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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. Oozing buddha bowl
  2. You are instructed not to follow the instructions
  3. My dad: complains about cramps at night Me: here, try this magnesium My dad : it says it hasn't been tested by the FDA! I don't trust this. My dad the same day: the FDA can't be trusted! It's a bunch of liars and government puppets
  4. If you want to know if your DMSA has expired, one factor is checking if your DMSA has that rotten egg sulfur smell. If It has lost the smell, its expired. I also happen to get stuck in a comically bad mood when it's poop time, and im back to normal after d*fecation. Sort of like a baby. I think its because of all the toxic sh*t I'm expelling ( pun not intended )
  5. Real men sip on ayahuasca kombucha throughout their day
  6. I've read your post twice but I'm not sure if I got the gist of It right. What you're saying is that lately sometimes you feel "empty", lonely , and things feel "pointless? Sounds to me a bit as if you're experiencing an exhaustion of the material aspect of life at a certain level, something like what hapens to rockstars after a year concerts and touring. Feel free to DM me if you'd like to elaborate further
  7. @integral how do you make out with that thing on your face? I elaborated on your idea:
  8. if it makes you feel better, i think about you every day. all day . ?
  9. Real men wear wooden shoes.
  10. Some shoes are better than others. I stand 8 hrs per day for a living. Ive had foot , hip , knee and back problems here and there for a very long time after long shifts. Sometimes very acute pain. Ive never tried the specific 5 finger shoes, but what I have done is transition over a period of 2 years and 12 pairs of shoes to the following : A wide toebox shoe rather than crammed-in tight shoes , like skater Vans shoes that I used to wear. They contribute to ingrown toenails and pressure points on your feet because of improper weight balance . Therefore posible PAIN. No heel aka "0 drop " , so that you dont hit the floor heel first in your stride, which is brings many problems ) AKA pain. Minimal to zero padding , so that you avoid crooked ankles because of worn out insoles contributing to a failure in your posture chain, causing possible pain in knees, hip and lower back. You also develop the muscles in your foot arch, which is suposed to amortiguate much of the impact of your stride. Calle It bro science but i didnt have my veins showing on my ankle before. They feel more healthy and look more shredded now. Call It new-age-bro-science but feeling the ground with my feet more makes me feel more grounded in a sense. You can feel the irregularities and little stones and sticks in the ground with your foot. It feels like removing your Life long foot gloves. After looking thought the whole market I just wear snorkel shoes. You can find stylish ones if you look hard enough. My last pair cost 8 € Edit: and yeah, my pain is pretty much gone. The soles of my feet still hurt somewhat after long shifts, but that's just natural after 8 hours of 70kg pressure on the soles of your feet. Edit 2 : look up chi walking in YT. Its walking 101
  11. I think the american race will just " evolve it " naturally ?? Mf's gonna have to mate with some armadillos or smth lol
  12. Americans and their first amendment.... GL with your gun regulation fantasies Imo AI will need to be used to block 3D printers from printing gun part, just like you cant print money or ask chatgpt for harmful instructions. Most likely it maybe imposible to stop someone from printing It, but its something. Lemme know what are your thoughts.
  13. Well this happened in Barcelona few years ago in the most crowded boulevard There is potential danger anywhere at any time really. That's life