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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. @OBEler there is overwhelming hystorical evidence of how the corrupt nazi regime influenced all aspects of personal life. And even without that evidence you can simply understand how if corrupt people are in power , rules and morality fly out the window "Lead a normal life and feel free to cancel if you don't want to do some dirty tasks"? Do you understand what politely declining a task from that corrupt regime means for your family , business and possessions? Why do you have so much faith in the good will of the members of a corrupt system not to abuse their power? Not actively participating, non compliance or God forbid, opposition , in an authoritarian corrupt regime means blackmail, torture , imprisoned or worse, of you and your loved ones. A corrupt regime uses propaganda, coercion and absolutely whatever dirty means to maintain "their order" and power What are you defending here? That Nazism was bad but not that bad? I don't understand If you have an interest perspective I'm open to hear it but this is getting more cringe by the hour, nothing personal. I'm sure you're have good takes on different topics
  2. How is 40£ expensive for someone living in London? I thought you have to be at least middle class to afford living there
  3. no, the Gestapo's surveillance meant that even if you didn't actively oppose the regime could still be perceived as threats, so being " apolitical " was dangerous. It's one of the most impacting aspects of Nazi movies imo. Not participating = oposing
  4. You clearly have a dust mite allergy. Ventilation is not enough. Wash all bedsheets and clothes at least once per week in super hot temperatures, get air purifiers, there are different pillow cases to starve them off, etc. Get tested and learn the protocols. These mofos are everywhere . They feed on our dead cells and their poop is everywhere around your house if the circumstances are right
  5. That is just factually incorrect... Where did you pull this information from? If you opposed the Nazi ideology you would get persecuted, discriminated , incarcerated, forced to emigrate or even sent to concentration camps. What makes you think Hitler's regime would go easy on you for clearly not being by his side?
  6. Just one of the few petitions that happened
  7. I was in a similar position to you in the very early days of twitch in 2013 . I was getting around 150 viewers per stream with a 360p quality . Some people that played with me at that time are now making big cash with twitch I focused on my studies instead, and I quit that later on anyways Yeah bad idea If you don't like it you can always quit later, and leverage whatever fame you have for better purposes. Or do you have something that you absolutely would rather be doing instead?
  8. That's actually pretty good. I copied your post , fed it to Chatgpt to create a version for Spain and it works!
  9. youre missing the obvious : any of them dropping dead from old age or health issues
  10. I randomly stumbled upon this claim under a chewing gum YT video and Chatgpt confirmed there is actually some evidence when I asked for actual studies: A study published in "Urology" in 2004, which explored the impact of peppermint tea on rats, revealing a decrease in testosterone levels with increasing mint dosage.Follow-up research by the same team, published in "Phytotherapy Research", observed testosterone levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and idiopathic hirsutism, finding decreased testosterone after spearmint tea consumption.Further investigation into the anti-androgenic properties of spearmint was documented in the "Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine", focusing on male fertility and sperm parameters in rats. This only points at the research. Look it up yourself I haven't checked but I don't think chewing gum or toothpaste contains actual mint anyways. I absolutely hate my breath not being fresh though
  11. Ok man "Mewing" can possibly make facial bone structures more aesthetic, but not mentioning the Genetic factor or even surgery of these celebs is just misleading, deluded and just selling a pipedream... Or an app in his case edit: I shared this video to highlight the top 1% of facial structure aesthetics. Perhaps not the most broad ammount of content on the topic though . Its obviousy genetics and not something that you're in control of really , as this man and other people telling you you can archive freak of nature results with normie genetics
  12. I didn't know I can brag about my non existent lay count 🙄
  13. Well there goes my nofap streak This is the equivalent of a rick roll but exploiting our curiosity for strange loops
  14. I've heard Europe passed a bill for all new phones to have a mandatory removable battery to allow for basic maintenance work and reduce electronic waste and elongate smartphone life use Not sure how accurate am I on this
  15. Which one specifically are you talking about? I've been using mostly xiaimi. Getting adds in system apps is ridiculous.
  16. anything wrong with holding a personal arbitrary screening system for looks, emotional maturity, lifestyle, character and compability?
  17. @Jason Actualization maybe, but no one knows what's really possible, and believing it's not possible is what actually kills the entire experiment in the first place It's not like it's a waste of time, it can be done anywhere, any time with minimal effort, and the posture benefits are clear. Once it becomes second nature, time will tell the results. Besides the "science" they laid out, I do understand that bones absolutely recycle themselves, through numerous cycles, in a span of 8 years, and also bone remodeling is a well researched natural biological phenomenon of bone breakdown and regeneration. Bones also can become denser with weightlifting. The conclusion is that bones are clearly not static. The question is how much will the vacuum pressure inside the mouth affect the aesthetics of the facial structure, but who cares anyways, I do it be because it's a nice habit stacker and posture reminder , that makes you feel you're working on yourself second by second, and it creates a positive upwards spiral of adding more positive habits Check out Wolff's law. It states that bone adapts its structure to the mechanical loads placed upon it. Pd: also creating a vacuum by sucking the air out of your mouth and " sucking the tongue to the roof of your mouth " is the proper posture for meditation as well. I always wondered what do I do with the jaw for minimal effort
  18. huh, didnt even know this is a thing
  19. Do you think water quality , probably contaminated with heavy metals and pesticides, affects the fruits? Watermelons are like 95% water, and same goes for other juicy fruits