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Everything posted by SerpaeTetra

  1. If you have a very good chance to make a lot of money, you might want to stick with it. It could set you up financially for life and allow you to pursue your spiritual path much easier. Your might be able to help raise your fellow band members consciousness and use fame to help spread love in some fashion.
  2. Maybe save the bagel till later in the afternoon, those could weigh you down a bit. Lots of fruits, raw veggies, water in the am, then cooked food later on. The fruits will give you a longer lasting energy boost, although not as strong as the coffee.
  3. What is your breakfast like? Having two pieces of fruit, water, and nothing too heavy could give you some energy. Or some light exercise when you wake up. Otherwise, I don't see 8 oz. of coffee too harmful, and many studies say it can be healthy.
  4. Every time you do one of the negative behaviors, say "I choose to miss my mediation" or "i choose to eat McDonalds, instead of saying "I shouldn't have done____" ,after doing the behavior. It just adds to more guilt and confusion in your mind. Realize that its your nature to do certain things like this, but still work on the habit. I think working on one habit for at least a month or two makes more sense than adding many new habits.
  5. Isn't his minimum wage higher since he is older? Maybe that's the only reason why. Plus, maybe they can only pay one person the higher wage. It sucks, but just a part of the system-try not to take it personal. Many companies see people as objects, just let it be motivation for you to work for yourself as soon as possible. Also appreciate that you are 19 and not 52, working that position. He might not have had some of the same advantages you had early in life - so thats how the age based minimum wage helps balance that out just a bit.
  6. I googled what Is is, and all I got was ISIS
  7. Option 1 - get out of there/maybe help her find some stable living situation Option 2 - I would try to get her to see a therapist - once she goes, she might like it because she can talk about her supposed shitty life and someone will listen to her about it for an hour. It sounds like she is stubborn at this point, so you may have to trick her a bit. You might have to show her a lot of love-which will be hard since her response might not be great... maybe bribe her-this works on kids/older adults tremendously-although you rarely want to use it unless necessary... or tell her that you yourself need it too, and it can get you guys closer. Or even see a family therapist, and put the blame on you just to get her to go that first visit.
  8. Maybe he is trying to attract more new people he can help, so somewhat of the same message, with different keywords, while also building new ideas. Just speculating
  9. Yep, reminds me of the Jessie Smollett case. I was so mad at the people who questioned the validity of his story on the first couple days, when most believed him. Then couldn't believe he seemed to be lying, when it truth, I still have no clue. It was a good lesson.
  10. I recently went vegan (did a 2-3 month gradual shift) after eating like crap for my entire life. I thought I would miss pizza, beef sandwiches, etc., but I don't anymore. Lots of veggies and fruits, smoothies with almond milk, Oats, quinoa, couscous, lots of beans, brown rice, ... quality water, coffee-vegan creamer, tea, beet juice, light homemade lemonade... Snacks - pretzels, frozen fruit juice bars, quality tortilla chips with salsa, Multivitamin Lots of places to eat out at that have vegan options, just have to do research...
  11. Great video, thanks.
  12. Maybe arguing with the devils equates to doing tedious work, which he has done for a few years now. How long can one keep doing such work? He might be focusing his time on bigger things. There is plenty of the more foundational info on this site and his videos where he doesn't want to keep answering the same questions over and over.
  13. I like a cold shower in the early evening once in a while to help me finish the day strong.
  14. You are right, but getting to know that is barely possibly for many. So if they need to rely on the government, you shouldn't judge them.
  15. I'm just pointing out his judgements on other people. I have plenty of my own earned money and work for myself, so not out of spite. Maybe a bit bitter about him judging others.
  16. Well its obviously harder for some than it is for you. Life aint fair bro.
  17. Also, as technology is exponentially getting more advanced, more and more people will be getting their hands on weapons that are much destructive than guns. It's going to be a blood bath...
  18. That makes too much sense - and something the news channels will never put on the air unfortunately.
  19. Remember its just a plan. If he is voted in, he will probably have to settle somewhere in the middle to pass a bill. I think it will take a few more democratic presidents before private insurance is fully eliminated.
  20. So a person who gets in a car crash and loses their legs and eyesight can just say they don't have anything wrong with them and can possibly heal their body if they are at the highest level on consciousness. Ok, now I get what you are saying.
  21. So in the same way, any self-realized person doesn't have any physical illnesses since they are creating their own reality?
  22. That is an interesting perspective and I'll try to be open-minded about that. Does God have physical illnesses? Are you saying there are no illnesses at all?