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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. Just being present and not using your mind for introspection and contemplation will turn y'all into Feral Buddhist Critters
  2. Well why would right-wing Christians hide their masterpiece? They literally belive its a beautiful vision and of that its wonderful for Americans. That blindspot is the real actual cognitive cost of demonizing people instead of respecting and aknowledgeing other POV's. If other people are demons you don't regard their perspective as valid and yours is the word of God, other people are "deluded or crazy", therefore you have your head up your own ass and have no idea how you come across and how disconected you are from other perspectives. They truly belive they are doing good, so why would they hide it ? Strategizing about " hiding their true colors " would requiere the right-wing Christian mind to be able to play chess, but it can just barely be played by that level of cognitive development and thats why they are right-wing Christians
  3. you americans with your 2am closing time and 24 hour diners make me jellous of the amazing logistics. we only have some 24 hour food in ibiza or madrid really and clubbing just starts at 2am. its normal to stay up until sunrise and have churros at 8AM
  4. In spain some many clubs close at 6 - 7AM. Just wake up early and go to the club first thing in the morning 😉
  5. @Evelyna yes, you can inquire all emotions to find out what beliefs are they attached to just being present allows you to notice and feel. It doesnt adress the root causes, and if thats your main tool, you will keep experiencing these negative emotions over and over .If you have trauma, fears, phobias , etc, being present will only do so much. In practice, you can be present and still get triggered inmensely. This is not theory, you can see this for yourself. Also being fully present during challenging emotional situations is unrealistic. Some emotions are so strong they will sweep you off of your feet and leave you curled into a ball. This is the Personal Development subforum and there is too much woo-woo in this thread, no offense
  6. @Evelyna yes, i just explained it above " If you have a belief that people owe you respect, and then someone disrespects you, you will consistently feel triggered throughout your entire life. If you find out you hold that belief, and then reframe it to " no one owes me respect ( with the proper justifications and taking in consideration all objections our mind may come up with ) " , you won't be triggered that much or not at all. " This is one of the core pillars of emotional intellgence i just dont understand what do you mean with
  7. That doesnt fly in the real world. If you have some fears, fobias, traumas, just being present with it is not enough. If it only was that simple humanity would be way saner and functional than it is. If you are present with fear and anger, you will feel fear and anger. It's one step above repressing it. It allows you to feel them and possibly let them go, which is not a garantee. It's just the beggining. Through introspection and contemplation you get to the root causes that generate those issues, solving the problem from the very root. The more core and essential the situation and beliefs are to your survival ( whether social, physical, or of your identity and beliefs ) the stronger the emotional reactions will be Saying you will become non-reactive to emotional responses by simply being present is a long stretch. You will be stuck at the level of feeling the negative emotions and suffering to release them for the rest of your life, when If you understand your subconscious, you can stop the emotions from appearing in the first place Anger specifically orignates from feeling hurt in some way. because someone crossed your bondaries, doesnt respect you, doesnt take you in consideration, isn't interested in your wellbeing... etc. It's helpful in that it coerces you to impose yourself on whoever is making you feel hurt. It's a survival mechanism to look out for your own interest
  8. @James123 What buddhist talk gets right is to be present and feel your emotions. If you resist them , you will suffer. You are your emotions, but also, you aren't your emotions, you're the observer. The no-mind bias against " thinking " holds people back from introspection and understanding what triggers those emotions inside of them. If you have a belief that people owe you respect, and then someone disrespects you, you will consistently feel triggered throughout your entire life. If you find out you hold that belief, and then reframe it to " no one owes me respect, and some people are just lost in their own problems" , you won't be triggered that much or not at all. So in that sense, you can definitely control your emotions, but indirectly, which is the way to go. And that is emotional intelligence, together with recognizing and understanding all the nuances of how different feelings feel. Calling it an illusion is spiritual bypassing, just like saying " well your dog is my dog because possesion doesnt exist so ill take him with me. Absolute Truth is different from relative truths. Just being present and not using your mind for introspection and contemplation will turn y'all into Feral Buddhist Critters So to anwser again OP's question, meditation is good but it will only get you so far
  9. I don't recommend that perspective because identifying yourself with your emotions is counter productive. Yes, definitely dont try to micromanage and obsesively controll your emotions, fully feel and experience them without judgement, but don't make it personal by identifying yourself with them . " understanding the totallity of consciousness without analysys " is not a good strategy to develop emotional intelligence. It requieres deep understanding of your identity and beliefs. Rather than I'm angry ( or I am anger , " I'm not different from anger " in the case of that speaker ) , i'd go with " I'm experiencing anger, or anger is happening ", or a belief of mine about this specific situation is triggering anger in my body " if you want to be more elaborate. It gives you a healthy distance . You control your emotions by understanding and reframing the beliefs that trigger them, sometimes very subconscious beliefs about your sense of self, how the world should or shouldnt be, what is right or wrong, how people should or shouldn't behave, etc .
