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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Also remember i don't think it's so much about concentration as it is lack of thought. Just BEING. God consciousness simply IS. No thoughts really
  2. @ivory well..the Do Nothing technique helped me a lot with concentration because with that method you try not to have thoughts. And that is really tricky because your mind wants to naturally think thoughts of course. So it does take practice and some are naturally more spiritually gifted then others. But the key there is to go Meta. When a thought comes up, notice its a thought and let it pass. Keep bringing your mind back to "no mind" or no thoughts. I also want to add i also listened to more than just the first two videos while doing this. I think i went into the 3rd and 4th but then listened to the 2nd one over and over while doing Self inquiry. He really has a gift at teaching this stuff.
  3. @ivory Well i have been slacking with my meditation this past week because I've been on the forum 24/7 LOL. But typically i do 30 minutes a day to an hour a day. (would love to do it much longer if i had the time) And nowadays i focus on something on the wall and try to put my awareness on awareness and keep it there. Do Nothing / No mind. I also had been just staring at my hand to try and be in touch with what's Actual. The present moment. But i am going to try this shifting consciousness technique i thought about today and posted on. What led to my Awakening was self inquiry. I stumbled on Leo for something completely different and than found his enlightenment videos. So i figured what the heck. I was really impressed with his videos on addictions and i sensed this guy was the real deal. So i started his very first enlightenment video...was mesmorized. I'm so glad i was an open minded person or i never would have found Truth. So then i listened to his 2nd one which goes deeper...and that's when it started really blowing my mind. I started doing self inquiry while i was listening to the second one...(i believe) i also began doing the do nothing no mind meditation that i still do now. It was crazy. I had a mystical experience Ide say about 2 weeks in while doing self inquiry. I remember being in tears thanking Leo. He said it must have been a lifetime in the making. But anyway Self Inquiry can be extremely extremely powerful if you really dig deep. You will really find that you can't pinpoint yourself.
  4. @ivory well a quick question...if you are already meditating than in a sense you are already doing enlightenment work. You can do both but keep in mind that while attaining Liberation will ultimately give you the deepest sense of inner peace, happiness and fulfillment, it is also serious business. An Awakening experience is wonderful but it usually is followed by some Ego backlash. So be prepared to be able to take a week off work if it happens So the question is have you started on any of his enlightenment videos?
  5. @mandyjw @Anna1 Lol. That's too funny and cute. Mandy its great that you guys are both on board with Spirituality. My fiancee is just now coming around to accepting it.
  6. @Anna1 yes as i read the first sentence of your third paragraph i felt Being. So we are talking about the same thing.
  7. @jbram2002 just depends on what your definition of enlightenment is. There is only One Truth I consider Awakening or Enlightenment as having a mystical experience in which you become conscious of all facets of God. God, Love, Intelligence and the becoming conscious of the nature of all of existence or your true nature. I believe after that you need to deepen your enlightenment with continued work. The more conscious you become the closer you get to this place of Permanent Liberation. It's when you are somehow able to be both you and the Absolute at the same time. An abiding non-dual state. I only recently became conscious that this is possible as i have been raising my consciousness. There is not a lot of research on Permanent Awakening yet that's why i think Leo hasn't commented about it. But i consider Leo enlightened based on my definition. But then again you are Leo and Leo is you. And there is no Leo. There is only One.
  8. @Ponder Ponder what have you become conscious of during your mystical experiences? Did you experience bliss? For me Absolute Love = God so when I've had my experiences i felt how powerful Absolute Love is.
  9. @zeroISinfinity i felt a massive force it was terrifying and beautiful simultaneously. I think it was all of Infinity. The godhead. I did not surrender..but i was weeping and screaming like a little baby. And it has me blissing out today.
  10. I don't know but i wish there were more. I had a mystical experience today and im still feeling the bliss sensation. I see everything as One so crystal clear its heart wrenching. And i can make the shift in consciousness between the finite and the infinite.
  11. @theking00 it's one of the most profound. Like he so eloquently says "Your Mind is a Self Deception Machine" We don't need Descarte's evil demon. We have our own mind.
  12. @Truth Addict intelligence and love just ARE. We give them the names intelligence and love but those are just words. These are fundamental facets of Infinity. That's why we call them Absolutes.
  13. @Truth Addict im telling you how it is man. You don't have to trust me and shouldnt. Like Leo says. Discover it for yourself
  14. Here's a good way to describe it. It is Absolute Love. Thats literally what it feels like.
  15. @Mikael89 like i said there are no words really to describe the feeling but its Bliss.
  16. i would have thought the same thing honestly if i wasn't blindsided. This stuff is so radical it is mind blowing. But that's God. That's infinity. Its insane.
  17. @Truth Addict its all good in the hood. maybe i was a little too hard on him this morning. But i wasn't assuming. He explained that his idea of enlightenment was via use of reason and logic. And its just not the case. He also views Truth as Leo's religion. And l i think a lot of you guys might feel that way deep down and its trapping you
  18. @Mikael89 its like a tingling feeling all thru your body but its not tingling exactly because it feels fuller
  19. @Mikael89 it's really hard to describe. But its Being.
  20. @Inliytened1 and the melting dissolving feeling is there in both experiences. Its bliss. Its still in me now. I refer to that feeling as Being.
  21. @Monkey-man thats a great question. Ive had different experiences. Some are like the one i had 45 min ago where it is a massive force and u don't want to surrender to it. Other times your just a non-dual state with the melting dissolving feeling and fully conscious of God as God.
  22. @David Hammond someone having another melt down? I know it sounds insane but its real.