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Everything posted by mmKay

  1. @Clarence Thats a good start. Let's put it on save for now. What are some statements about the situation that you find yourself in, that you would like to be true, and if they were true and you managed to embrace them, they would solve/ease your emotional issues? For example : It is absolutely okay to be selfish. I do not owe anything to anyone. It is not my job to save others from suffering. ( imagine what this would mean for your emotional wellbeing if you managed to embrace this as a truth - as a thought / emotional experiment ) Come up with personalized ones. Really take your time with this.
  2. @Butters think in terms of an entire new intelligent, higher consciousness species. But it's interesting to imagine what that would look like for humanity too. I think being able to live and strive without policing is the golden standard of what a species' society strives towards development wise in the very long term. Honestly I don't even think if we would be there in 40 generations ( 1000 years ) Neale donald walsch describes a society along these lines in his 4th Coversations with Good book, in case you have only read the trilogy
  3. Imagine a civilization so advanced that policing is not required. What would that look like ? 🤔
  4. Are you talking about life coaching , or life purpose coaching as in career guidance and the like?
  5. @Clarence there is a lot to unpack in that. Let's start with this What are some statements about life at large that you would like to be true, and if they were true, they would solve/ease your emotional issues? Answer in a moment, first understand the following Silly example: My dog sheds hairballs all around the house. This makes me angry at my dog. The beliefs causing my emotion reaction ( anger ) are: My dog is not supposed to shed hair. Dogs are not supposed to shed hair. My house should be clean of dog hair by default, I shouldn't have to clean hair because I own a dog. (It's a silly example compared with your situation, but this is literally how unconscious beliefs run our emotions.) Result : My beliefs about how reallity SHOULD be doesn't match HOW IT REALLY IS, causing a spectrum of negative emotional reactions in me. Solution: Embrace truth and how reallity actually is. Align your beliefs about how life should be with how it actually is Mentally reframe ( embrace , understand ) that dogs shed hair. And that if you own a dog you will have to clean dog hair. Find out WHAT beliefs are you unconsciously holding about your situation and life at large HOW are they inaccurate ( partially or absolutely) causing inaccurate perception of reallity, triggering negative emotions. And now answer the initial question for the proper mental reframe. I challenge you to find how the answers you come up with ( the ones that give you mental health emotional peace) are actually TRUTH , and many of your current beliefs are false and inaccurate perception. Suggestions : explore beliefs about : your age, accomplishments, your responsibility about others physical/mental wellbeing, living up to others expectation, the nature of being alive as finite creatures... Feel your intuition here. Warning : this may get you initially worse as you challenge many of your core beliefs about life and get lost in confusion before you ground yourself. Let us know how that works for you
  6. Being in a though situation sucks. Feeling bad about being in a though situation just adds salt to the wound. Learning how to cope/release/aliviate your emotions would be at least something. Maybe let's explore that. What exactly is causing you to feel guilt and shame?
  7. Ambush predator vs the average australian :
  8. That's recontextualization
  9. At this moment my imagination is like a 2.5/10. I hope it improves once I chelate. I barely can hold the image of an orange in my mind. I have to outsource that stuff into words I can read or Images i can see over and over. THats why I'm pretty hyped for AI video generation. It would be like having an external imagination for me . I'm not talking about AI p®n that's nasty. I mean for visualizing an inspiring life for example . Like a video vision board
  10. Very tought situation. I feel you. Soon enough I will find myself in a similar place, and so will many other sons and daughters. Empathy is a bitch sometimes. Some people have very little of it or don't have it altogether. I don't really envy them though. But what would that kind of life look like as a thought experiment? What would it look like for you not having the capacity of imaging the emotions of others? If I were you i'd get a full time job, sleep in my car and pay for caretaking. This would give a healthy distance and alone time away from the situation . Maybe do extensive research into any goverment help ( maybe you can get some paychecks ) Your situation could be seen in a very simplistic way as an issue of lack of money, not knowing how to release/deal/cope/ with your own emotions and not establishing boundaries / not communicating clearly. I may be totally wrong. I barely know your situation and this is just my personal opinion. Don't take this too seriously and follow your own judgement. Looking back at your life 30 years from now, tell us exactly how your situation folded out , how you feel about it, and what did you learn. Make it VERY DETAILED
  11. @Leo Gura i still remember that post of yours where you claim you made your girl c*m through text or phone call Are you talking about delivering/building with her an erotic- novel-like story ? Through words and mental imagination? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would appreciate some resources or blog post lol Rate your inner eye visualization skills from 0 ( ant) to 10 ( Tesla) Thoughts on Tantra? It's mostly a lot of breathing, learning to enjoy non s*xual sensations, and delaying orgasm. Also imagination but it's like Kriya, not really erotic. And lots of "spiritual bs" I like this exercise ( kinda made it up ) where you guide her breath with your words and make her imagine that the breath in / out is not air, but actually YOU penetrating her. Is that more along the lines of what you mean? Would look something like this (NSFW) but it's on YouTube . Ignore the woo woo commentary or description
  12. "Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary… that's what gets you" -Jeremy Clarkson
  13. This one happened to me recently Client comes in for coaching on issues trusting people. Cancels session because she doesn't trust me
  14. I wasted years of my youth " letting go " of my negative emotions about my sh*tty life instead of taking action. One of the many spiritual traps.
  15. I'll definitely choke out a member or two the day this forum releases on VR
  16. Numbers are only symbols. The map is not the territory . You can represent your entire country with a pencil. You can represent my mom with a fish. It doesn't mean that these things are that. It's just a representation You can simplify anything with anything else
  17. Im learning infinite ammounts of core business concepts from ChatGPT. You have to be clever to know what to ask
  18. Has it always been this way? When I was on my third day of water fast coffee had no effect on me anymore because of adrenal exhaustion ( it feels like a specific kind of fatigue) This is the specific supplement that is recommended by Andy Cutler for adrenal support and it works wonders on me, and even more so while chelating Thorne Adrenal Cortex Extract
  19. I find it hilarious that the new book leo mentioned about Amazon devilry is indeed available, on Amazon
  20. Starvation can make you feel blissful because your body releases chemicals to cope with the stress. Eventually your physical energy will be through the floor unless you increase your calories, protein and fat intake. Mentally you may feel more clear and focused. You may also be sleeping 4-5 hours per night and feel rested I did OMAD for a year and I ended up with a severe binge eating disorder because it's imposible to cram a days worth of calories in a single meal
  21. When I do chelation and take Alpha lipoic acid without food, I need to sip on sodium bicarbonate throughout the day to increase ( make more alkaline) my stomach PH or I can't really sleep. A single sip helps already . But that would be just bandaids for your wounds without addressing root causes. Have you changed anything at all In the last few months that could have caused this?