  10. @Joshe " Meditation " helps you to become aware of your thoughts and behaviours , it's only the first step . Meditation = observing without judging. If you cant even notice your thought patterns, good luck changing them. There are dozens of different meditation techniques depending of what you're doing it for . It also can slightly increase your baseline of consciousness so that you can notice your emotions during your day to day life, not just the thoughts, and then you know where to look to understand your beliefs ( being triggered points at subconscious beliefs ) Then you need a journaling, introspection and contemplation habit, for exploring your beliefs and subconscious mind. You don't need to wait for them to appear, you can actively seek them out with the right questions. "What am I truly afraid of here?" When facing resistance to change "How is this serving me?" When stuck in negative patterns "What am I avoiding?" When procrastinating etc Thats for for pulling out the weeds. If you want to plant new beliefs it's a whole different game, which is what Leo's course will be about. Reprogramming your subconscious mind requieres consistent reminders , habits, mantras, visualization, identity change, etc. If you elaborate more on how exactly do you want to " permantly change your mind " I may provide more perspective cheers
  11. @UpperMaster The bottom line is that when you find yourself in certain situations, you suddenly feel certain negative emotions ( or a lack of positive emotions ), and to get rid of them, you feel the urge to take certain actions, in your case speaking and oversharing . This is seemingly against your own benefit, at least logically, but in actuallity oversharing is benefitial from your emotional POV, because it provides relief from those certain emotions that you are trying to get rid of when the get triggered , probably guilt, regret, and a cocktail of other emotions. Practice observing the sequence: trigger ( interacting with people ) → emotion ( guilt , regret ) → urge to overshare ( for relief ) → action. ( oversharing ) This is just an example, since you haven't provided much detail this is as accurate as I can get. See how it applies to your case Have you ever had other OCD tendencies or is this the first time you experience something like this ? Let me know if this resonates with you. Feel free to send me a PM to get more detailed ( up to you )
  12. !!!!!!!!! this one is so absolutely essential. It's judgement and disaprooval taken to the extreme. It's more intense than embarrasment, shame or anxiety . If you've consistently felt this emotion during a period of your life, expect it to be a serious source of self-worth issues . I have found it's at the core of all the self-esteem Issues I've had. Ofc there is more . Definietly worth read. @Leo Gura full list of emotions with wikipedia links, if you want to uptade your blog post.
