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Everything posted by Violinpracticerdude

  1. I'm curious how can you confirm that everything happens for a reason? Beings with a consciousness were created by the unconscious universe, not a conscious force created the universe.
  2. Evil people I'm sure would LOVE someone who says that evil doesn't exist and that by acknowledging that evil exists that apparently makes you "evil" so they could have a lot of fun with them. Pacifism and blind love is foolish and feeds tyranny.
  3. So apparently acknowledging how much suffering occurs and how pointless it is makes you a devil?
  4. I'm curious how evil is just a made-up concept when if you watch the news for five minutes or look up human history you'll see otherwise.
  5. Yes, because it's my head, my brain, that creates the consciousness that experiences being human. When the brain shuts off there's no evidence that somehow the consciousness will continue when it's created in the brain and you don't even have free will.
  6. We are interconnected, but saying that you're literally EVERYTHING at once isn't true. I have my own consciousness, you have yours, and the billions of people around the world have their own as well. There's no evidence that Earth itself is conscious or the universe is. If the universe were conscious it'd be a monster. Look at how nature is a competition and how much suffering occurs in the universe every second.
  7. It could be very well in your head. in fact it probably is. Lots of people have similar experiences and interpret it through religious dogma. The human mind can create archetypes and "see" things although it's just in your head. It's amazing, really.
  8. We are all interconnected, but saying that I'm literally you and you're literally me is a fallacy. We are own consciousness having a conversation with each other, not a single consciousness looking throughout both of us.
  9. When you look within, you learn about yourself. However interpreting your experiences as revealing things about reality is a fallacy and that's how you get religion, which certainly doesn't have a nice history. But I do appreciate your reply, thank you.
  10. So, what are the tools to find out hypothetical aspects of reality?
  11. Can you explain the "materialist paradigm." Also, I find that the community's views on psychedelics is dangerous. I have nothing against responsible psychedelic use, but they are DANGEROUS substances and viewing them as making you "enlightened" is dangerous and cultish. Also, "Leo would shit on science." that sounds like a BAD thing, as it asserts that Leo apparently thinks he's above what science has discovered through peer-reviewed research. Can you elaborate on that?
  12. Here's his about page: He was actually on a spiritual path for 30 years before he had a "human awakening" that redefines spirituality from a natural perspective rather than a dualistic one of a material world and a spiritual one.
  13. Well, helping people is always fun and why don't you just on your time off go do it? You can make excuses not to but you can also help people, it's your own choice.
  14. Who are you saying is B.S, Unspirituality or Leo? Thanks.
  15. I seems that "no mind" is just a state of non-existence but you need a mind, you need thoughts.