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Everything posted by nowimhere

  1. Awesome will give that a go. I do have some back issues at the moment, so I may try sitting up in a recliner .
  2. Just watched @Leo Guras blog post on plugging. Dig the elastic band idea. One thing that has me curious, is "lay down on the couch or floor in the prone position" I assume this is so that you don't get leakage. But do you spend the entire trip in the prone position? And if not, at what point should you flip over? I think it would be hard to be in "bi lateral symetry" in the prone position. I think my last trip has finally given me the courage to try plugging.
  3. @Leo Gura - thanks for the insight. Trip #11 - Breakthrough #9 14mg sandwhiched in mullien leafs through a glass pipe Insights: New mantra was found. Sii Liy. Meaning : Seperation is illusion . Love is you. I found why I'm so horney all the time. Watch cam girls too much? Nah. It's all my infinite love wanting to express itself. Sii Liy. Sii Liy. Sii Liy.
  4. I always get this rush of fear before I do 5 MEO DMT. The fear doesn't even have any reason attached to it (what if this , what if that) its just a sensation. I think its partially due to the fact that the ego self knows that its about to be annihilated. Or maybe that's the entire reason. Any advise on how to deal with this sensation? I did see this : But one time with doing 5 my ego "held on" to a song I had stuck in my mind. And as a result, no breakthrough happened. So I'm not sure if this will work. Anyone have any insights on this?
  5. No sourcing allowed here. But check out the mega thread :: Lots of good info there.
  6. There is lots of studies on microdosing mushrooms, lsd and mdma. (Not all at the same time obviously lol)
  7. Beautiful. I have experienced a deep penetrating whiteness while on 5 MEO. A few times actually. Leaves you speachless and in pure bliss after "seeing" the face of god. (And being it, afterall) it most likely wasn't to the extent that you spoke about on your blog, but it was intense regardless
  8. @Leo Gura Infinite love awakening... Curious was that 5 MEO or DPT?
  9. I was told there are no stupid questions. This one feels like it may be interpreted as one of those, but I am being sincere here... Is self inquiry seperate from meditation? Or can you do self inquiry during meditation? If the goal of both self inquiry and meditation is to reach no self or source, then can you combine these two at the same time? In one of the self inquiry videos Leo put out, he proposed it as a guided meditation. (for him leading you through these self inquiry questions) But I always thought that in meditation the goal is no thought, so "thinking" about the source of who I am seems paridoxile to the goal, even though the end goal is the same. I'd appreciate any insights or feedback on this. Thanks !
  10. Just saw this on reddit. Includes "Recipe" >>
  11. @Inliytened1 Thanks man. In your opinion does self inquiry count as meditation?
  12. @Inliytened1 - That's the thing that confuses me lol. In my meditation I AM doing the do nothing (quite the paradox by itself) So what I'm confused about is, in "do nothing" your not supposed to DO anything... But I guess your saying that you can "sprinkle" self inquiry in there as well (during the actual "do nothing" meditation?)
  13. I'll have to try that I actually watched this video before you posted it lol. I also have that article in cue to read. Thanks for the tips ! Interesting. But thanks anyhow. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I've been checking out Sri Ramana's techniques as well. That dude seems like a beast.
  14. Definately meditate more. It will help to let go. As that's what you are doing when you meditate. It might also help to increase your dose by 1 or 2 mgs. This will over-ride the ego so hard that you won't even have time to mentally resist. But I would only suggest that as a last resort, as you will need to learn "the art of letting go" One thing that I have noticed the last number of trips, is fear building up.. Before I even take anything ! lol So How I've managed it is this; - Meditate on love prior to the trip - repeat a mantra right before you smoke. I say "What ever happens will happen, show me what I need to see" I just say that over and over and over until I feel close enough to baseline calm, then I smoke it.
  15. @Justincredible76 Half assing is pointless. You'll want to go all the way to infinity. Or else whats the point? In fact, "bordlerline" breakthroughs are incredibly hellish. Infinity (and beyond) on the otherhand... Is complete bliss. Also, this is not a newbie thing. I've been doing phycadelics on and off for almost 17 years. And only this year I did MEO. Read the entire MEGA thread for starters. Also look up Martin Ball. Get way wayyy more trips under your belt. High dose mushrooms, high dose ACID. You need to do a LOT of research before you do this stuff. And I agree with Leo, you should be at least 21.
  16. @lostmedstudent - No problem Here's another one for ya: Love costs all we are and will ever be. Yet it is only love which sets us free. A Brave and Startling Truth. Maya Angelou, A Brave and Startling Truth (1995)
  17. @lostmedstudent - "Let us accept love as the motive force in the expansion of consciousness. The heart will not be aflame without love; it will not be invincible, nor will it be self-sacrificing. So let us bring gratitude to every receptacle of love, for love lies on the border of the New World, where hatred and intolerance have been abolished. The path of love unfolds with the intensity of cosmic energy." - Agni Yoga, Heart, 243, (1932)
  18. @lostmedstudent - Give some of these a read ::
  19. Agreed ! - For example on "borderline" 5 MEO experiences, you will have to deal with very VERY heavy emoitional realms.
  20. @Galyna - @Leo Gura mentioned in "the dark side of meditation" that you can see demons , creatures, ghosts, ect. Same goes for DMT or high "heroic doses" of mushrooms and acid. As Leo explained in the latest video, this is all a result of the raising of your consciousness to meet / merge with imagination . So if you don't want that... Maybe try 5 MEO. That will kick your ass right into infinity and beyond. No scary creatures either (at least so far with my experience)
  21. "In the supreme, the witness appears. The witness creates the person. And thinks itself as separate from it." - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
  22. My guess (not confirmed) is that being so long ago, MEO was probably LESS known and researched than it is today. It only takes a few people to misuse something for gov to freak out and lay the ban hammer (besides other reasons) . Like up here in Canada Salvia was legal, then all of a sudden it wasn't. Again, likely due to misuse by a very small group of people. So before 7 years ago, I'd assume that that is when people died (by mixing with MAOI's for example) . But now we know a lot more about it. Doses, effects, and so on. So it is actually relatively MORE safe now than it was then. Simply due to knowledge.