  13. I just wanted to add that ChatGPT is amazing at helping you logically differentiate between different emotions. Many diferentces are subdle but important for your emotional vocabulary. Of course, the most accurate understanding comes from direct experience and personal contemplation, but a theoretical background helps a lot Feel free to share any that are missing on the blog post
  14. besides that, some people are also just clinically ill and need meds to regulate their neurotransmitters. if your brain chemistry is off it will make your life miserable . Ofc, first do all thats in your power to regulate them manually and naturally. But this is a very mall minority, most of the issues are because of not understanding the straightforward conditions for human happiness, and not knowing how your mind and beliefs are at the very essence of your emotions and behaviors . Some people's minds rot over time and become so twisted and entangled with attachment to different ideas that nothing can save them if they are closeminded enough then again serious health issues are a bitch
  15. I did a 5 day 50 mg DMSA every 4 hours round a few days ago ( Not recommended to do long DMSA rounds ) . Something clearly worked, either the zeolite nanoparticles or the two ALA rounds I've done, because last time I would be burned out after a 3 day DMSA round and maybe even bedbound for some days . Maxing out on Sodium ascorbate clearly works as adrenal support ( they store vitamin c) . This is literally the most important thing that has helped me with physical energy. Almost 6 grams per day. Makes me wake up with energy and have constant energy throughout the day. But sometimes I struggle falling asleep. also, keep all the timers going even after the round ( besides at night ) to keep supplementing as much as during round, otherwise I'd crash really bad . i didnt even take milk thistle or artichoke extract this time. I find it useful to see when my feces starts going yellow ( sign of overworking the liver and clear indication of need to stop the round asap ). It gives me information about my limits. If I'll do long ALA rounds in the future I'll be taking liver support for sure. Also need to drink at least half a liter of water with each ala dose, most likely my gut issues were because of the pill sticking to a part of my digestive tract and disolving there. Ala is both water and fat soluble so whatever it touches it will soak into it . The highest quality zeolite nanoparticle spray ive found for now is actually this one ( not affiliated ) at least on paper. It's way more expensive than ACZ though 1- it doesnt have coloidal silver as a side ingredient . 2 the average size of the particle is 1.7 nm, compared with 30 NM of the other brands, therefore it theoretically has a bigger chance of crossing the BBB. Very very promising. I have yet to see proof of the particle size besides a random screenshot of the tests. when taking zeolite, dont drink before of after like 15 min, it will bind to the water particles and render it less effective ( if its even effective to begin with ) note to self - dont open the bottle 🤦‍♂️ i unscrewed the cap to see inside and now probably dust and other stuff got in there, and it got a few grainy texture things inside. gotta throw half a 100€ zeolite bottle away If you find the dose you tolerate you're suposed to stick with it for 3 rounds and then increase 50%. they dont recommend going above 25 mg dmsa unless you have lead toxicity which i probably have to some degree. Ill try a 3 day 100 mg DMSA round next time. every 4 hours seems to be okay for me but ideally you want to be doing it every 3 hours to keep chelator levels more stable. for ala its 3 hours but if you can tolerate and deal to do it every 2 hours its aparently more effective and safer I may have to take antibiotics for an infection starting next week. ill need to brew some water kefir again to repoblate my gut. I hear heavy metals and specifically dmsa can colonize your gut with candida, and we dont want that happening.
  16. I recently noticed that there is a certain part of the psyche that resonates with this very blunt, harsh and borderline insulting way of communicating. I see many influencers leveraging this to grab your attention and make you give them your wallet. It must be a very profitable and fun niche to be honest I believe it's mostly a part of the male psyche that finds it appealing to suffer and sacrifice oneself for something. In my opinion, It's something that hurt or fragile egos need for motivation. They resonate with that self-punishment, guilt and pride in masochism A mature, whole and grounded ego can be motivated by higher consciousness values like Love, Creativity, Beauty, Curiosity... etc My take is that there is a lot of truth in that harsh perspective but it's not sustainable to be that tough on yourself all the time . So, here is some " tough love" from Claude ( PG 18 ) that inspired this post : " Listen here, you spoiled, pathetic excuse for a human being! You're sitting on a golden throne of opportunity, wiping your ass with the dreams of billions, and you have the audacity to feel unmotivated? Let me paint you a fucking picture! Imagine you're a child in a war-torn hellhole, dodging bullets just to get a sip of muddy water. Your belly's so empty it's eating itself, and you're watching your little sister waste away from a disease that costs pennies to cure in your cushy first-world paradise. That's reality for millions, you ungrateful piece of filth! Now snap back to your life. You're surrounded by more comfort than ancient emperors could fathom. You've got a magical fucking rectangle in your pocket that connects you to