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Everything posted by Violinpracticerdude

  1. What is your take on this video and Unspirituality in general? In one of his Replies to Comments videos a former member says his videos showed him out and that is a nihilistic cult. I enjoy the content on Unspirituality and I've seen that Leo says things that are simply not true, such as the "paranormal." What's your take on this video and what are your own rebuttals to my own views that the paranormal doesn't exist? Thank you.
  2. As I rationalist I see that most people on here aren't rationalists but many used to be. What caused you to feel that rationalist isn't correct?
  3. A great article from Unspirituality that demonstrates how people escape from reality with religious and spiritual beliefs. What is your take on the article? Whether or not you agree with his rationalist views it IS true that with religion and spirituality people escape from the horrors of reality and the horror of being conscious of this chaotic and violent existence.
  4. What's your take on materialism? I think that yes you can break things down to atoms but I mean if you're being chased by a bear you'll run away for your life. I'm kinda confused people saying that "nothing is real" and yet living like things are real. Also, the paranormal, what's your view on that? Personally I think that it's just people getting tricked by their own brains, I mean science has shown that the consciousness is created by the brain and none of those people with "powers" have ever proved it when put to the test. I think that those saying they have psychic powers are deluded ego-maniacs, the ego wants more.
  5. Actually I do practice playing it.
  6. As someone who practices the violin, that picture is neat!
  7. NEVER take a psychedelic or spiritual experience literally, or you WILL get into a LOT of trouble and you WILL regret it. Don't listen to the cult, think for yourself.
  8. "Inside of consciousness," what do you mean by that?
  9. It's pretty obvious I'm the one experiencing those experiences, a five-year-old can tell you that.
  10. I've followed rationality and it's told me that spiritual experiences ARE genuine FOR THE PERSON HAVING THEM. They tell you about yourself, but interpreting them as speaking of reality perverts and distorts the experiences.
  11. Most responses I get from people here are nondual jargon, yeah. But people HAVE left the Actualized Church of Leo the Gura thanks to Unspirituality's content. And yeah why don't these nondualists go and take the test? Wait they live like everyone else but like to talk to others about their repackaged form of "God". As you seem to have quite a few posts, I assume you once bought into Leo's nondual stuff? What snapped you out of it?
  12. Can you refer to me the Buddhist teachings that have been verified by quantum physics?
  13. I had left unfortunately because I had had to go somewhere. I do believe that Unspirituality has great content and Leo, while good-intentioned, is making some big mistakes. I appreciate our discussion.
  14. I've actually spoke with him through E-mail and while he never asked me to spread his stuff, I believe that Leo and the community are good-intentioned but mislead, and so I like to post his stuff here to wake you guys up and challenge your views. Note that I'm spreading his stuff because I think it's useful. I've thought about his stuff and I mostly agree with it. Although I'm certainly not spiritual at all it's interesting how he redefines spirituality from a natural perspective whereas Leo spouts nondual nonsense that's even dangerous, such as saying that psychedelic drugs "enlighten" you. For years I've wondered if there's a supernatural world but all "proofs" of it just fell flat and I've also noticed how New-Age spiritual people say nonsense about reality. His videos on New-Age spiritual whackos are interesting and he can really point out how people WANT to believe in crazy things. Whether you agree with his views or not, he's definitely right in that people are susceptible to crazy beliefs and even WANT to believe in things such as you're a soul in a body, even though science says otherwise. Is it not possible that Leo himself is spreading misinformation? Unspirituality could very well be malevolent and laughing at me getting him views, but so could Leo, although I believe that Leo has nothing but the best intentions. But even with noble intentions he seems to be misleading a lot of people, promoting pseudoscience and getting people to do drugs. Thanks for your reply.
  15. That's one example. Now, ask yourself, how many studies by REPUTABLE publications and sources, have claimed that consciousness is outside the brain? Sure on the Internet you'll have lots of people talk about how the current model is just "dogmatic materialism" but if that's so why not go and prove that consciousness isn't from the brain and win a Nobel Prize?
  16. You can believe that the paranormal exists, but that doesn't make it real. If it was real then why does scientific research say that consciousness is created in the brain?
  17. As to your "paranormal" experience, would it not be a simpler explanation to say that you've simply seen things? No amount of belief makes something true.
  18. I'm very open-minded and yet upon examining things I see that reality is gruesome and consciousness can be seen as more of a horror than a blessing. For years I've wondered if there is a paranormal but I've come upon the conclusion with critical thinking that it doesn't exist and humans are SUPER susceptible to hallucination and in fact even deliberately WANT to believe in things like an afterlife etc. because of the fear of death. I do consider myself to be at stage Orange in Spiral Dynamics but claiming that higher levels of it are "moving past materialism" is a misrepresentation of the model. I certainly love to question my worldview and yet the more I look at things the deeper my cynicism goes. It's pretty clear to me reality and the universe is not fluffy or caring whatsoever. Nature is actually anything but love and when you die, most likely that's just it. Who do I think people cling to supernatural views? Thousands of years of indoctrination, and the ego wanting more than what reality offers.
  19. Thanks for your reply! I do believe that we are all interconnected but an infinite consciousness is just a repackaged form of "God," once known as a fictional monster that people think will burn them forever if they don't fulfill it's sick desires and that plenty of people STILL believe in. Also, our interconnectedness isn't so fluffy; nature is a monster and we make each other suffer. The beauty of the interconnectedness of the universe is bittersweet as the erupting volcano burning away animals and humans going to war against each other for resources, are all interconnected. Actually, it's just sadomasochistic. Anyways, I do respect your view and also thank you for respecting mine! I challenge my own viewpoints and it's nice seeing others who challenge their own as well.
  20. Indeed language is limited but that doesn't mean that the universe is a conscious being, and if it is then it's a crazed lunatic monster.
  21. Energy in itself is not consciousness. Also, go tell people that "God" is just energy and consciousness to the people who worship the most unpleasant character in fiction. The New-Age stuff removes a lot of the Bronze-Age brutality of the terms, but they're just terms that people misinterpret as literal.
  22. Noone knows WHY the universe exists, but that doesn't mean it's a conscious being aware of conscious beings. That's literally just a repackaged form of "God".
  23. I don't see how he's strawmanning when the denial of reality in religious and spiritual belief systems IS chronic.
  24. Claiming that the universe is a result of intelligence sounds an awful lot like religion, and if the universe is conscious of itself then it's a demented monster.
  25. Are you seriously asserting that your organs are conscious?