual way of pointing towards the infinite.
  6. Nothing by definition does not exist. But it's a cool pointer.
  7. You are always and forever just a step behind NOW. Never quite catching its tail. No matter how mindful and present you are, you are never perceiving reality in real time. Not actually. And that is because of a little something called 'perceptual latency'. Perceptual latency is the time it takes for sensory information to be processed by the mind and become consciously perceived. It can vary depending on the specific sensory modality and the complexity of the stimulus. Even though it is extremely brief, it still means that there is a delay between the occurrence of a sensory stimulus and your conscious perception of it. As a result, your perception of the world is always slightly lagging behind the actual events happening around you. While the delay may be minuscule, it's enough to suggest that your perception of reality is never truly instantaneous or in 'real time'. Your very senses, that you use to perceive the world with, are directly stopping you from actually being here and now. To be fully here and now requires a complete dissolution of the 5 human senses. Yes, death. Lol.
  8. If you were to perceive everything simultaneously, everything would stand still, literally. It's not impossible, just not how we operate in our everyday lives. And even that would not be the Absolute, because there is still form that is being perceived. The only reason it seems as if one thing comes after another, one moment after another, one thought after another, etc... is because you are stuck in subject - object awareness. It's because you are jumping from one perspective to the next. You, being pure consciousness, of course.
  9. @Davino Bro, being is infinite and cannot be perceived in its enterity, ever. To perceive is a limitation. That which is being perceived is also limited, by definition. From where I am, it's all perfectly clear. You are the one unable to see and move past certain lines, not me. You just cannot seem to be able to wrap your mind around pure isness. Pure Beingness. You are stuck in subject - object awareness, claiming it's absolute, saying there is nothing more than it. It is possible to shift from perceiving to purely being. Instead of seeing the chair in front of you... being the chair, and everything else, of course. Perception is never truly now, only being is. Deal with it.
  10. @Dodo Fair point. Especially if we are talking about living everyday mundane life. You need your senses for that, obviously. However, in my experience, or better yet, in not my non - experience (lololol) in pure Light, in God - consciousness, if you will, there is no perception. The 5 human senses indeed completely dissolve, and idk for others, but for me it wasn't exactly a pleasant experience - to say the least. @Davino False. Even your average new age hippy knows that perception is illusory/illusion. 'Veil of perception'
  11. Ultimately, there is no such thing as perceiving, only being. Being is in real time, only. Perception MUST be lagging. It MUST be delayed. That is simply how the illusion works.
  12. @Inliytened1 Exactly. No perceiving in 'enlightenment'. Only being. @cetus It's so... brilliantly twisted.
  13. Exactly. I wrote it that way deliberately, on purpose. I wonder why...?
  14. One thing can literally not exist separate from the whole. No one has ever seen a separate object, or anything else for that matter. It's all one.
  15. Yes, there is no self and no death. But also, my grandpa died recently and that was heartbreaking.
  16. Everything is, if you choose to see it that way. But also, no, it's The Matrix.
  17. Careful with that spiritual psychosis, but yes.
  18. That's just another illusion. Another fairytale. Another story. Which is funny, because spiritual folks love seeing themselves as more conscious than others, talking about how they're continuously becoming more and more conscious, reaching way beyond enlightenment level 9000, etc. Which is clearly bs. Everyone knows that enlightenment beyond level 9000 is just not possible. Point is, it's yet another mindfuck, that's all it is. There is no truth in it. Even though, admittedly, at some point it really does seem like it's true. Like you became more conscious lol. I can say with 100% confidence that most spiritual folks are confusing their senses, their thoughts and their feelings for consciousness. I am absolutely sure that most of you think that seeing or hearing is what consciousness is. And that's where you all get tricked and trapped. If seeing or hearing is consciousness... then what is conscious of seeing or hearing? Consciousness comes prior to it all. Prior to all of your 5 human senses, that you think are God lol. Prior to thought, prior to feeling. Consciousness holds space for all thoughts, feelings and senses - if you will. There absolutely cannot be more or less consciousness, or anything else for that matter. Everything already is, as it is. There can be less emotional baggage and mental clutter, and that can make it seem as if senses are sharper and as if there is more consciousness... but that's just a trick, again. Just 'content' appearing within consciousness, and not even. Consciousness remains the same, at all times. Infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent. So omnipotent, in fact, that it can trick itself into believing that there is any more or less of it.
  19. Words do not penetrate my light. I am that I am, namaste, love n light. All is one, living in the gangsta's paradise.
  20. Consciousness is the only 'thing' that's real within and beyond the dream. There is nothing outside of it, nothing other than it.
  21. It's really simple. There is already and always infinite consciousness, right now, at all times, forever. What is limited and illusory, born out of that very same consciousness - of course - is thought, feeling and your 5 human senses. Those change. That which is conscious of it all, is absolute and does not change. Does not increase or decrease or anything like that. Again, that's only true relatively, from a limited point of view. It's not 'Absolute Truth'. Absolutely, infinite consciousness is all there is and there cannot be more or less of it, by definition. It can only fool or trick itself into believing that there can be more or less of it, or that there can be anything other than it.
  22. Well no, if we are talking about God as The Absolute, that cannot be an appearance. So that's not what I'm saying. This is all true only from a limited point of view. Relatively. Not absolutely.