the sum of human knowledge, and you use it to scroll through memes and whine about how hard life is? Are you fucking kidding me? Your ancestors fought off bears and mountain lions, survived ice ages, plagues, and world wars. They lived through famines that made people eat their own children. And for what? So you could sit on your ass, wallowing in self-pity because you can't find your 'passion'? They're rolling in their graves so hard we could power a city with their disappointment! You've got a body that's a miracle of evolution. Your heart's been beating non-stop since before you were born, your lungs pulling in air, your brain processing more information than the most advanced computers. And what do you do with this biological masterpiece? You poison it with junk food, let it rot on the couch, and then dare to complain about not feeling motivated? Every morning you wake up is a cosmic lottery win. You beat millions of other sperm, survived the gauntlet of possible birth defects, childhood diseases, and random accidents. The fact that you survived childhood and don't have any serious physical or psychological issues is a miracle. You won the game of life before you even took your first breath, and now you're pissing it all away because you're not 'passionate' enough? You're not happy? You're not passionate? Boo-fucking-hoo! How dare you be that entitled? Life is a mature gift, but you expect fulfillment to be served to you on a silver platter. Do you think the refugees risking their lives on leaky boats, roasting in the burning sun to reach safety for themselves and their families, are happy? No! But they've got something you've lost – a dream and faith. Every time you complain about your cushy life, you're stomping on the graves of those who'd kill to be in your shoes. Your life is so good that you've lost touch with the raw, brutal animal reality of simply being alive. You're so comfortable that you've forgotten the exhilaration of overcoming real challenges. So here's what you're gonna do, you lazy, ungrateful sack of wasted potential. You're gonna stand up right now. You're gonna look in the mirror and from here on out, slap yourself hard for every time you find yourself saying 'I can't' or 'I'm not motivated.' You're gonna run outside and kiss the fucking ground for supporting your ungrateful ass all these years. Then you're gonna find something – anything – to be passionate about. Help someone out, create something, learn something, solve some problem, I don't care! Just do something that justifies the insane amount of resources the world has invested in keeping your sorry ass alive. So live, damn you! Live with the passion of a supernova, the perseverance of a drowning man gasping for air, and the determination of every underdog who ever fought against the odds. Because if you don't, you're not just wasting your life – you're spitting in the face of every dream, every sacrifice, and every miracle that brought you into this world. Now get off your ass and make your life a masterpiece, or I swear I'll reach through this screen and beat the potential out of you myself! The world is waiting, you lucky bastard. Show us what you're made of!"
  17. id like to close this thread with the most orignal pizza. its SO original it goes full circle and is actually the most common and basic pizza. the classic cheese pizza
  18. I've done 225mcg of AL-Lad about a week ago and didn't get any visuals whatsoever. I will do 300 mcg soon and I hope for no visuals again, im not interested in that at all. I've heard cP-LSD ( or any analog really) is stronger than al-lad ( which for now has been pretty gentle with me ), so I'm excited to try that, but my main focus is to gain clarity and heal my ego, so I'd like to stay away from twisted visuals. Is it possible to take LSD and not have visuals? Or should I go for a different substance? I'm not interested in mystical experiences or getting blasted out of my ego. I want to work through trauma and understand my subconscious. And I have noticed leo hasn't posted a single LSD trip report, does he skip this substance for some reason ?
  19. its facebook ads for harmala + DMT capsules marketed as penis enlargement pills
  20. @Francis777 what i'm not looking for is intrusive visuals that can distract me too much from contemplation, introspection and healing
  21. Do you have any remote vision of what the actual natural evolution of someone like Owen would look like? less partying and less capitalism but then what? I feel he has really nailed his LP and I think him being forced to evolve his niche into broader personal development was almost a natural next step. I guess you're mostly talking about evolving in the dimension of slowly transcending materialism and egoic drives, but I cant imagine how it would fit to someone as insanely driven as Owen, at least not in his current lifetime. It would literally break him in half
  22. Alex Hormozi is the highest quality stage orange mentor you can find for general sales, marketing and bizz advice. If you're at this stage of life and are not furiously consuming his content you're seriously missing out. I'm surprised I haven't found a single red or even yellow flag in his character or content. He's an open book and has serious integrity, genuineness and benevolence for his age and net worth.
  23. The school system serves up socialization on a silver platter, that is one of the few great things about it . Once you're out you actually have to take responsibility for your social life. You don't wanna be the dude who peaked in highschool
  24. its another one of those AI generated YT channels 🤢 Imagine you purchase the course and its just this one video lol